Note to Orbi: He's the cute guy above!LOL!
JoinedPosts by SuperApostateGirl
ok, its been bout 11 years, i think i want to start dating
by orbison11 inbut,,,,i dont come in contact with any men, lol.
my business (work) is female only and i dont go out,,,prob due to a lot of issues re dfing, etc.
any advice.
Convention Badges made by Apostate Printing, Inc
by donny inone of the guys who works for me has a wife who is a jw, but he is not.
his son-in-law also used to work for me until he got his license to sell real estate.
he serves as a minsterial servant in his congregation.
ok, its been bout 11 years, i think i want to start dating
by orbison11 inbut,,,,i dont come in contact with any men, lol.
my business (work) is female only and i dont go out,,,prob due to a lot of issues re dfing, etc.
any advice.
Ok heres the gameplan,listen carefully!
Join up for Yoga,you don't know how many times I 've heard men say they go there to meet women.
Join a slow pitch team,plenty of men.
Look in your local newspaper they often hold singles dances,this is common in Canada and I know where your from!
Get some gals together and go for a weekly wing night,it looks like your only there for the wings and not desperate,LOL!
Learn to play golf,you'll see why...lots of older rich men there,Ha,Ha!
Advertise on, on-line dating service your not looking for a long term relationship,they'll pile in ,in droves (you didn't say you were looking for a long term thing)
Join a Judo club,have you seen the men in there! Hot dog! It doesn't matter if your not co-ordinated someone will show you the moves,Tee,Hee!
Mail order husband - the kind that don't speak and put out,now we are talking ( although I'm talking to myself right now )
If none of the above works,I will set you up I know a dude in alberta!
Where To Go For 10th Wedding Anniversary?
by sweet pea inbesty and i will be celebrating our 10th anniversary in september of this year.
we would like to do a week or weekend somewhere special and as we currently reside in la, we are considering hawaii, mexico or a city like san francisco.
we will probably be taking the podlets along with us so they are a consideration too.
ok, its been bout 11 years, i think i want to start dating
by orbison11 inbut,,,,i dont come in contact with any men, lol.
my business (work) is female only and i dont go out,,,prob due to a lot of issues re dfing, etc.
any advice.
I got it,start advertising Manicures you'll get some hot metrosexual in there,I here its all the rage!
If that doesn't work go to the bar and get drunk,you'll break the no home run streak! LOL!
ok, its been bout 11 years, i think i want to start dating
by orbison11 inbut,,,,i dont come in contact with any men, lol.
my business (work) is female only and i dont go out,,,prob due to a lot of issues re dfing, etc.
any advice.
Help! My parents are addicted to this site!
by SuperApostateGirl inhey all,.
just thought i'd check out all the hoopla with this site.since i can't phone home without my parents being on here and talking to me at the same time.. anyone elses parents huge apostates?
i keep telling my mom my dad she write a book on jw's,all he needs are some good typing skills and he'd be off.. i am wondering if anyone knows about any support groups for addicted computer users?
Seizures or something else?
by snarf inlooking for someone who has had similar symptoms, or even knows anyone with symptoms and what it might be.
i have been having arm spasm on my right arm for over 3 months now.
they are not constant and seems to be worse in the sun and wind.
Ex-Nae my last comment that'll teach me for scanning your post,sorry! I missed the full body rigidity! Sounds like you need to read up on the different type of seizures .
I feel blonde,the cape doesn't make me feel better!
Seizures or something else?
by snarf inlooking for someone who has had similar symptoms, or even knows anyone with symptoms and what it might be.
i have been having arm spasm on my right arm for over 3 months now.
they are not constant and seems to be worse in the sun and wind.
I may actually be knowledgeable on this ,tee,hee.
Paramedic 10yrs and a Structural Integrationist(Fascial Therapist-Advanced Deep Tissue Bodywork), anywho definetly not seizures or a pinched nerve
if a CT scan can't find it.I'd say possibly adhesied fascial tissue,it'll cause the affected area to go tight and spasm.Look for your closest Rolfer or Hellerworker they are
both structural Integrators.Peace Out
Assembly news
by lancelink inthis afternoon i went out to lunch with a few witnesses who were talking and talking about what .
a great district assembly program there is going to be this year.
they have not gone yet, but people from their old congregation which is up in northern wisconsin .
I heard that it was to Urgently prepare your families for the Great Tribulation the end is near.Imagine that,I've been hearing that fairy Tale for years!
But I'm not really in the down-low with that info. but i did hear from my apostate parents who still talk to a few J Ho family members...