Now my words are not to lessen Jesus because he is wonderful he has saved us there is none above him accept God Jehovah, so in my book jesus is marvelous too he just isn't God, king yes, ruler yes mediator yes (why would God mediate himself or even need a mediator if he was Jesus?)
Reniaa, who could save us but God Himself? Nothing less than the sacrifice of perfection (See the command that the passover lamb be without spot or blemish) could atone for our pathetic selves. As many scriptures point out, and which you CANNOT refute, God alone is perfect.
Jesus could not just be a man who was perfect, for as is pointed out in Isaiah 64:6,
But we are all like an unclean thing,
And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags;
We all fade as a leaf,
And our iniquities, like the wind,
Have taken us away.
If Jesus was a man, he would not be able to be the sacrifice that was required to save us.
He therefore cannot be a man. Neither is He an angel (not that an angel could make the sacrifice that was required anyway). I don't feel like going through that particular explanation seeing as how several others have done so more than adequately and I see no need to reinvent the wheel.
Perhaps there is some 'middle' ground (not that I believe that there is) that I am unaware that would allow for Jesus to be that sacrifice to atone for our unrighteousness and still not be God. If there is, please enlighten me. I'm only too happy to learn more of Him.