They already lie to you and call it a bible study! It's a watchtower literature study! Run away from the BorG!
JoinedPosts by Number1Anarchist
Do all people go to heaven - my wife has started her "Bible Study"
by insearchoftruth inok, just got off the phone with my wife and she has started a new bible study with still another new sister.
she likes this woman, unfortunately.
well my wife's original intention was to learn how to study the bible, well it seems that the sister twisted this to ask her to provide a topic she wants to know more about and then she will show my wife what the bible says about this.
More Abuse Cases in the News
by jamiebowers inthis one just makes me sick!.
this one strikes me as wierd, even for jw standards.
Makes you sick these so called christians sticking up for the pedephile each time telling you how great of a worker and a friend he is.
They even admitted there not concerned he is a pedephile.
the victim unwilling to testify under pressure from the elders.
That is the sickest organization on the planet how i ever beleived there horsehit is beyond me!
Noah's Ark a full time building project, so where did Noah get his food?
by VM44 inhere is a question about noah and his ark building project.. building an ark would be a full time job!
and not just building it, the materials that made up the ark had to be collected and fashioned, they just weren't laying about!..
ok, but what about the food, housing and clothing for noah and his family?
I don't know if anyone downloads torrent files here but here is where the torrent is for the documentary. thx
Noah's Ark a full time building project, so where did Noah get his food?
by VM44 inhere is a question about noah and his ark building project.. building an ark would be a full time job!
and not just building it, the materials that made up the ark had to be collected and fashioned, they just weren't laying about!..
ok, but what about the food, housing and clothing for noah and his family?
Never heard of that documentary before and i love documentaries. Thx
I had no idea the timbers they used were near by thats why i'm on this sight to learn as well as ask questions. Thx everyone
Does cain get a bad rap???
by darth frosty inthis is kinda along the lines of my favorite who told the real lie in gen 3.. i was watching the movie 'the bible' the other night (couldn't sleep.
) i was looking at its depiction of cain and thought cain is being pigeoned holed.
now i am not condoning murder and the actions of cains rage.
I don't think Cain was producing food for Abels sheep but there could have been some. You have to think sheep make wool and you can make clothes ,blankets and other things so there was i'm sure some sort of trade.
Sheep graze on grass in the feilds so i think abel just took his sheep to different fields to feed them.
I think it had to do with his attitude and jealousy toward abel and he new Jehovah liked him better so he became jealous and said i will get rid of the competition.
Same thing happens today you see it all the time.
What exactly is Apostasy! by definition of the WitchTower?
by Number1Anarchist inmy eyes really started to open up when i discovered we were not studying the bible but witchtower literature.
so 99 percent of what you study is man made material uninspired by jehovah.the only time the bible is referred to is to support the literature.
they offer free bible studies but once again your not studying the bible your studying witchtower literature so in reality they should say would you like to study our witchtower literature and refer to the bible ever now and again.
White dove, I know it sounds bad but i think thats when a person is bowing to some pole or who know's what idol and they probly already know who jehovah was at that time and turn there back on him deliberatly.
But when your a corrupt organization full of lies and deceit and you start to question there doctrines i would not consider that apostasy your only making sure what your being taught is from Jehovah and we know thats what he wants from us.
Alwayshere, makes you sick just thinking about it where do they get this stuff from. the must have Volumes of cult books in there library on mind control because Jehovah knows we are all individuals.
Now i know where you guys come up with the name borg i just got it right now because i remember watching star trek and they were all connected thru there minds thats why they were so powerful.
Makes you sick now!
Noah's Ark a full time building project, so where did Noah get his food?
by VM44 inhere is a question about noah and his ark building project.. building an ark would be a full time job!
and not just building it, the materials that made up the ark had to be collected and fashioned, they just weren't laying about!..
ok, but what about the food, housing and clothing for noah and his family?
I bet Noah had already been blessed with material gain and had slaves or employess to do the daily chores. there is no way he built the ark buy himself that is an imossiblity in itself. To many heavy timbers to cut down and place where they were needed.
One person cannot do such a project unless jehovah helped him design some kind of scaffolding system to help him lift large timbers. Also like you said he would have to go cut down the tree and bring them to the location where he was building the ark.
Unless he had the animals helping him that could also be a possiblity!
What exactly is Apostasy! by definition of the WitchTower?
by Number1Anarchist inmy eyes really started to open up when i discovered we were not studying the bible but witchtower literature.
so 99 percent of what you study is man made material uninspired by jehovah.the only time the bible is referred to is to support the literature.
they offer free bible studies but once again your not studying the bible your studying witchtower literature so in reality they should say would you like to study our witchtower literature and refer to the bible ever now and again.
My eyes really started to open up when i discovered we were not studying the bible but WitchTower literature. So 99 percent of what you study is man made material uninspired by Jehovah.The only time the bible is referred to is to support the literature. They offer free bible studies but once again your not studying the bible your studying WitchTower literature so in reality they should say would you like to study our WitchTower literature and refer to the bible ever now and again.
This is my persoal opinion but i think that most people are considered apostates from not questioning the bible but WitchTower doctrines or literature.
I'm sure if the society had the chance we would all be killed for apostasy.
Let me know your stories of being accused for apostasy and why you were called an Apostate? i'm sure alot of you wers surprised for being called an apostate but maybe not maybe you new there reaction beforehand. But let me know all your stories if you could please.
Even last night my wife was sitting there reading the society childrens book which made me sick and i told her can you not read that to her but read the bible instead. I told her that is not the word of god which she agreed but was still offended because of the brain washing from the WitchTower.
Christianity has a history of executing apostates and even crusading against them, however today most Christians are restricted by countries where Freedom of Religion is accepted as a fundamental human right.
Catharism was a name given to a radical Christian religious sect with dualistic and gnostic elements that appeared in the Languedoc region of France in the 11th century and flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. The Catholic Church regarded the sect as dangerously heretical and in 1208 C.E., the Pope unleashed a crusade known as the Albigensian Crusade against the Cathars. In the ensuing 20-year military campaign, thousands of apostates were executed including 7000 residents of a town called Beziers, who were locked and burnt in a church. According to historians, a horrified onlooker rushed to the papal gates and reminded the crusaders that the some Christians were still trapped in the church together with the Cathars. The officer overseeing the massacre then made a remark that has resounded through the centuries: “Kill them all. God will know his own
A number of verses in the Bible speak of capital punishment for apostasy. Some of them are:
"If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying: Let us go and worship other gods, do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people."(Deuteronomy 13:6-9)
"And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, ...and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die."(Deuteronomy 17:3-5)
Witless numbers are not in decline - nobody leaves the Truth.
by hamsterbait inas was pointed out at the circus a$$embly, people are leaving the churches in droves, yet only the constant increase in witless numbers was noted.. why is this?.
are we too dumb to realize that if somebody stops going to the kingdumb hell and starts living the way they choose, they are not really witlesses, and therefore no witlesses ever leave?.
or, as freddie f might have argued - bless his rotting dead heart - think of zeno:.
That would be a waste...I would rather see all of the Society's buildings converted to useful purposes:
EXAMPLE: 360 Furman (old shipping) now condos: Studios starting at half million: bet Brooklyn Heights is glad to have this building back on the tax rolls.
Patterson would make a great Resort with some modifications. Walkhill factories could be converted to useful industrial purposes. The surrounding (now mostly unused by Bethel) farmland converted back to agricultural uses.. and all of those facilities/properties returned to the NY tax rolls. That part of upstate NY is beautiful....
Snakes ( )
I would be totally be satisfied with that as long as Satans printing presses got turned off. They are the biggest Spammers on the planet and should be thrown in prison for flooding the market with lies and deceit!
Witless numbers are not in decline - nobody leaves the Truth.
by hamsterbait inas was pointed out at the circus a$$embly, people are leaving the churches in droves, yet only the constant increase in witless numbers was noted.. why is this?.
are we too dumb to realize that if somebody stops going to the kingdumb hell and starts living the way they choose, they are not really witlesses, and therefore no witlesses ever leave?.
or, as freddie f might have argued - bless his rotting dead heart - think of zeno:.
I predict they wil be fighting against a huge decline soon there is to much information out there that shows all there lies.
I pray the day that bethel gets leveled to the ground!