Sat in on my wife's bible study tonight, next week the husband of her study sister is coming with her, he is actually the presiding overseer of the congregation.
Tried to get me to talk about trinity next week, but the topics will be either generation or Michael.
The sister pointed to the statement in Matthew on generation, I believe it was Matthew 24:14 and said that since Jesus was talking to his disciples, that equates to the anointed. I asked about the heavenly calling being reopened and she said that is not the case, she said that all that is going on is replacements for those of the remnant who have gone astray.
Tonight the discussion was on paradise earth, I had no idea she was going to be studying until I got home, so was not properly prepared, will get a list of the scriptures later, we played bible hopscotch and was never given the time to read in context.....
I believe we will not be 'studying' till next Wednesday, at least that is my intent, so I have some preparation time.
I also think I will be getting copies of the Revelation book (oh joy), Proclaimers and I forget the other, I guess I asked her way too many questions.
One thing I asked her is if paradise earth as a phrase appears in the bible, she flipped to the concordance took a look at a couple of places....I told her no rush, take your time and get me an answer.
I need to be able to get myself in the mindset to be able to ask questions without being overly aggressive, my wife has already let them know I enjoy and am good at at least if I am prepared, should not seem all that terribly bizzare, just can not come in with too large of a stack of apostate literature <grin>
Thanks again for all of your help on this, it has been great!!!
Would like to make the following weeks discussion Blood!!!