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JoinedPosts by jakmarx
Statistical evidence against WTS fulfillment of Mat24:14. Simple argument.
by Awakened at Gilead injehovahs witnesses are proud to point out that they are fulfilling the prophecy at matthew 24:14. jws are quick to point out that part of the purpose of the preaching work is so that jehovah can take note of how people respond to the witnessing, and thus can decide if they are worthy of survival or not.
last year, jws spent 1.4 billion hours in their preaching work.
so if we take: 6.6 billion people.
Statistical evidence against WTS fulfillment of Mat24:14. Simple argument.
by Awakened at Gilead injehovahs witnesses are proud to point out that they are fulfilling the prophecy at matthew 24:14. jws are quick to point out that part of the purpose of the preaching work is so that jehovah can take note of how people respond to the witnessing, and thus can decide if they are worthy of survival or not.
last year, jws spent 1.4 billion hours in their preaching work.
so if we take: 6.6 billion people.
I suppose from a hardline Jehovah's Witness point of view.
This thread highlights the "Dangers of independant thinking" and "false reasoning".
Isn't it reasonable to conclude these independenat thoughts conflift with the faithfull and discreet slave. Thus, we can see false reasoning has damaged our faith in the organization and in turn Jehovah.
As Jehovah's witnesses we might reasonable assume that Jehovah only draws those with the right heart condition. Isn't it reasonable to conclude that the creator of the universe will make what seems impossible, possible. We simple need to have patience that this things will be dealt with in time.
The evidence shows that in these increaingly troubled times we need to be wary of those who speak twisted reasonings who are simply uder the influence of Satan's system of things.
The Bible plainly says Jehovah is a god of love. Surely then this means he would never destroyed any rightous one's in Armageddon.
What must one do is flee from these disgusting things...
Which if you do have a strong faith.. i recomend that you do. Because once you start looking, its will be destroyed quicker than it was ever built up.
I never even looked at a shred of apostate material. I merely indulged in the danger of independant thinking. I was a Pioneer, I was in good standing. I am still am JW, but cannot leave out of FEAR of losing my family and freinds.
This forum is my "spiritual paradise" as its the only place I can express my feelings without my life being destroyed.
Thoughts for you lurkers and others to ponder on. -
Statistical evidence against WTS fulfillment of Mat24:14. Simple argument.
by Awakened at Gilead injehovahs witnesses are proud to point out that they are fulfilling the prophecy at matthew 24:14. jws are quick to point out that part of the purpose of the preaching work is so that jehovah can take note of how people respond to the witnessing, and thus can decide if they are worthy of survival or not.
last year, jws spent 1.4 billion hours in their preaching work.
so if we take: 6.6 billion people.
Erm mighty one... not sure what your talking about. Whos wasting a sisters time?
You figured all of this out and yet you still wanted to waste that sisters time. Yes, I said waste. You were a witness, you know what she would have to say and yet you still want to waste her time with your trivial ramblings.
To be honest no-one has had to do too much thinking to figure this out. what u mean?The other day, I saw an older sister with some tracts in hand. She was about to round a corner. So I stopped walking and waited for her to pass by, hoping that I could get witnessed to, so that Jehovah could judge me as approved for survival… But alas, the sister passed me by and didn’t even offer me a tract to save my life! My life was at stake…
where you referencing A@G whith that comment. Just confused because she never actually spoke to him or any other persons in this thread.
But you know what I catogorically agree. I feel it is important that one doesnt waste the time of the brothers & sisters.
Especially with so many people to witness to. In my defense, if I ever get witness too by accident I always let them know straight away that I am a baptised JW. I mean its the polite thing to do, non of that pretending to see there presentation business.
Now if a sister did speak to A&G, I cannot see this as waste of time from a JW point of view. As we have not been judged yet, nor can we judge our selves. Is it not the "spiritually weak" ones that people go out to speak to and discuss the bible.
Or is it a worry that ones belief's can be damaged so easily by a few words, while they are so hard to build up.
I think the important to realise from this is, these are not "trivial ramblings". They are sadly far from it. I think MJ's statement summerises this thread well...210,500 more people that die EACH DAY that Armageddon is delayed.
Statistical evidence against WTS fulfillment of Mat24:14. Simple argument.
by Awakened at Gilead injehovahs witnesses are proud to point out that they are fulfilling the prophecy at matthew 24:14. jws are quick to point out that part of the purpose of the preaching work is so that jehovah can take note of how people respond to the witnessing, and thus can decide if they are worthy of survival or not.
last year, jws spent 1.4 billion hours in their preaching work.
so if we take: 6.6 billion people.
Just hard to let go of the "truth" sometimes.
This information is good for opening my eyes....
Suppose it brings to mind "what is truth?" in this day and age. -
Statistical evidence against WTS fulfillment of Mat24:14. Simple argument.
by Awakened at Gilead injehovahs witnesses are proud to point out that they are fulfilling the prophecy at matthew 24:14. jws are quick to point out that part of the purpose of the preaching work is so that jehovah can take note of how people respond to the witnessing, and thus can decide if they are worthy of survival or not.
last year, jws spent 1.4 billion hours in their preaching work.
so if we take: 6.6 billion people.
“Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
Another chestnut that used frequently.
Ok.. lets talk about growth.
Using & as a quick reference.
I'm just comparing, with the information on
To busy to make anything, conclusive. I seriously doubt the that ministry is increasing, As much as the opulation growth.
While i'd never realistically expect the majority to become JW's. It does seem harsh that billions will apparently die because they are not JW's.
That aside it does seem that a large section human population does seem deathbound. I wouldnt want to be on the earth when it reaches a stupid level of population.
Maybe we will colonise other planets? maybe the creator will step in? or maybe the earth will simply become over populated resulting billions of deaths anyway? the fact is I dont know. Yet the numbers clearly show, that what Jehovah's Witnesses believe about the big A. Might not be true.
Anyway i dont want to go off topic.
Even if you are a baptised jehovah's witness, like myself. In theory i will be destroyed at armageddon. Even though i have a led a mostly moral lifestyle (secret of porn & masturbation). Plus i know quite a few who would also die in theory.
If it goes to the JW plan of things... humans will be an endagered species. -
Statistical evidence against WTS fulfillment of Mat24:14. Simple argument.
by Awakened at Gilead injehovahs witnesses are proud to point out that they are fulfilling the prophecy at matthew 24:14. jws are quick to point out that part of the purpose of the preaching work is so that jehovah can take note of how people respond to the witnessing, and thus can decide if they are worthy of survival or not.
last year, jws spent 1.4 billion hours in their preaching work.
so if we take: 6.6 billion people.
"When they persecute YOU in one city, flee to another; for truly I say to YOU, YOU will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives." (Matthew 10:23)
Thats where they get they not completing the preaching work from...
To be honest, as per usual the arguments are based on higher understand that don't seem to grasp. Probally some parralel prophecy with double inverted fullfillment. Kind of crazy to deduce from one line of scripture that the majority of the earth are likely to die.
The Airian race thing comes to mind...
Still though, the WTBS always say that "Everyone will know that Jehovahs name is Jehovah" & his name will be vindicated and so on. -
Statistical evidence against WTS fulfillment of Mat24:14. Simple argument.
by Awakened at Gilead injehovahs witnesses are proud to point out that they are fulfilling the prophecy at matthew 24:14. jws are quick to point out that part of the purpose of the preaching work is so that jehovah can take note of how people respond to the witnessing, and thus can decide if they are worthy of survival or not.
last year, jws spent 1.4 billion hours in their preaching work.
so if we take: 6.6 billion people.
I can see that if you could could concisely add up the numbers. This alone is enough, prove that the truth is not THE truth.
Funny thing is, in the hundreds of hours I counted on the ministry I can only count a couple of instances where I had a genuine conversation. Most where simply dealing with objections, talking at someone or placing litrature that would no doubt navigate itself swiftly to the bin.
Even those conversations where with people who insisted they had seen Jesus or some other insane comment.
Statistical evidence against WTS fulfillment of Mat24:14. Simple argument.
by Awakened at Gilead injehovahs witnesses are proud to point out that they are fulfilling the prophecy at matthew 24:14. jws are quick to point out that part of the purpose of the preaching work is so that jehovah can take note of how people respond to the witnessing, and thus can decide if they are worthy of survival or not.
last year, jws spent 1.4 billion hours in their preaching work.
so if we take: 6.6 billion people.
AlanV. Good point on the pairs, its glareingly overlooked. Yet it halfs the amount completley, Its fair to argue that people do sometimes go out alone. But this is like the last resort.. in the years of my ministry i only worked no more than 5 hours by myself. Its just plain deppressing. It really does highlight a massive gap in the amount of people that will die at armageddon.. without a witness. I mean unless they start mass media adverts that is lol
Ever wonder how seemingly smart people can be duped?
by fern indoes anyone ever wonder how their seemingly intelligent family members can be so totally taken in by this religion?
i look at my parents and just wonder how in the world do you fall for this jw crap?
neither of my parents are college educated but by no means are they stupid and have good judgement and sense when it comes to a lot of things, but not this religion.
Regardless of inteligence, I think people want to feel special. Which in this modern age is very difficult. When someone knocks on your door and starts telling your special and that your being drawn to learn.
Its a easy trap for anyone to fall in, yet it wears off. -
Statistical evidence against WTS fulfillment of Mat24:14. Simple argument.
by Awakened at Gilead injehovahs witnesses are proud to point out that they are fulfilling the prophecy at matthew 24:14. jws are quick to point out that part of the purpose of the preaching work is so that jehovah can take note of how people respond to the witnessing, and thus can decide if they are worthy of survival or not.
last year, jws spent 1.4 billion hours in their preaching work.
so if we take: 6.6 billion people.
when i was a pio skool work out how many "worldly" people i would have to talk to. I think it was in its thousands and that was just the uk! Remember being lectured on "being blood guilty" for nt ringing the bell loud enough etc etc. Worth considering how the "nicer" maps get done more. Somes peep may as u say never get a witness. But those on fave maps get barraged, in my old cong when it was going strong. All the easy maps would be done every2 weeks while the out of the way maps where a logistic nightmaire. The poor householders hated us! I nevdr undastand the hour counting ? Seems counter productive. Oh plus i reckon u can knock 25% of time for general loitering/ "pioneer walk/ upbuiling convo on the street corners that jw's get up,