Answer the door bare naked and ask them to come in!
JoinedPosts by KingArthur
Just had jw elder at door and he wouldn't leave when i asked him to! lol
by dobbie ini am so laughing my head off and want to thank jwd for giving me the strength to leave the jws and for standing up to them (i am a quiet mouse usually!).
the jws next door had the field service meeting and i told hubby(inactive ) that they'd gone so he could cut the grass, but i was wrong and as soon as he went out they all piled out of the house lol!they tried to say hello but he shunned them as he hates the way they ignore me (d'ad) esp his family.
then while he was talking to our other neighbour i saw his step father (who is a big bully and called me a murderer when i said i wasnt sure if i wanted to be a jw anymoreand my kids would be killed because of me which really hurt me) so he arranged to work our road i know just so he can get hold of hubby.. anyway hubby was hiding in the house and tried to make me see them (again) but i made him do it, hoping he'd just tell them hes not interested.
I always thought I ought to give a better deal to any of the bros or at least equal. some of them seemed to think ok you are my bro so I'll screw you. after all don't complain or it will bring reproach on Jehovah. In my old cong they would say "oh another Jones ripoff"* * name changed to protect the guilty. lol
No further education - is the policy backfiring?
by eyeslice init seems to me that there was a softening of the no further education edict for a little while.
but just lately the 'dangers' of pursuing further education and worldly careers has been made a real issue again.
it seems to me though that this has as much danger of driving the very ones they would like to keep, the talented, the bright, the high achievers, out of the organization.
still_in74 Why in the hell are your still an active JW if this is what you \ think?? Good Grief!
How long did you stay active after having major doubts?
by jambon1 infor me, i had doubts from the beginning.
however, my 1st major doubt came as i had it confirmed that other people felt like i did about certain big issues within the org.
there were many, i realised, that just knew things were not right.
I became an MS in 97 and started doing more study as I should no more 'bout it. This studying to "remove doubts" created more. Then there was the generation change, the sheep and goat thing and now its okay to do alternate service for military 1998 I think. sooner or later they loose credibility. In 2001 my Dad go sick and died in 02. Last ASSembly on july 03. So I spent year and half in fade mode. I did get half doz Elder calls but I eluded to brainwashing at one point and that was the last of it. Was baptised in 71, remember the beating heart on the platform? 30 years of my life and the best ones wasted. No real education and never really worked at any thing worthwile (janitor). Now to old and sick to do much. I have found a few worldly friends who care and will even come by to visit, unlike before visit is to give you Sh@t for something or to drag you to service. Art
I feel vindicated
by Junction-Guy ini recently discovered that it wasn't me after all, and that some people are just jerks.
i am at peace.
Junction Guy: There is never anything wrong with the teaching of the WT or is anything ever wrong with the leadership.If you ever have a problem with anything the fault lies with you. Its because your aren't smart as the Goubering Body or the elders, or cause you are imperfect and weak in the flesh and don't have enough spiritual strength. This is a standard thought control technique used by cults to control.
Who do you think the King of The North is?
by Number1Anarchist inlet me know thru your studies who do you think the king of the north is?.
russia or china i'm guessing but that would be a logical choice.. this is my opinion but i think with the united states getting involved in territories that are under control of russia and china is reaching a boiling point and eventually somone is gonna say i have had it i'm not taking this anymore.. i read this also that in a chinese proverb they have a sayin "kill the chicken to frighten the monkey" the chinese beleive the attack on iraq was the chicken and they are the monkey.. now i'm hearing they are or may blockade iran.
if this happens it could be the final straw but maybe not but i think very soon we will see the knig of the north rise up in defiance to the united states.. let me know what you think please!.
Maybe the corporation. Read Murray Dobbin the myth of the good corporation. The king of north was always to agressor so perhaphs the roles have reversed and now its the US,Canada, england
Things I Learned From my Dog
by Satanus inif you stare at someone long enough, eventually you'll get what you want.
don't go out without id.
be direct with people; let them know exactly how you feel by piddling on .
IMG_1025.jpg Wait until master get up then go sleep under the covers. Patience stair with your big brown eyes until you get a piece of the steak How do I insert a photo into my post?
I Received The Holy Spirit!
by Maddie ini want to share with you all a most wonderful experience i have just had.
i have been going to a christian church called the vineyard.
they have a live band and lots of singing goes on there.
no more questions on the WT
by KingArthur ini just got a pair of mags.
no questions or study articles on the wt wow!
i phoned a witness friend (yes i still have a few) there is only one awake every month now and one wt for the public and the other has the study articles and is made available in house only.
thankx people stonewall, changeling and yknot I never paid any atention to this for a few years now so good updates how does one get copies of the special editions, maybe my bro will send me some he is the PO in a cong. can they be OCRed and put on the net it is important to keep an eye on the enemy
no more questions on the WT
by KingArthur ini just got a pair of mags.
no questions or study articles on the wt wow!
i phoned a witness friend (yes i still have a few) there is only one awake every month now and one wt for the public and the other has the study articles and is made available in house only.
thanks sir8 and undercover. so just when did this change take place, I know its been a year or so since I had seen the mags. Undoubtedly the double speak will increase, or loading the language as Robert J. Lifton put it in Thought Reform and the psychology of Ideological Totalism.