You're the best SIMON!!!! I never imagined I'd get such balanced and fair treatment. A ray of love is radiating from my computer at this very moment.
Thanks again. (leaving now to rise from the dead and fulfill prophesy)
i need this forum.
i have time invested in my name "bring_the_light".
i have pm'd simon apologizing, agreeing to obey all rules, and requesting to have my account turned back on.
You're the best SIMON!!!! I never imagined I'd get such balanced and fair treatment. A ray of love is radiating from my computer at this very moment.
Thanks again. (leaving now to rise from the dead and fulfill prophesy)
so what is this "natural affection" thing?.
humans are supposed to have it.
there is some debate about whether animals have it or we are just projecting our frame of reference onto the animal.. i think some animals have it.
Who should I PM? I already PM'd the wise and fair moderator that disfellowshipped me.
i need this forum.
i have time invested in my name "bring_the_light".
i have pm'd simon apologizing, agreeing to obey all rules, and requesting to have my account turned back on.
So who's the "master mod" the "owner" the "man/woman behind the curtain" the "architect"?
I would kindly kiss their ass or render any favors they may wish in exchange for my freedom. I only want to expose the disgusting organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, my opinions about any other organizations I hereby promise to keep to myself. P
i need this forum.
i have time invested in my name "bring_the_light".
i have pm'd simon apologizing, agreeing to obey all rules, and requesting to have my account turned back on.
so what is this "natural affection" thing?.
humans are supposed to have it.
there is some debate about whether animals have it or we are just projecting our frame of reference onto the animal.. i think some animals have it.
Speaking of Natural Affection. I could use a little here:
Thank you.
i need this forum.
i have time invested in my name "bring_the_light".
i have pm'd simon apologizing, agreeing to obey all rules, and requesting to have my account turned back on.
I should have added, I don't have ANY desire to debate politics here. I'm here to debate JW's. I've already spent years on I've had my fill.
I won't debate politics from any perspective, ever again. I promise.
Please re-instate my account "Bring_the_Light"
i need this forum.
i have time invested in my name "bring_the_light".
i have pm'd simon apologizing, agreeing to obey all rules, and requesting to have my account turned back on.
I need this forum. I have time invested in my name "Bring_the_Light".
I have PM'd Simon apologizing, agreeing to obey all rules, and requesting to have my account turned back on.
1. Could all moderators please post in this thread so I know who you are? thank you
2. Please TELL me, before taking action against me. I don't have the slightest intent to break any rules. I just need to know what you want.
Thank you.
PLEASE re-instate the account for "Bring_the_Light".
Thank you again.