If we weren't invited, this is the "bragging" information we missed last Saturday, Oct. 22, 2011, at the Zone Meeting with tie-in from Patterson, NY :
59 locations tied-in plus Spanish.
Anticipating 258,000 attendance from tickets given out
Gary Breaux, head of US Branch that consists of US, Hawaii, AK , Bermuda, Bahamas, Turks Islands, discussed the following:
1, 200,572 publishers with 2,563,518 at Memorial
1,759,864 peak attendance with memorial up 69,370
10,837 baptized in 2010
Many people contacting WT via website
129 RBC built 81 new KHs & did 488 remodels
2 new assembly halls: Aurora CO and Orangeburg, SC
45 assembly halls total now
2 month School for Christian Couples; 1000+ applied
4094 at US Bethel, 563 temporary volunteers
People at Bethel from 86 countries, oldest 99.6 years
75 members @ Bethel 50 years+; longest there 75.6 years
300 Volunteers at Wallkill:
3-story 300 room facility to be completed there by 2014, plus, parking garage and recreational facility.
Patterson expansion 4-5 story building to accommodate 400-500
250 acres in Warrick, NY will be World Headquarters
8 new buildings + auxiliary offices, services building
Lobby will have self-guided tour
4 residence buildings with 500 rooms
24,883,267 books printed
302,000 Bibles printed each month
10 US missionaries: Persian language. Tongon, Navajo, Hmong from SE China
Mong translators based in Sacramento near largest population, Bethel commuters
450 at Canadian Bethel. Branch member, Scheufelt, spoke to tied-in audience.
One and only printing press needed: prints 100 000 magazines per hour