The teachings and after reading all their old publications, really seeing that this was a group that was clueless
JoinedPosts by excito-are
What Actually Made You Leave The Organization?
by minimus inmany of us needed time to get away from this religion.
i took the course of fading and it's worked pretty well for me.
after i saw sooooo many silly rules being enforced, i needed to get out!.
who believes in reincarnation ? my 7 year old told me " mummy did you know that we have all been here before but we just forget "!
by looloo ini asked her who told her that as i knew the school would not have covered that subject , she replied " nobody told me , i just know it "!
i have heard that children have a better memory of that kind of thing but i was still amazed !.
@Prodigal son - am I reading this right, that you believe that sins are punished with disabilties in your next life. Therefore little kids who are blind or have horrible diseases or disabilites have been bad in a previous life? :s
who believes in reincarnation ? my 7 year old told me " mummy did you know that we have all been here before but we just forget "!
by looloo ini asked her who told her that as i knew the school would not have covered that subject , she replied " nobody told me , i just know it "!
i have heard that children have a better memory of that kind of thing but i was still amazed !.
How come the world's population keeps dramatically increasing then? Should it not stay the same?
Why would a 1st Century nobody want to believe a Jesus story?
by Terry infirst century.. rome.
galilee.. low tech world.. roman armies marching always into battles.. sons and fathers conscripted to fight and die.. taxes.. morning to sundown scraping out a meager living.. .
One of the most wealthy, powerful, well looked after countries in the world today have people flocking to Christ. 100 million Fundamentalists and growing in the USA. Poverty and illteracy are really not the reasons people flock to Religion.
Questions to ask yourself about Jehovahs Witnesses
by sabastious inquestions to ask yourself about jehovahs witnesses.
why are the watchtower society leaders kept behind a curtain?
why cant the average witness name their leaders?
For the JW who is happy with his faith and has verry little education, the questions above are easily answered and pose no problem whatsoever. Sadly that is the majority of JW
Resurrection of Lazarus only mentioned by John, not others, why?
by VM44 inwhy is it that the story of the resurrection of lazarus of bethany only is mentioned in the book of john and not in the other three gospel accounts of the life of jesus?.
the resurrection of lazarus was a major event in the life of jesus, but three writers failed to mention it, why?.
The authors of the gospels all used sources, for instance the sources of Q, the non-markan material was used by Matthew and Luke. However, John used other sources which am sorry, but cant quite remember. But I do recall it was to make the point he was a miracle worker and that his works were more powerful than Elijah and Elisha thus showing him to be superior to the OT prophets. The many stories of Jesus in the NT is to show him more powerful than the prophets of old. For instance, his cures of leprosy have close parallels with the stories of Moses and Elijah. Jesus feeds more people than Elisha. Moses divides the water for the jews to cross over, while Jesus can WALK over water. The story of turning water into wine is infact a Sidionian cult legend, but retold to show his superiority over Moses.
The resurrection of Laz and others ( or the waking of someone from a hysterical coma ) are rare in storytelling of the time despite all the wonderful claims being made. Though a man called Apollonius is credited with raising the dead in the same time period. The two views of Jesus life while he was alive is Jesus the son of God and Jesus the magician. Its just a shame that the evidence and reports for the latter claim were mostly destroyed after Christianity become the Religion of Rome. Hope that answers you question a little.
What Stupid Things Were You Counseled For?
by minimus ini've always been told that i have a very good personality, that i'm humorous, etc.. one elder called me over and said that i was "smiling too much".
the other elders talked to the elder who counseled me and he came back to say that i should be like i was .
For anyone that does not know me, I was joking!
I was at the back of the hall. :)
Is this for real?
by AK - Jeff inor photoshop?
did the wts actually print this shit?.
i think i will puke!.
Pink and brown. what the hell was she thinking.
Is the GB setting up to dump 1914?
by karter inwith the "generation change" and them changing it all the time it would make sence to dump it all togeather.. lets face it ,it can be disproved easly.. they dumped 1975 in a heart beat .. this would buy them all the time they wanted as they would just find another date to start the generation from ie: "the u.n year of peace and sercurty'',1986 i belive or whatever else they could think of.. they could sell it to the r&f as easly as they sold 1975,then dumped it when it did'nt happen .. anyone questioning them would be told they are running ahead of jehovah or lacking faith in his earthly org that feeds us food at the proper time .. what do you think?.
Good comments.
The great war of 1914 has as much signifiance to people today as the Napoleonic War of 1803 -1814 did to the people of 1914. The very fact people no longer connect with the generation of 1914 shows how much the world has changed and moved on from that era. However the Watchtower has to keep the date as it is core due to its claims about their chronology. And this is where they are lucky or clever if you will, as the rest of its members in general are too busy giving wax lyrical to the Watchtower, to really notice the death of its claims of 1914.
What Stupid Things Were You Counseled For?
by minimus ini've always been told that i have a very good personality, that i'm humorous, etc.. one elder called me over and said that i was "smiling too much".
the other elders talked to the elder who counseled me and he came back to say that i should be like i was .
Got counseled for mastabulation.
I guess, it ws fair enough. As I was giving a talk from the platform while doing it.