When Jesus returns --- doesn't He separate the sheep from the goats - indicating only he knows anyone's heart condition and that nations who have not heard the "good News" will have a chance to acept or reject? and on that note - there is a rumor that the society is pulling missionaries out of some countries - could that be because they are in danger iof death from those who do not want prostelites in their country?
That is probably spelled wrong, but you get the drift.
Now I now the society says he returned in 1914-1918 but I cant go along with that premise... mainly because He says when he returns, only then will he give his FDS all his belongings and that has not happened yet, according to the Annual Meeting spiel in Oct 2012 and delivered by the holy ones - the GB members!
Will be interesting to see what spin is put on this if someone is thinking..otherwise, they will read the answer in the cited info.