Thanks you guys!!
Happy holidays to you 2 Fokyc!!
So Snow god does exists. Thanks Outlaw!
...that he will calm the snowstorms over europe so that i can get to my family for christmas!!.
keep your fingers crossed for me please!.
Thanks you guys!!
Happy holidays to you 2 Fokyc!!
So Snow god does exists. Thanks Outlaw!
...that he will calm the snowstorms over europe so that i can get to my family for christmas!!.
keep your fingers crossed for me please!.
...that he will calm the snowstorms over Europe so that I can get to my family for Christmas!!
Keep your fingers crossed for me please!
now i'm free of glasses and lenses .
(i've had bad sight since i was 12).
the operation went so quick and didn't hurt at all just a bit sore after.
looks fab!
i'm not at all overweight but would like to lose 8 seems impossible!!!.
i think my problem is that i don't exercise enough.
however, i do walk or cycle to work every day.
I like your suggestion Think about it
however it's difficult when boyfriend lives 1600 kilometers away
finally, i get an answer.. that's a relief.. doctor hopes medication and diet will be sufficient.. i hope so, too.. syl.
Dearest friend, I didn't even know you were sick and I'm sorry abt that...
I hope you will feel much better soon now that you know what's wrong.
take care
i'm not at all overweight but would like to lose 8 seems impossible!!!.
i think my problem is that i don't exercise enough.
however, i do walk or cycle to work every day.
thanks everyone for your support and ideas
Outlaw, not sure abt that pic? hmmm
i got df'd in 2002, about 6-8 weeks after getting my dog.
for quite a while, with that initial severing of anything/anyone i'd ever known growing up, she wa the only thing i had.. since then, like many, i pulled myself up out of the muck the org leaves us in and built a life for myself.. yesterday i had to put my dog to sleep.
it was sudden, unexpected.
Thanks for sharing this. I'm sorry for your loss...
I feel grateful every day that I'm out.
I haven't, so far, had a special moment like may come though. I've only been out since 2008.
I look forward to celebrate Christmas for the 3rd time
Happy Holidays to you!
i stumbeled across this site after doing some research about earthquakes and "end times".
i've had a jw comming to my home for quite a while just stopping by, and she finally convinced me to agree to a "bible study".
i was intoxicated at the time i agreed and i figured it would be better to have a set time for her visits rather then her just showing up at random times.
Welcome! very interesting to reading your post and I'm glad you've already realised that this is a cult, before coming more involved.
I also agree that you should tell her that you don't want to study anymore. She has to respect that.
Good luck and please keep us updated.
i'm not at all overweight but would like to lose 8 seems impossible!!!.
i think my problem is that i don't exercise enough.
however, i do walk or cycle to work every day.
alan, well done! That's great!
I know, I will try (but after Christmas)
i'm not at all overweight but would like to lose 8 seems impossible!!!.
i think my problem is that i don't exercise enough.
however, i do walk or cycle to work every day.
I'm not at all overweight but would like to lose 8 seems impossible!!!
I think my problem is that I don't exercise enough. I don't like to! However, I do walk or cycle to work every day. I don't have a car.
I only drink water and I really mean ONLY and I eat a lot of salad and I'm really trying to cut down on candy and chocolate etc.
Just so frustrating. I want my jeans to fit perfect again!
any tips?