Want a real shocker?
I searched the word "organization"
Results: approximate
Bible . . . . . . . . 0
Watchtower . . . . . . 10,000
This is just the watchtower since 1950. Add in awake and all the other tons of literature and it would be a lot more!
i recently did a search of all wt publications on my 1995 wt cd-rom for these two scriptures.
which did you think had more hits?
1082 for matthew 24:45 vs. 723 for john 3:16. it just struck me funny how the wt puts way more emphasis on their "authority" scripture than they do the scripture that clearly should be the most important scripture of all for christians.
Want a real shocker?
I searched the word "organization"
Results: approximate
Bible . . . . . . . . 0
Watchtower . . . . . . 10,000
This is just the watchtower since 1950. Add in awake and all the other tons of literature and it would be a lot more!
opening the door.
in order to make the reasoning mechanism of a witness function, the facts you have must reach the mind.
if the wall cannot be penetrated, how do you reach the mind of the witness?.
Thank you for taking the time to write your book. I have a few questions.
How long have you studiued JW beliefs?
How long have you been trying to convert witnesses?
How many witnesses have you spoken with?
what has been your success rate?
also john 14:6::::::.
christ resurrection was told by christ that he would rase himself;and he would rise the way he died;and he also say that he was the truth,not the watchtower.and in john 20:28,thomas verfied who he was,christ the true living god.. and check out how the watchtower worked side by side with the un until the watchtower got caught.. revfrank
David Reed's book "Jehovah's Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse" contains an excellent response to the scriptures that you cited on the Trinity. I think that it is available from on Ebay. If you like I'll post his comments.
come courtesty of the philadelphia trumpet yesterday.. this stated in the improbability of evolution that` evolutions claim that chimpanzees are the closest living relatives to man, with a difference of 48 million nuceotides.. i understand that chimps only differ from humans by 54 nucleotides!.
(chimps and humans are supposed to have diverted 4/5 million years ago, so where have they got this twaddle from!
(i understand also that neanderthal man differed by approxiametly 25 nucleotides meaning mankind must be old).
I think I've read that the human genome contains 3 billion nucleotides. Assumung a 2-4% difference, between man and apes that makes a 60-120 million nucleotide difference. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Michael Dentons book "Evolution a Theory in Crisis" is excellent on the genetic differences between various kinds of creatures. Also the book "Creation Scientists Answer Their Critics" is also excellent. Both are available from www.icr.org
despite all the problems i have had with many people in the jehovah's witness's religion, i would not know the basic truths that i have learned if it were not for jehovah's witness's.. the hope that learned, i still have; though i no longer attend the meetings i miss the meetings, personal and family problems that really no one other than god him self can fully understand at that time so many years ago.. i know now that i have atemped in the past to haave the brothers and sisters to understand what i my self could not grasp about my problems that perplexed me beyond what i could deal with.. sense that time i have also learned that it really is jehovah that i should render my service to and no one else, it him i must fuloly rely on for aid compleatly not humans.. thanks, pepper
Who has sayings of everlasting life?
Jesus Christ.
The passage you quoted John 6:68 is talking about Jesus Christ. The disciples said that HE has the sayings of everlasting life. The passage is not talking about an "organization" but a person - Jesus Christ - who is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Jesus's truth never changes (Hebrews 13:8). Unlike the watchtower's "truth"
i've been researching this issue for myself - it's a doctrine i was still having problems understanding - is he or isn't he.... i came across a couple of interesting scriptures that i had not noticed before so thought i'd share them with ya'll:.
1) genesis 1:26 - then god said, "let us make man in our image..." i was taught as a jw that god was speaking to jesus (michael) here.
if that's true, and jesus/michael is an angel - that would mean that god created angels in his image also (since i refers to "image" as singular - it doesn't say images).
"Jesus, means Saviour, and we are carried forward from the mere word to the exalted official position, on account of which he can 'save to the uttermost all who come unto God by him.'His position is contrasted with that of men and angels, as he is Lord of both, having 'all power in heaven and earth.' Hence it is said, 'Let all the angels of God worship him'; [that must include Michael, the chief angel, hense Michael is not the Son of God] and the reason is, because he has 'by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they.'
Watchtower 11/1879, p. 4, reprints p. 48. brackets in original text.
i've been researching this issue for myself - it's a doctrine i was still having problems understanding - is he or isn't he.... i came across a couple of interesting scriptures that i had not noticed before so thought i'd share them with ya'll:.
1) genesis 1:26 - then god said, "let us make man in our image..." i was taught as a jw that god was speaking to jesus (michael) here.
if that's true, and jesus/michael is an angel - that would mean that god created angels in his image also (since i refers to "image" as singular - it doesn't say images).
RR, What about Russells teaching that Michael was an angel who worshipped Christ, hense Michael was NOT the son of God. Shouldn't Russell the FDS have known about this?
i've been researching this issue for myself - it's a doctrine i was still having problems understanding - is he or isn't he.... i came across a couple of interesting scriptures that i had not noticed before so thought i'd share them with ya'll:.
1) genesis 1:26 - then god said, "let us make man in our image..." i was taught as a jw that god was speaking to jesus (michael) here.
if that's true, and jesus/michael is an angel - that would mean that god created angels in his image also (since i refers to "image" as singular - it doesn't say images).
The scriptures that say that Jesus is God disporove the Watchtower claim that Jesus is an angel.
In addditon the scriptures show that Jesus is also still a man, which also disprove the Watchtower concept of him being an angel.
It was a "man" whom God raised from the dead (Acts 17:31).
The mediator "is" (present tense) a "man" (1 Timothy 2:5).
No angel can sit at God's right hand (Hebrews 1:13-14).
There is a "man" at God's right hand (Hebrews 10:12; Psalm 80:17).
The world to come is not subject to angels (Hebrews 2:5), but to "man" (Hebrews 2:6-8).
achristian believes those who think the bible teaches that the flood was global look foolish.
he wrote, .
i encourage all christians to investigate the possibility that the bible does not really teach that the whole earth was flooded at the time of noah.
pete wrote
"If he wanted to make the earth with the appearance of great age and then inspire the Bible to say it is only 6000 yrs old, He could.And it would be a test of faith. Their belief in the literalness of the Bible has necessitated a dishonest God.A God who misleads scientists into believing one thing when the opposite is demanded by Him for any chance to go to heaven."
I don't believe that a belief in the literalness of the Bible necessitates a dishonest God. I think that God has left ample evidence of the global flood.
Almost the entire earth is covered in layers of water laid sedimentary rock, just like a global flood would cause. As you drive on the interstate look at the hills that the highways cut through. You see layers of sedimentary rock laid down by water.
Many sedimentary layers stretch for hundreds of square miles. Also in places such as the Grand Canyon, supposedly "relatively young" geologic layers overlay conformally "much older" geologic systems with no evidence of "millions of years" of erosion inbetween. These so called para-conformities are very common. The physical evidence for long time periods inbetween is simply missing and must be taken on faith. There is no "appearance of age" in these systems.
The ratios of radioactive elements in a given rock can be determined quite accurately. However a certain ratio does not prove that a date calculated from it is accurate. We know that Mt. St. Helens errupted in 1980. Radioactive dating of ratios gave an "appearance of age" of eruption in the year 350,000 BC. But I trust in the 1980 date because it is historical.
achristian believes those who think the bible teaches that the flood was global look foolish.
he wrote, .
i encourage all christians to investigate the possibility that the bible does not really teach that the whole earth was flooded at the time of noah.
Thanks for your response pete,
"What I should expect to see is at least some of the "scientists" who feel there is proof of a global flood or young earth to be Agnostic or Atheists.Then I would not suspect their science to be tainted with preconcieved dogma."
You placed the word "scientists" in italics as if creationist geologists are not "legitimate" scientists. I personally have spoken with creationist geologists who had PHD's in geology. I consider someone who has a PHD in sedimentary geology to be a scientist. Please reserve the "italics" for people who do not have legitimate training in their field.
"What I should expect to see is at least some of the "scientists" who feel there is proof of a global flood or young earth to be Agnostic or Atheists.Then I would not suspect their science to be tainted with preconcieved dogma."
Agnostics and Athiests do themselves have strong preconceived dogmas. Athiests must accept organic evolution as the ONLY possible method of life's origin. This binds and forces them into believing in a long geological time scale. Much of the evidence for long historical ages has to do with the preconceived need to accomidate long organic evolutionary periods. While denying a one time global flood, many athiestic and agnostic scientists do indeed believe that sometimes large portions of sedimentary strata formed catastrophically. They are called "neo-catastrophists".
"After determining if those endorsing this position are truly aquainted with the facts.The next step is to ask the tough questions: What is lacking so that this position does not have wide acceptance in the scientific community?Facts or Faith?"
You make an excellent point here. But keep in mind that many in the scientific community accept organic macro-evolution as a pereconceived FACT. This binds them into accepting long geological ages as a FACT. This is due to virtually all educational institutions from elementary school, through high school, to universities teaching dogmatically that macro-evolution and long ages are a FACT. While at the same time having other scientific viewpoints censored out. What if all churches, and seminaries tought the same doctrine as the Watchtower "Gilead" seminary. Wouldn't then the majority of the clergy believe and teach Watchtower doctine? This would not however make Watchtower doctrine right. Just because the majority believes in a particular interpretation of data, it does not necessarilty prove them to be right.
"A serious problem with groups such as the CRS is their lack of philosphical diversity among it's members.As I said all members are hard core young earth creationists."
Have you checked the percentage of Athiests and Agnosics in the National Academy of Sciences? I believe it is above the 90th percentile!
"Yes I know they have their "facts" .My honest and careful search consistantly revealed a twisting of statistics,antiquated science,misquoting of authorities,faulty logic,demonizing of opponents,and appeals to emotion."
I too deplore any type of faulty argumentation. However I have seen many examples of it in anti-creationist publications such as repeated straw man arguments and personnal attacks. People on both sides of the issue need to make sure that they are not using faulty tactics.
"If I may recommend a couple excellant books by Michael Shermer:How We Believe, the search for God in an age of reason,and Why People Believe Weird Things. Both boks require an honest self evaluation of why we believe what we do.From there we gain some insight into the minds of others.It is worth the effort."
Thanks for the recommendations. I would recommend the book "Creation Scientists Answer Their Critics" It it available from ICR or possibly CRS. Other materials available answer the "appearance of age" issue.
Once again thank for posting a response.