For the discussion of what is greater concerning the kingdom or Christ, I have one question. What is more important, knowing that someplace exists and wanting to go there, or actually knowing how to get there? Christ preached the kingdom, but he also said that there is only one way to get there; through Himself.
Also, back to the original topic. I grew up in a non-denominational 'religion' that followed, more or less, the grounds that Darby and his fellows gathered on. I too have seen divisions as occured in Darby's day. Each division was the cause of the proud actions of one individual who thought he knew better than everybody else. Witnessing that made me realize just how dead-on Jesus was when He urges us all to be meek and humble. For if we were all meek and humble (what do we have to be proud of anyway?) as He was, things would be so much better. The 'body' (church) of Christ would be so much more together and as 'one' that it would be astounding. I can't even imagine what it would be like. However, we know that Satan seeks to do all he can to hinder such interaction among such, for the fragments are not nearly as strong as the whole. However, it's ironic how God will use even Satan's 'successes' for glory. Just look at the scattering of the believers after Stephen was stoned and the blessing that followed. That being said, I know that it is His desire that we were all as one spreading His Word than as several thousand fragments spreading His Word.
Sorry, I digressed more than a little, but at times I tend to type out whatever my thoughts lead me to, and not necessarily what I had in mind.