I'll preface this with an apology, if it's out of line, but I feel that the question has been begged...
roxanesophia: What exactly is it you're looking for in life that you think these people might have? Any answers they claim to provide about anything at all is subjected to serious scrutiny on this very board. See for yourself if their canned answers hold up under fire.
Seriously, ask yourself, what they have to offer that you lack. Do you need other people to tell you how to run your life? What to think?
Take note of people born into this cult, who only offer their genuine experiences (without telling you what to do!). I personally know the 'dirty laundry' of 40-50% of a large Witness congregation, thanks to certain family connections. If you could just know the magnitude of the mental health problems these people have; the pills they throw down...
You would see these people in their fucked up, (mostly) self-inflicted misery and realize: they have nothing to offer.
If they had something great, wouldn't their lives be better? Wouldn't they be more prosperous? Happier?
Take some time and find out from yourself why you even travelled this far down a road that takes you nowhere. You're looking for something. Whatever you determine it to be - there is a better place to find it than from the Witnesses.