I look at this as us now being" aliens in a foreign land" mostly because we have entered into a strange place, we know some of the landmarks, but things have changed, its like a dark place where the light is coming brighter as we wake up and there are shadows everywhere where we used to be secure....we feel scared, unaware of what is going to happen to us as we leave the "security" we felt for years -- maybe over to the side, not really wanting to let go for fear we may be disapproved by God, by Jesus, by those who love us (maybe), we may think we have been mislead all our lives with Russell being associated with Millerites, with Masonry, wrong dates, wrong predictions, wrong interpretations of words, i.e. generation, other sheep, anointed, - Remember when Jehovah gave responsibility to one as a prophet - nothing was amiss.. It was all true - no changes EVER-- yet we chose to follow people who -on the face of it all- portended to be special, truthful, concerned, loving, until we found out differently,and never get it right!! Now Morris wants a kid to be baptized before he gets a drivers license!! -- blackmail!! Something we were told never to use with the kids. I guess you can tell I am no longer impressed ..they are only men, and if WT was to close tomorrow, I would feel relief... maybe somewhat lost, but relief cause I have been praying for Jehovah to start the cleansing work out of the "temple". At that point, I could only wait for whatever is coming for as we all know, death will come and if that is all, then let freedom reign til it happens (within reasons, that is, don't want to sound too nuts)