This is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. The attendant overseer must have been an idiot, or you are exagerating. All I know is that it was never an instruction from the Society. I've been involved with Convention arrangements long enough to know that it wasn't.
JoinedPosts by humble
JW Pedophiles as early as 1970?
by Amazing inat my first district convention in oakland, ca at the raiders stadium, i was eager to help out in anyway i could.
3. when i was done with the quiet sign during the session, i went to the attendant dept.
the dept head said that i could walk the bathrooms during session walk the what?
Pedophile JC Analysis
by Amazing inthe title to this post sounds impressive, but i am not going to do to much here that is too technical, except to draw attention to the general scope of jw justice, and the shear battlefield of religious victims.
i will evaluate just the usa statistics.
many of my numbers are estimates, but i have reason to believe that they are generally representative of reality.. there are about 1,000,000 jws in the usa, in about 7,000 congregations.
You are right that "bad associations spoil useful habits." That is why the WTBTS has suggested that we don't frequent sites just like this one. Yes, I would get counseled if they knew I was here. I choose to post because the name of the forum is deceaving. It says that it is a "Forum for JW's". This is a false statement and that's how I came here in the first place. If I made it here, other Witnesses might be lurking around. I post for their purpose, so that along with all the accusations, some lies, some slanders, they can also read the view of a current witness.
back to basics
by cnn77 inas soeone raised in the truth my whole life i am struggling with a basic doctrinal issue.
the issue has to do with universal sovreignty and the ransom sacrifice.
let me try to illustrate by way of analogy:.
When we think about the ransom sacrifice, we tend to only think of how Jehovah gave his son as the sacrifice. We must also focus on Jesus and how he gave himself as a sacrifice. Jesus loved humanity because he was part of our creation. Jesus wanted to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty and also provide a hope for humanity. He did it by respecting Jehovah's just laws and showing Satan to be a lier and slanderer.
Your example is too simple to be compared to the ransom sacrifice. It wasn't just loud music that was involved, but millions of humans and angels that were watching the case develop. Imagine, the Bible says that one-third of the angels joined Satan. If Jehovah and Jesus did not respect their own laws (eye for an eye, life for a life, etc.), what could happen with the other two-thirds of the angels? As humans, we might not understand everything, but we must not doubt Jehovah and just dismiss the greatest gift he ever gave to us. That is, the hope of eternal life, forgiveness of sins, through ransom sacrifice of his son.
Pedophile JC Analysis
by Amazing inthe title to this post sounds impressive, but i am not going to do to much here that is too technical, except to draw attention to the general scope of jw justice, and the shear battlefield of religious victims.
i will evaluate just the usa statistics.
many of my numbers are estimates, but i have reason to believe that they are generally representative of reality.. there are about 1,000,000 jws in the usa, in about 7,000 congregations.
Excuse me for not answering sooner, I am just getting into work. I will try to reply to the different comments made.
AlanF: Jehovah has the power to influence your mind, make you think that you are leaving the organization, when really, he is cleansing you out. Good luck.
Billygoat: Don't lecture me on whether I should post here or not. Why should you lecture me? The opinions of Witnesess like imyself make this forum more appealing and it shows the other sides opinions to the debates that go on here.
ianao: Thank you for your encouragement. I have had a chance to have conversations with members of the GB and believe it or not, they do see things a similar way to myself. Sometimes, it takes time to make something right. The organization is now bigger than it ever way, and many bad things and bad people infiltrate it. The idea is to clean it up.
alamb: I don't have answer for your question. I don't know how Jehovah is overseeing your situation. I was reading the book of Job this week. In a way, he felt frustrated like yourself. He did not understand how Jehovah was handling his situation. All he knew was that he had to be faithful. In the end, Jehovah blessed him and will bless him greater after the resurrection. One thing is for sure, he does see your suffering, cries when you cry, and will soon give you the happiness you deserve.
You've made interesting points. I agree that Child Molestation is a sickness. It's not due to temporary weakness. Maybe Jehovah is steering things around, so that his organization takes care of this problem. I don't know. I due have faith in that Jehovah sees what's going on and will make the necessary adjustments. I try not to get ahead of him. I've enjoyed talking with you also.
Mommie Dark: Don't get so emotional. Maybe I should change my comment to say "Your post implied that..." By saying "filth and perversion exist among JW congs" you making a general statement and implying that it goes on in every congregation. That is not true. I understand that it happens in some. I understand that some elders have not taken care of the situation properly. Even if that's true, I still choose to have faith in Jehovah and leave it in his hands. I can't change everything that goes on in all congregations, I can only make sure it does not happen in my own congregation. Peace to you.
Pedophile JC Analysis
by Amazing inthe title to this post sounds impressive, but i am not going to do to much here that is too technical, except to draw attention to the general scope of jw justice, and the shear battlefield of religious victims.
i will evaluate just the usa statistics.
many of my numbers are estimates, but i have reason to believe that they are generally representative of reality.. there are about 1,000,000 jws in the usa, in about 7,000 congregations.
Nothing to worry about. I don't think that because a Witness is prosecuted for being a child molester brings reproach to Jehovah or his organization. If that molester was never disfellowshipped, that would bring reproach. I love reading Bible accounts on how Jesus viewed and treated children, I think we should all strive to copy that model.
Help to change the abuse laws in NY!
by Esmeralda ini was asked to pass this information on to everyone that i can.
a victim of sexual abuse in the state of ny and your abuser was never brought to justice, please.
consider contacting jean.. i am pasting her letter to me here as originally written.
I admire your work. More people should get involved in their own states. We want Witnesses to turn a child molester into the authorities. This is fine, but if we campaign to change the current laws to require that all organizations should turn in a molester, then that would be better.
Pedophile JC Analysis
by Amazing inthe title to this post sounds impressive, but i am not going to do to much here that is too technical, except to draw attention to the general scope of jw justice, and the shear battlefield of religious victims.
i will evaluate just the usa statistics.
many of my numbers are estimates, but i have reason to believe that they are generally representative of reality.. there are about 1,000,000 jws in the usa, in about 7,000 congregations.
You are right about the child molesters. They should be turned into the authorities. That is why I mentioned the one case I was involved in, with the child molestor. I called the Legal Dept. and they told me to turn him in, according to Texas law. We did that. I wanted to beat the hell out of that guy, but we can't all act like animals. I think in a small way, justice was made.
I agree that we must protect the children in the congregations. Being in the spanish congregation, we have many young ones. I see each one as my child and I would do whatever it takes to protect my children.
In the other hand, let me throw out a question to debate: Can a child molester ever be reformed?
Yes, I consider the organization precious because I believe it has Jehovah's approval. The members are imperfect. Are there any changes needed? of course, that's why we wait on the new system. Is it better that being out in the world. I believe so. I would have never known many bible truths if it wasnt for Jehovah's witnesses. That's my personal opinion.
Pedophile JC Analysis
by Amazing inthe title to this post sounds impressive, but i am not going to do to much here that is too technical, except to draw attention to the general scope of jw justice, and the shear battlefield of religious victims.
i will evaluate just the usa statistics.
many of my numbers are estimates, but i have reason to believe that they are generally representative of reality.. there are about 1,000,000 jws in the usa, in about 7,000 congregations.
Amazing: I have to admit that I like the way you express yourself. You have a gift as a writer. I understand your point of view. Of course, I don't agree with you in the matter of leaving the organization, but then we all have the right to make choices. As an elder, I will not leave Jehovah's sheep alone. I will always try to give them the help they ask for. Yes, in all 7 congregations I served as the presiding overseer, in Nicaragua as a missionary. I have to agree to a certain point that many Witnesses try to follow the Society word for word. I don't think that is right, the information is there for our guidance and counsel, but in many areas we have to make our own choices. In regards to elders, it is true that many of them are screw ups. The Society gives them information and counsels them about being loving, understanding and helping the sheep, but many elders do not listen. That, is in Jehovah's hands.
Thank you for the post. You make some logical statements. By the comment "Jehovah permits things to happen" I mean that Jehovah would like to act in our favor right now, but at the same time he has to deal with Satan and his accusations. Jehovah waits, is he sad, yes he is. He has feelings like us. That's why Genesis says that we were crated in his image. One thing is for sure, he will act and soon. All those that abuse children will get what they deserve. If there are elders that hid them or covered for them, then they will get what they deserve. Jehovah is the God of Justice.
ianao: You have a right to your own opinion, but don't judge me for having my own.
Pedophile JC Analysis
by Amazing inthe title to this post sounds impressive, but i am not going to do to much here that is too technical, except to draw attention to the general scope of jw justice, and the shear battlefield of religious victims.
i will evaluate just the usa statistics.
many of my numbers are estimates, but i have reason to believe that they are generally representative of reality.. there are about 1,000,000 jws in the usa, in about 7,000 congregations.
AlanF: Your insults shows proof of why Jehovah cleansed the organization of you.
MommieDark: You are accusing all Witnesses of being perverts. That is just silly and in the Bible it's called slander. I only stated the facts about the congregations that I served in.
Dedalus: Gal. 6:7.
bjc2012: Jehovah does permit certain things in his organization. He did in Job's case, also he permitted Judas to go on stealing from Jesus' funds. I agree with all of you that child abuse is horrible and they should hang all those that practice it. At the same time I realize that jehovah is in control of the situation and whether there is a child abuser outside the organization or inside, he is dead meat. Jehovah's Witnesses try to handle the matters according to Jehovah's laws and Caesars (government laws). Have elders screwed up when taking care of these people? Sure. But it does not prove that every Witness including myself and my family are perverts and child molesters.
SixofNine: Maybe your right that the spanish congregations are in better shape. I have no reason for lying, those are the facts about the congregations I attended. I know that it is only 7 of them, but my point was to show that not all congregations have the problems that most of the posters on this board describe. Maybe the question is: is Jehovah's spirit in all congregations? Personally, I don't think so.
Pedophile JC Analysis
by Amazing inthe title to this post sounds impressive, but i am not going to do to much here that is too technical, except to draw attention to the general scope of jw justice, and the shear battlefield of religious victims.
i will evaluate just the usa statistics.
many of my numbers are estimates, but i have reason to believe that they are generally representative of reality.. there are about 1,000,000 jws in the usa, in about 7,000 congregations.
Here are some numbers from my past experiences.
Through out the years I have served in 7 different spanish congregations. Here we go:
Congregation #1 (In Oklahoma)
125 publishers, 3 judicial cases in 4 years, 0 disfelloshipped, 2 eldersCongregation #2 (In Texas)
65 publishers, 0 judicial cases in 2 1/2 years, 2 eldersCongregation #3 (In Nicaragua, Central America)
155 publishers, 6 judicial cases in 2 years, 1 disfellowshipped, 3 eldersCongregation #4 (In Nicaragua, Central America)
85 publishers, 2 judicial cases in 1 year, 2 disfellowshipped, 1 elderCongregation #5 (In Texas)
90 publishers, 4 judicial cases in 3 years, 0 disfellowshipped, 4 eldersCongregation #6 (In Texas)
95 publishers, 3 judicial cases in 4 years, 2 disfellowshipped, 4 elders, 1 judicial case was of a child abuse, but following Legal Dept. guidelines, the person was turned into the authorities and he is now serving 99 year sentence.Congregation #7 (current congregation in Texas that I serve in)
160 publishers, 0 judicial cases in the last 2 years, 5 elders.The injustices that you describe all happened around you, so you might be the problem. They don't happen in all congregations. I've enjoyed service in all the congregation and have always served Jehovah wholeheartedly. Jehovah permits certain things in congregations in order to see what we're all made of.