All relationships suck. Leave now and find yourself a good book.
I forgive you again (good for you I've been a good JW all my life - he he)
All relationships suck. Leave now and find yourself a good book.
I forgive you again (good for you I've been a good JW all my life - he he)
No hon, because it's been almost 8 years since I ended my marriage. I can finally listen to all that music without crying.
Yeah I did it!!! (the box that is)
Sorry to hear abt your grieve but happy you can finally move on a little. Guess you really know the meaning of a broken heart.
Thanks for calling me hon
Go out and find yourself someone close enough to keep you warm at night.
Believe me Elsewhere, I'm workin on it,,,
"Lots and lots of boos."
Coke for me in Coca Cola that is!!!!
(Don't like alcohol, not even a nice red Bourdeaux...I know...something is wrong with me okay!)
Undercover & others, pls help me
How do I copy text from previous posts so it comes in the white box in my reply??
Sorry I'm not the most techn person
You cannot coz life is sh*t.
Don't say that...positive thinking please mts!!
(but I know you're having a hard time right now so I forgive you...this time)
Thanks FHN
just realized I can listen to Al Green again, and a lot of other stuff I haven't been able to for almost 8 years.
(why couldn't you before? not allowed by WT?)
Long distance ones are tough...but look at it this way: if it doesn't last, better to know now before making an even bigger committment later and learning then it wasn't going to work.
True...I will however try to enjoy it as long as it lasts...who knows...
Al Green rules