I really believe this is one of the huge scandals of the WTBTS. To start, I just posted on the friends topic, a thread on the 07 circuit assembly. I received replys that made me think of how if children could not be bapticed, how that alone could have blunted some of the disfunction in our lives. Come to find out, disfellowshiping is infact a legal instrument. How are children held to legalities when they are minors? The AWNSER is they can not be! And the ELDERS KNOW IT! What are your takes on this. Am I missing something?
JoinedPosts by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini really believe this is one of the huge scandals of the wtbts.
to start, i just posted on the friends topic, a thread on the 07 circuit assembly.
i received replys that made me think of how if children could not be bapticed, how that alone could have blunted some of the disfunction in our lives.
Hopefully this is a long time away but...
by JimmyPage ini hope ray franz lives on for many more years.
however, if he were to pass i was just thinking.
wouldn't it be great if a huge crowd showed up to his service?
In respects to John Doe....if my family was brainwashed, I'd like to think some of those who appreciated me would rally for me, and attend. If not, to my horraaaaaaaaaaaaa I would end up like Rutherford with 4 people from my church!
What's the worst thing the JW religion has done to you?
by lfcviking inonce having been a member of the jw religion and now that you have left, what is the worst thing that you realise it has done to you?
i.e has it left you mentally scarred?
has it left you with serious family trouble?
Fern, you really took the words out of my mouth. This is why it was easy for me to just read all of your comments for close to a year. Your expressions are right on for alot of us!!! Your take on, not only being excluded from eating the cupcakes at the class birthday party, but being ridiculed was right on. Not participating in extra events at school keeping us from fitting in, was a very potent expression for me. Although some wordly kids took it easy on me.....LOL
Was there ever a thread on the circuit assembly in 07 about the Do's talk?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inthe last assembly i attended was in 07. the do spoke about pushing and shoving and forcing the children to become bapticed!
i really was actually concerned not mad or angry but just concerned.
i think that was when i realized you have to either move on or become a part of the congregation and do your best to salvage whatever good there is in the congregations.
Thanks for the response! That was alot to have happen in such a short time and at such a young age. I have 3 younger sisters and know how mature they were....compared to me at the same time! That must have been alot to experience before 20? My post was based on the fact that I really think the GB and Society agree with you! Easier to get kids that adults. But it took till I was 34 until I would make such a claim.
I've been studying JW for 6 months. Please help..
by fb130 ini'm still trying 2 figure out if this is a pro or anti jw forum but here goes..
i started studying jw 6 months ago & i do feel i'm growing.
i think at the rate things are going i'll b babtised in another 6 months.
I wish I knew more about your circumstances. If you have children, if you were struggling from a past issue, or something where you really needed just companionship. However, my experience was this. 99% of all people you meet at the Kingdom Hall are going to put you and your family second the their governingbody. Every time you have an issue, it will be about the Watch Tower's reputation and you or your families well being second. For me, that at the end of the day was their real weak spot.
Was there ever a thread on the circuit assembly in 07 about the Do's talk?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inthe last assembly i attended was in 07. the do spoke about pushing and shoving and forcing the children to become bapticed!
i really was actually concerned not mad or angry but just concerned.
i think that was when i realized you have to either move on or become a part of the congregation and do your best to salvage whatever good there is in the congregations.
The last assembly I attended was in 07. The DO spoke about pushing and shoving and forcing the children to become bapticed! I really was actually concerned not mad or angry but just concerned. I think that was when I realized you have to either move on or become a part of the congregation and do your best to salvage whatever good there is in the congregations. One reason I decided to get on the big bad internet, was the fact that every single witness defended that talk. UNBELIEVABLE! So I just kinda started moving on. Really for the first time ever.......I questioned peoples commitment to truth!
Do you find yourself kinda thinking conspiricy theorist are maybe correct?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini don't know if it is me or if it is becauce i was taught so much false teachings growing up, or maybe that the watch tower publications are about a 10th grade level and when i read a thoughtful article i want to believe it.
but boy, television media seems to present the public with truths the same way the watchtower presents its truth.
with 10 minute sound bites, never getting to deep and really not explaining very well the history of some of the subjects.just a thought!
Seeker4 for many months I have read your reply's and statements and always thought you were right on. In fact you may be right on this as well, however, do you really think that the "big boys up stairs " really play by the same international border rules that we do? Maybe they have their own religion to bring the masses under their rule, that transcends race,country and faith?
Do you find yourself kinda thinking conspiricy theorist are maybe correct?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini don't know if it is me or if it is becauce i was taught so much false teachings growing up, or maybe that the watch tower publications are about a 10th grade level and when i read a thoughtful article i want to believe it.
but boy, television media seems to present the public with truths the same way the watchtower presents its truth.
with 10 minute sound bites, never getting to deep and really not explaining very well the history of some of the subjects.just a thought!
Okay....this is why I could read the discussion forum for a year without contributing. You all have such unique takes that are informative and even quite interesting. However, what really hit home for me was the Web Page "Secrets of the Watchtower". Honestly those articles were very informative about the WTS. Could they have been just as acccurate about other things outside of the Organization?
Was There Any WT. Teaching That You Never Agreed With From The Start?
by minimus indid you accept everything the "slave" said?
You know....let me state one more! Did you ever have a problem with Jesus forgiving the murder, allowing him to go to paradise, when Jesus was on the torture stake?
Was There Any WT. Teaching That You Never Agreed With From The Start?
by minimus indid you accept everything the "slave" said?
Oh...and another one.....what about the person who touched the covenant when it fell right in front of him. David of cource had something to do with that as well.