Does anyone ever wonder how their seemingly intelligent family members can be so totally taken in by this religion? I look at my parents and just wonder how in the world do you fall for this JW crap? Neither of my parents are college educated but by no means are they stupid and have good judgement and sense when it comes to a lot of things, but not this religion. I can't help but feel a little ashamed of them.
Ever wonder how seemingly smart people can be duped?
by fern 32 Replies latest jw friends
ID Crisis
Asking this question is no different from JWs asking how seemingly intelligent people can remain part of 'Babylon the Great'. Well, actually, JWs just presume that everyone in 'Babylon the Great' is just plain stupid. You're at risk of assuming that JWs are stupid. It's not about stupidity v intelligence. If it was, what would happen to one's stupidy or intelligence as one shifted from one belief system to another? Would you always gain one and lose the other? No belief system has a monopoly on intelligence. It's not about intelligence or the lack of it.
I'm not saying they are stupid, in fact I specifically said they were NOT stupid. If you have critical thinking skills (which I presume my parents to have) I just don't understand being taken in by this religion. I do feel they prey upon people going through bad patches in their lives. People who want to belong and believe in something. I know a lot of very smart witnesses which makes it all the more baffling to me. Maybe I just answered my own question. This is just like therapy!!
cognizant dissident
i agree idcrisis. It is not about intelligence. There are some extremely intelligent jws and many ex jws on this board.
When people have strong beliefs there is often some sort of emotional "hook" or payoff that keeps people believeing despite rational data to the contrary. Beliefs are often tied to some deep seated psychological survival need or fear that supercedes logical thought.
ID Crisis
Fern, there's probably no need to be ashamed of your parents. They're likely to be doing a lot of thinking - using their critical thinking skills. It's just that the 'evidence' that is being presented to them is very convincing and probably answers a lot of questions they need answered ... It's a very convincing package. And not having a college degree and/or going through a difficult patch do not automatically make them more vulnerable. Happy people with university degrees can and do become witnesses. I don't have the answer to what happens - God only knows - but I suspect it has something to do with our need to work out some big issues about our very existence ... Don't be ashamed of them. And you can't stop them either ... What about you? How come you're not studying with them? I'm just assuming you're not ... ID
ID Crisis
But JWs pride themselves on being logical ...
ID Crisis
Hi Cog, that post about being logical was in response to your message ... ID
The Oracle
Very interesting topic.
My wife, who only very recently has had her awakening - keeps asking the same question in reference to family and friends that she views as "with it", "intelligent" people. She is baffled why they haven't come to the same conclusion.
She asks "don't they do research?", "wouldn't they know by now?". She is suspecting that these intelligent ones really know that it's not the truth but are only staying in because of the strong conditioning, and the social ties. I used to think that way too, but now I realize that there are many genuine intelligent people who just haven't had the light bulb turned on yet. They haven't come across that spark of real truth that allows them to think freely and critically when it comes to WT doctrine.
One can only hope that more sparks will fly in the coming weeks and months.
The Oracle
Smart or intelligent people often still have needs that their achievements in life have not fulfilled. As a JW I noticed that the not so bright people wanted to be led and the smart ones wanted to lead. It all worked out well.
They all enjoyed friendship and a hope for the future. All their questions about life and morality were answered and the neat little package called, ' the Kingdom Hope,' looked and felt like a gift.
Unfortunately as the layers of wrapper came off, many realised the parcel was empty!
ID Crisis,
I was a born in JW and never really ever remember believing. I wouldn't try and stop my parents...they've been in too long and they genuinely like it.