JoinedPosts by Trying2understand
Another Look at The Watchtower Society
by Trying2understand in.
I'm being officially disfellowshipped today
by Newborn in12-12-2008. .
dear friends, .
care to celebrate with me?.
You are now free from the evil................. Seeing posts like this gives me hope for others that are still effected by this mind eating disease. I wish you the best on your new life. Happy Holidays to you!!!!!
Bush and the Bible just in on CNN news. Bushs bible talk stuns evangelicals
by Trying2understand ini thought that you would want to see this.
i can careless about him, but his opinion will be seen by many.
president bush said in a recent interview he doesn't take the bible literally.. if the link does not come up, you can go to to click on the direct link..
I thought that you would want to see this. I can careless about him, but his opinion will be seen by many
President Bush said in a recent interview he doesn't take the Bible literally. If the link does not come up, you can go to to click on the direct link.
by Trying2understand inof course that didnt happen either.
could you please read deut 18:20 aloud once, more?.
could you read deut 18:20 aloud again for me?.
All I can say is, my heart goes out to everyone that has been effected by the watchtower. My life has never been so upside down since a JW came into my life. I adore the person, just not the baggage that came along with him. The really sad part, he doesn't even realize all of the grief that he has caused my household. Unbelievable... I have never been so down. What a cruel religion. Thank God, my daughter seems to be doing much better. : ) I wanted to thank everyone for being there..
by Trying2understand inof course that didnt happen either.
could you please read deut 18:20 aloud once, more?.
could you read deut 18:20 aloud again for me?.
You might already be familiar with the info provided below, but I wanted to post it just in case. I don't know if these questions came from a book or if the person that posted them came up with them on their own. Hope everyone is having a great day....
Approach by dismantling the society, show it to be a false prophet.
Mention false prophets like Benny Hinn or Creflo Dollar.
Benny Hinn false prophecies
1. In the mid 90’s Benny stated that homosexuals would be consumed by fire in 1994. Since that didn’t happen that makes Hinn a false prophet. At this point have them read Deut 18:20 from their bible.
2. Also in the 90’s Benny stated that Castro would no longer be president of Cuba at the turn of the century. This failed to happen. Again have them read Deut 18:20 from their bible, ALOUD.
How do you feel about false prophets like Benny?
According to the word how many false prophecies does it take to become a false prophet?3. Did you know that Benny Hinn Stated in 2001 that Jesus would appear with him on the stage in Nigeria. Of course that didn’t happen either. I’m sure you agree that Benny is a false prophet.
Creflo Dollar
1. Predicted that Jesus would return between 2003 and 2005. According to the bible doesn't that make him a false prophet. Could you please read Deut 18:20 aloud once, more?
Do you know of any false prophets in the word that became a “true prophet”?Question
Isn’t the watchtower instructions that when one discovers a false prophets then ”the people should no longer trust them as safe guides”?Therefore we should avoid Benny Hinn and False prophets like him, right? Could you read Deut 18:20 ALOUD again for me?
Have you ever heard of Beth-Sarim in San Diego? If so you know it was built for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and other Old Testament “princes” who were supposed to show up in 1925. Since this prophecy didn’t come to past wouldn't this be a false prophecy? Read Deut 18:20 ALOUD [Watchtower Magazine, WM 10/15/1917 p6157; WM 4/1/1923 p106; WM 7/15/ 1924 p211]
What would be your opinion of an organization that taught the Great Pyramid of Egypt contained prophetic wisdom from God? They taught this as a standard for almost fifty years using the pyramid to make published predictions which did not come true.
Are you aware that it was the watchtower society who taught the Great Pyramid of Egypt contained prophetic wisdom for God? Your founder Charles Taze Ruzzel called the pyramid a bible in stone and they taught this for over fifty years. Did you know he used the pyramid to predict that Jesus would come in 1874 (which didn’t happen)? I also read that Charles Russel was buried beneath a massive pyramid shaped grave marker. I find that interesting don’t you? [Studies in Scripture SIS vol 4, Prophecy; Watchtower Magazine WM 5/15/1925 p148]
Why did the Watchtower Society switch its position under its new leader in 1928 Joseph Rutherford and called the pyramid “satan’s bible”. [WM 11/15/1928 p344]Question
How do you reconcile this with watchtowers claim to be a true prophet of God?Question
Why did early watchtower literature teach that the second coming of Christ occurred in 1874, while later literature from the watchtower taught that it happened in 1914? Do true prophets of God change their minds like this? [The Truth Shall Make You Free, TTS; Creation 1927 p289]. Read Deut 18:20-22 ALOUDQuestion
Why didn’t the overthrow of human governments and the full establishment of God’s Kingdom occur in 1914 as predicted by the watchtower society? (Don't let them confuse you with comments about WWI) Since that prophecy didn’t come to past doesn’t/t that mean that according to the bible (Deut 18:20) the society is a false prophet. [SIS vol 2 1888; SIS vol 3 1891; SIS vol 3 1913]Question
In 1975 the Watchtower society once again claimed that 6,000 years of human history would com to an end (it failed to happen in 1874) Since the watchtower society was wrong both times , that makes them twice a false prophet. [Awake 10/8/1966 p19; OKM Our Kingdom Ministry 6/1969 p3; OKM May 1974 p3]Since it didn’t end in 1975 culminating in Armageddon like the watchtower society proclaimed, do you really think that the watchtower society is a true prophet.
Since the society was wrong in 1874, 1914, 1925 and 1975, do you think that you should still trust the society as a “safe guide”. After all, your soul is on the line.
The seed of doubt has been planted. Your job is now complete and the remainder is between them and the Holy Spirit. The truths presented will prick their conscience and perhaps some will convert, but whatever the outcome you have been obedient to the great commission. You will have difficulty getting them to write down the articles to research because they are now in shock. Prepare them to be told that NO SUCH publications exist!! Then convince them to do the research "on their own" and they can locate and verify the publications for themselves. If they really want to remove the blindfold they will not stop when the elders misinform them.
This is a sidebar that usually is not necessary at this point.
Have them read Mat 24:29-30 in their bible.
Mt 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Mt 24:30 "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Did any of the above events happen in 1914? How about 1874?
Did the moon refuse to give its light during those years?
How about the stars? Did they fall from heaven?
Did all the tribes of earth mourn at that time? -
I am very sorry.. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Ten Aspects of Freedom from Organization
by Trying2understand ini found this doing research and wanted to pass it on.
: ) to the ones that found and to the ones that are on there way out, you(will) have so much to be thankful for... .
ten of the most wonderful things that have manifested with glorious freedom from the wt [a cult-organization]?
I found this doing research and wanted to pass it on. : ) To the ones that found and to the ones that are on there way out, you(will) have so much to be thankful for...
Ten of the most wonderful things that have manifested with glorious freedom from the WT [a cult-organization]? So many! How can they possibly be reduced to only ten? But I will try:
1) Freedom of religion. I can now read and discuss any perspectives about Pentecostalism, fundamentalism, Catholicism, progressive Christianity, gnosticism, kabbalism, and sufism (three of my faves), Buddhism, reincarnation, Hinduism,, agnosticism, and any other delicacy from the wide table of the spiritual smorgasbord of human spirituality. I have found God (Love) in many. I am now, after many years, a universalist, seeing the good and value in each faith, each culture, and each century. I can finally breathe free in a world thick with diversity. I no longer have to "convert" people, or avoid them due to religious prejudice or fears.
2) Personal freedom. I can now celebrate each day, finding the good in it, watching whatever movies I want, reading whatever books I want. I am no longer a "child," and no longer need seek the "permission" of a "mommy" called the "org." Elders treat members as if they were twelve years old; for example, they prohibit "adult" movies and limit members to "PG"-rated films.
3) Deeper Love because it is now unconditional. When loving family or friends, I can now love them as they are, complete with imperfections. All real Love is unconditional, not dependent on the many criteria which we used to use to decide, "May I love this person?"
4) We have stopped dividing the universe, and everything in it, into the "pro" and "anti" Jehovist characteristics. It is a much more pleasant planet when you are following Jesus' command, "Judge not." (Mt. 7:1)
5) More and much better friends, friendship now possible with anyone and everyone. The answer to the question, once asked of me by a jw, "Is he (she) a brother (sister)?" is always now YES! For everyone has now become my "brother" and "sister."
6) Meditation on a regular basis, internal prayer, and selfexamination have led to a greater integration between body and mind, removing many "psychosomatic" problems of hypochondria from which so many members suffer. Stress and tension have been diminished in major ways.
7) Since there are no regulations permitting certain sexual activities and prohibiting others, Lovelife (sexual life with my wife) has grown in sophistication; we have increased our communication, and thus, our shared joy.
8) Now I see God as Love (1 jn.4: 8, 16), and now, I worship Love. This is so much more liberating, with a breath-taking freedom that allows me to "worship" by every act of Love, whether loving my wife, my sister, or any other, even loving the four-footed creatures.
9) The org uses huge chunks of time. Every Tuesday and Thursday evenings were used up by meetings, as was Sunday. Other days were consumed in the field-service work. So, immense amounts of time have been liberated. Now, all that valuable time can be spent investing in friendships, neighbors, family. Or, it can be used to study the world, or to explore hobbies. Or, you can invest it in yourself. (I've a master's degree in psychology, and a b.a. in Spiritual Studies.) God has given us the great gift of time to invest in ourselves and others. Now, we have time to share tv shows together, which we could not as members of the org; now, we also have time to read together, another "luxury" denied by the org.
10) We can now feel free to become politically active-- an important part of our new lives. Really caring for human beings means that you must care for their real social needs. Love calls us, in compassion, to move away from the "neutrality" of the org, and to take a stand for political activism which can really help human beings. The notorious "political neutrality" of the org turns it into a "dead zone" in the community. We also used to believe that the most valuable use of money was always to send it to the org; now, we support numerous charities, giving real aid to the starving and poor of the world, fulfilling Jesus' command that we love "the least" of these "his brothers." For in loving them, we are truly loving Him, as He said.
There is a ton more of data that could be shared. Once the heart begins to blossom with the flowers of many freedoms, there is hardly an end to the sense of daily, hourly celebration. God as Love created us for this sense of continuous joy, for joy is a "fruit of the Spirit." (Ga 5:22). If you want, or need, more, we will be very happy to elaborate on these joys and freedoms. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom," said Paul (2 Cor. 3:17), and Jesus said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (Jn. 8:32) The "truth" of Love should never burden us, weighing us down, constricting and restricting. Jesus said, "My load is light and My burden easy." Supporting the org is hard, and continual, work; but following the Love of God in our hearts is, as promised, an "easy" path; every moment is more fulfilling and happy than the preceding one.:):) -
JWs say its impossible for "worldly people" to be happy
by shopaholic ini've had 3 different jws tell me this over the past few weeks.
basically their thinking is non-jws are not happy and when they appear to be its not real, its not a true happiness.
according to them, non-jws use drugs, alcohol and wild sex to make themselves happy.
This is a really good post.
I'm a non-Jehovah, a non practicing Agnostic to be exact that lives a very conservative lifestyle. I was raised with love and was taught to treat people the way that I want to be treated. I always try to think of the consequences before making a decision. It really does help. I don't drink(once in the blue moon, I will have a baileys) or drink. I also have been with the same man since I was 17, I am now 33. I constantly have people tell me what a wonderful job that I have done on my daughter. I even have a friend( It seems like we are attracted to these guys. LOL!) that is a disfellowshipped JWS(also an x elder) and he constantly tells me that I am such a good mom. I'm like see, you can be a wonderful person without having to be a part of a religion. I also have a friend that I have known since 3rd grade and she told me the other day that you are the only family that I know that really has it together out of all of my friends. Well, now, I don't feel like it's been that way because of a Jehovah's Witness..................................................... Reason listed below.
My household was pretty happy until my daughters Disfellowshipped JWS now x boyfriend started pulling his mental games. It hurt my daughter, along with myself and my husband. I always wanted my daughter to live a happy normal life. That changed after he started acting weird and I decided to break them up. I was amazed that he came back because I pretty much told him that he was in a cult and i will not go into the rest of the detail. I felt so bad because I didn't know a lot about this evil religion. He came back after a month and they went out for about 3 months and then he decided that he wanted to get reinstated and had to break up with her until he gets back in. Then he says I don't know if we will ever get back together because you and your mom don't believe in my religion. I surely don't, but my daughter was like I have to respect it because of you. He is now telling her that he loves her and misses her. Today he texted her and said that he wants to get back together. It is so fricken mental, that it isn't even funny. They love to play with the mind and keep you hanging. I am trying to tell her that the boy is messed up and needs to find out what HE really wants for himself before going and saying all of these things to her. There is so much to the story, but it would take forever to type. I have posts up from our lovely experience(NOT!!!) as well. I can tell you from experience, JWS can destroy a household and the sad part, it doesn't even faze them any. : ( I am mentally drained from all of this, so if some of this doesn't make any since, please forgive me. : )
Materialism: An Example
by WTWizard ini have just realized what crap material items the witlesses live with.
just now, i went through my place and marked the things that the witlesses stocked me up with at the time i moved in 1x years ago (more work, hounders, to figure out just when).
and i found plenty of crap.. first, the "furniture" was flimsy wicker.
You are moving on and want to get rid of all the evil by replacing it with something that makes you feel good. I believe you don't want to pass any of those bad memories onto someone else. If throwing these items away will help you heal faster in the long run, then throw them away. This is your way of dealing with what they have put you through.
Alot of times if you put the furniture out by the trash, people will pick it up. By this way you will never know where it went. It's just an idea.
I am so happy that you are going on with your life.
Thought I'd properly introduce myself
by JW Walking Away ini have been lurking on this site for nearly a year now and finally feel comfortable enough to begin posting.
so i thought a little introduction would be appropriate.
my whole family, except for my two sisters, are jw's.
Congratulations on your new life!!! Now you can start to live without having to deal with all of the guilt. I wish you and your family many years of happiness..