JoinedTopics Started by Trying2understand
Here is some Inspiration for everyone
by Trying2understand inagain, thank you again for always being here for my family and i. all of you are amazing individuals and don't ever let anyone tell you different.. i found this at it looks to be a very positive website to share and read about other peoples experiences.. t2us.
sometimes life is so confusing, and we cannot make sense of the details.
it seems to leave us with no choice, but to find conclusions in our own minds.
Are disfellowshipped Jw's that are still in/living a double life known for having multiple personalities?
by Trying2understand ini pretty much know the answer, but would like to hear other peoples opinions.. .
they can be so nice and then act so cold at times.
while been disfellowshipped they discovery that there is more to life and start to rebel.
Looking for an article(positive toward JW's) that someone posted about unevenly yoked about 5 months ago???
by Trying2understand init explained more about what unevenly yoked was about.
again, it proved the watchtower wrong.
i did a search on here, but could not find it.
The 7 Most Important Things You Could Possibly Learn About Life.. Right Now
by Trying2understand inthe raw, the heard to face facts of life: you were born to be happy, you were born a miracle and still are that miracle!
x. you can do anything you put your mind to .
2. when "bad" people don't like you... that's good!
Sin, Obedience and Thinking for Ourselves
by Trying2understand ini found this website to be very interesting.
it makes alot of sense.
i guess that i will be doing some research on what they have listed below.
Religion in the news. Oregon Couple Beat 9 of Their Children With Boards,
by Trying2understand inpipes and spoons.. .
it's very sad to see how weak some people can be when it it comes to religion.
salem, ore. the home of an oregon couple charged with abusing nine of their children looked like something out of a horror movie, the prosecution said during opening statements of the trial.. marion county prosecutor sarah morris told jurors that the children of graydon and robyn drown were beaten with 2-by-4 boards, metal and plastic pipes, spoons and whips.. the children, who range in age from infant to 16, hadn't seen dentists or doctors and didn't go to school, morris said.. the children were taken by state welfare authorities after the drowns were arrested june 19 at their rural home.
Another Look at The Watchtower Society
by Trying2understand in.
Bush and the Bible just in on CNN news. Bushs bible talk stuns evangelicals
by Trying2understand ini thought that you would want to see this.
i can careless about him, but his opinion will be seen by many.
president bush said in a recent interview he doesn't take the bible literally.. if the link does not come up, you can go to to click on the direct link..
by Trying2understand inof course that didnt happen either.
could you please read deut 18:20 aloud once, more?.
could you read deut 18:20 aloud again for me?.
Ten Aspects of Freedom from Organization
by Trying2understand ini found this doing research and wanted to pass it on.
: ) to the ones that found and to the ones that are on there way out, you(will) have so much to be thankful for... .
ten of the most wonderful things that have manifested with glorious freedom from the wt [a cult-organization]?