During any elders school, was it ever mentioned that you would be Princes in the earth after armageddon? I know that in the past, this has been hinted at in the Wt but was wondering if this carrot was dangled, seeing that a lot of elders are now stepping down and out.. thanks
JoinedPosts by truthlover
To Any Elder- Princes In the Earth
by truthlover induring any elders school, was it ever mentioned that you would be princes in the earth after armageddon?
i know that in the past, this has been hinted at in the wt but was wondering if this carrot was dangled, seeing that a lot of elders are now stepping down and out.. thanks.
Elders and liability issues
by wannabefree inelder, have you contacted the society's legal department and asked if they would recommend you carry a personal liability insurance policy?.
it would be interesting to hear their response.
would they say yes, no, or that is for you to decide.. the society has been sued and has paid out big settlements.
With the advent of the new elders book, is this issue covered in that they are being told to get coverage??
It would seem that someone who is suing the society would also include their home congregation and the elders... would the congregation then be involved? Or could, if the lawsuit was won by the plaintiff, the hall be lost because of the win? If there is a win, could the elders lose their homes,etc?
Is the April 2011 Auxillary Pioneer 30 hours official ???
by RubaDub inwe were not at the meeting last weekend and just wondering if the "30 hour" rule for april 2011 pioneer hours was actually read to the congregations ???.
rub a dub.
It is official -- due to the memorial season, they want more out in service -- asking for 30-50 hours for the month of April in the letter-- they said this is the only month they will be giving this privledge
BOE LTR Dec 9, 2010 (copy/paste) DC listings removed from March 1st WT!!!
by yknot inchristian congregation of jehovah's witnesses'.
same meeting.
At our hall, they mentioned do not call other hotels -- because the hotel would not give the same rate for the DC hence , have to pay full room charge if not on the list..... we always stayed at any place we wanted, no matter what - most hotels/motels were so noisy with all the kids... we just travel home to the dc now and back .only 1 hour away, they never change the location and with all the bedbug reports - its a good thing to do
CO will sit in on my "study" this week: any suggestions?
by InterestedOne inin my "study" with jw's, we're in ch 7 of the "bible teach" book.
we did pars 17-20 last week.
this week, the co is in town, and my conductor is having him sit in.
simply ask why the anointed is going up - this year 11,202 -- no decrease even tho the articles in the past say there has been decreases
They are NOT replacements -- otherwise the numbers would stay the same and start to decrease as people died off..... we were led to always believe the numbers would get less and less as the end of the system got closer -well, they say its around the corner, but the anointed are getting larger in number, no smaller..
Much like Moshe' explanation
Why are witnesses being "Persecuted" in certain countries?
by finallyfree! infor the most part this "persecution" is confined to countries where political balance can change on the drop of a dime.
watchtower witnesses who go door to door will speak of their religious views which include not voting or supporting the political parties.
where the watchtower control a percentage of the population through their kingdom halls and they turn people off from voting they have in effect formed their own type of independant political organization.
You must be a young'un..
Try Forum18 on the web =this is an independent, objective factual reporting of religious world news --- you will see how all religions are being persecuted -no matter what their faith -- so the statement that we are being persecuted shows we are the right faith is WRONG -- Jesus meant Christians of allsorts, any who profess Jesus and worship of God --- I am a JW but in no way do I believe that just because the society says we are being persecuted for our faith, that those other faiths are not being persecuted for trying to do what they believe also -- even Muslims in some countries, Baptist, anglicans, Bahai's --- granted, the Muslims hold Mohammed as the highest prophet but believe in Jesus as well, as he is to come and destroy Satan --and some followers think Allah and Jehovah are the one God almighty..
Its just not Jw s who are in jail worldwide ------- and as far as Mexico goes, the society allowed them to buy cards and not be persecuted the same time as the brothers and sisters in Mozambique were being raped and murdered because they were told NOT to buy political cards...
Check it out.. keep your eyes open like the Boreans did, remember the lesson today.. prove prove
To those of Faith on here, a question.
by wobble inthose of you on here who are still believers in god or gods, do you feel that it is better to be like our dear shelby (aka a. guest) and others on here, and simply believe without reference to a religion or to a holy book ?.
or do you think we need to find a church and some holy writings ?.
the reason i ask is because i can accept and appreciate a pure faith position, belief without proof, apart from your personal experience, but i cannot see that any "religion" or church, or holy writings, has any claim to truth..
Benevolent - one side of a two sided coin I would say - biblical facts show God to be both kind,human,considerate, thoughtful and all the adjectives you want to throw in like kind, yet the other side is one of a person in charge who wants his will to be done, which, if done so, will benefit the Israelite nation, if not, they are left to their own desires and the consequences of such.. I was a sales manager and had many in my team and when I asked something to be done,I expected it to be done --if it wasn't, there were consequences that affected the whole team - missed quotas,deadlines, etc..that affected bonuses...and as we are "in God's Image" I can only think that God may have the same outlook,hence we are in the position we are in today ...
Is he personally interested? Being a person of hope and faith - I think he truly does care, I want him to care, he gave us his son, he promises us a "new heaven and new earth in which righteousness is to dwell" and I would really like to live under these circumstances, seeing my mate has died and I would like to think I will see the resurrection occur..
Seems everything he set in place went to hell in a handbasket and all we have is what we know now - I can only think everything will be better for us all in the future, whenever that may be
What is your take on it?
Curious Confused - Another One for you
by truthlover inthe new numbers for the annointed are out -- 11,202 - up again this year - is there any buzz as to why this is happening?.
with all the old guard gb gone now with bro barr's death - we should never be at this point in time -- does this concern you?.
YKnot and C/C:
sorry and your right -- it's just so nice to hear from someone who has not yet removed themselves --
No more questions
Sorry Curious Confused
just n from bethel why you curse me?
by JunkYardDog ini just spent about 45 minutes talking to this nice guy jw that became a jw about 10 years ago at the age 40. had a very interesting talk about wt history/ present truth.
the best part was what the wts lied to him about.
i get the feeling he will look up some of the stuff.
what the society does is wipe you mentally with ALL The material they want you to research, study, meditate on, listen faithfully and obey all info presented at the meetings -- its a sensory overload and people today are stessed and tired and because of that, and all their family and job responsibilities --do not think for themselves anymore - the point of least resistance get the society what they want -- tired obedience without any thinking faculties -- they let the society do what the org says priests do -- speak for the congregation when in fact, we all have the responsibility to work out our own salvation --I have mentioned the generation change and now the death of the last GB original member to several in the congregation and it goes over their head like I sneezed.... I can't put myself out there too much cause then I get the stare...
That guy may not look up anything if he is of the same mind set as most in the org..
Curious Confused - Another One for you
by truthlover inthe new numbers for the annointed are out -- 11,202 - up again this year - is there any buzz as to why this is happening?.
with all the old guard gb gone now with bro barr's death - we should never be at this point in time -- does this concern you?.
You must be off the site, but I am very curious as to how this sits with you