JoinedTopics Started by hybridous
Staying in physically for all the benefits
by Indoubtbigtime ini wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
Covid virus transmission NOT tested in Pfizer trials
by BoogerMan inwhy isn't the world's media covering this revelation?.
if i'd lost a job, business, or reputation for refusing to "get jabbed and save other people's lives," i think i'd be demanding to know what "science" enforced some of the draconian laws & punishments on those who declined the "offer.".
Never thought I would see this in my family circle
by Captain Schmideo2 inso, my 17 year old niece reveals to me that for the past few years, her father (my sister's husband) has been physically and verbally abusive to her.enough so that it finally came to a breaking point, and she reported it to the police.
she told me that she had wished she had told me sooner, but she was trying to wait til she was 18 so that she could leave.i knew that she and her parents had been locking horns for the past couple of years, but i chalked it up to teen puberty and general growing pains.
but on their last, most recent visit, i could tell that something was really eating at her.apparently, what set off this latest incident was that he discovered that she had been seeing/involved with a non-witness boy about her age, and got so violent with her that it left marks.ironically, she went and got help from her boyfriend's father, a paramedic, who documented the injuries and encouraged her to report it.so, yeah, he spent a night in jail.she is now staying at the parents of her boyfriend, while still trying to have some aspects of her old life (work, school, etc.
Sixteen years later and wow is life different
by BlackSwan of Memphis ini have no idea if this is the right place to post this.
if you're just leaving the witnesses or questioning and toying with the idea of leaving..... life goes by fast.
and either you rip the band aid off and deal with it or let it fester and eat you alive.
Beards- just told by an elder
by dothemath ini know this subject has been talked about lots over the years, just thought i would share a recent finding from canada.. while visiting with a group of friends, an elder (don’t recall how the subject came up) mentioned the local body had voted to allow brothers with beards be allowed to give talks from the platform.
(it was a very close vote).
the direction given was for each congregation to decide for themselves if that is now acceptable.. so some congregations will be for, and for many it will not.. it’ll probably be a long time before we see any pictures on the watchtower where they’re allowing this though..
14 kids dead and one teacher at Texas school shooting.
by jojorabbit inanother shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
Prediction of how Watchtower going to be in 5 Years.
by Foolednomore ini can see it that watchtower will become an online/tv based group with just con-vention hall$.. field service would be letter writing and phone preaching, door to door is done.. watchtower will have pay to view programs and still ask for donations after all that.. zoom meetings are here to stay.
kingdumb halls will be sold off except for con-vention venues, or need for new ones$.. df'ing will continue.
the craziness will continue.
Back to the Meetings. It's Offical!
by pistolpete inyep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
Well what do you know gb finally understanding social isolation or shunning.
by Yomama inupdate some upstanding jw are experiencing social isolation isnt that what df and da people feel?reap sow karma..