Grab your ankles and close your eyes!
JoinedPosts by Number1Anarchist
Fall 2008 One Day Assembly....what is the theme?
by insearchoftruth inmy wife is attending the assembly this upcoming weekend, is there a posted agenda and can any of you provide a summary of what is discussed so i know what she will be hyped up about when she gets back?.
Russell the Man Redux
by Farkel inthe wts doesn't care about its history, either.
this is for you few people who do care: .
russell the man .
Nice Farkel, I enjoyed reading that. learn something new about the Watchtower every day.
The All Knowing Creator?
by Number1Anarchist inwhy would a creator write a book knowing in the future it would splinter into absolute madness?.
Homerovah. I totally agree. The customs of paganism and the worship of a creator are quite similar. How can God destinguish himself if he asks you to do the same strange customs as the pagan gods worshipers.
Cameo-d i can agree with that. I guess angels could be considered alien and not from this planet. I just don't see flying saucers with little green men behind the but i can agree with what you said though. thx
LouBelle, lol that was a good one. when you find the True Gods religion let me know since you're so confident. I was once confident as a Winess but once out you have no trust in mans religion or it's people. I grew my pair and got kicked right in the nuts with the truth about the let me know when you find the true God i'm sure everyone on this board would like to Thx
Sweetstuff, I guess Almighty god did not have a good enough health plan or somethin, lol or maybe being the only Employer in the universe kinda makes it hard to quit your job and find a new I'm sure loseing all those employees did not affect production because all he had to do is make new thx
The All Knowing Creator?
by Number1Anarchist inwhy would a creator write a book knowing in the future it would splinter into absolute madness?.
Oh Ya! Starting to lean in that direction! Thx
regular dub vs. 144K dub
by ellderwho injw doctrine teaches that humans do not have a spirit that continues on after how is the element manifested inside the human form that enables a heaven bound witness to continue on to heaven?
and why are they automatically given robes, and their clean and spotless before the lamb?
since the great crowd dub has to work and wait for perfection does this mean christs' ransom was of greater value for the 144k?
Exactly,Sounds reasonable. It's like in War we used to carpet bomb the place now we have laser and satelite guided missiles to pinpoint who we want to kill. Don't you think a creator who creates the Universe could come up with something better than carpet bombing everyone on the planet with a massive flood because of the Nephilim. hehehehheeh all this stuff really cracks me up anymore.
Gotto love it though! lol
regular dub vs. 144K dub
by ellderwho injw doctrine teaches that humans do not have a spirit that continues on after how is the element manifested inside the human form that enables a heaven bound witness to continue on to heaven?
and why are they automatically given robes, and their clean and spotless before the lamb?
since the great crowd dub has to work and wait for perfection does this mean christs' ransom was of greater value for the 144k?
Exactly. what about the people who are resurrected after armegeddon, there sins are paid for since they died so why would they need to go through Satan being released one last time. It all makes no sense to me anyomore.
After wakeing up to the witnesses you question everything.
Were like the lowest forms of life right next to animals, The Angels must look at us in amazement how stupid we are.
Were like Gods Experiment gone wrong, He probly thinks just leave them alone and those anmals will just kill themselves off. lol
I don't get also why he would flood the world knowing in the future it would just get bad all over again.
The All Knowing Creator?
by Number1Anarchist inwhy would a creator write a book knowing in the future it would splinter into absolute madness?.
It won't be for wimps at all. I don't think we have seen the worst yet. I'm thinking eventually it will have to look like road warrior,lol
I don't think in my lifetime i will see it unless something drastic happens. That abduction stuff i just can't believe i am a skeptic and don't believe in aliens until i see one myself.
I'm really starting to question the bible as the word of God. I'm still looking into it though.
regular dub vs. 144K dub
by ellderwho injw doctrine teaches that humans do not have a spirit that continues on after how is the element manifested inside the human form that enables a heaven bound witness to continue on to heaven?
and why are they automatically given robes, and their clean and spotless before the lamb?
since the great crowd dub has to work and wait for perfection does this mean christs' ransom was of greater value for the 144k?
Oh Ya, they get to go right to heaven and get instant perfection while we if we make it through Armegeddon which will be an absolute nightmare you get to go through it all over again once he releases Satan one more time after the thousand year reign. Talk about torture. what a loving God for putting you through all this. It sure is a wonderful life indeed!
The All Knowing Creator?
by Number1Anarchist inwhy would a creator write a book knowing in the future it would splinter into absolute madness?.
Cameo-D Oh Ya! I totally agree. I'm really starting to think if there is a creator i can guarantee you he isn't part of any religion on this planet. There is not one that speaks truth so why join an organization. We can tell everyone to get out of the Watchtower but to say get out of the Watchtower and join my chuch is absurd!
Churches might not be as controlling but there still involved in all kinds of nonsense.
Divide and Conquer indeed!
Why the Heck were we born into this nightmare!
It's like a living example of the Twilight zone !
The All Knowing Creator?
by Number1Anarchist inwhy would a creator write a book knowing in the future it would splinter into absolute madness?.
Good one Farkel! I'm starting to think this same way. I mean how many religions splintered off from this book? Thousands and if you knew in advance would this happen then why would you do it. If i were Satan i would write this book call it Gods word and have all the masses fighting eachother with it on who is right and who is wrong. Nice tactic on his part.
stillajwexelder this offering burnt sacrafice is along the same lines as the pagan Gods . Why do Gods need you to sacrafice to them. It's absolutley absurd and makes no sense.If he created us perfect from the beginning uncircumsized then why would he need us to be circumsized just to be his people.
Oompa it gets rediculous that we have to trust all these different interpretations of the bible and that God is a trinity or he is not. Like you said if it is the true word of God then why not make some material that is indestructable and write it on that. He created the entire universe and he writes it on papyrus and who knows what else so we get to piece together fragments of material and hope it's correct.. I don't get that at all.
Why talk in parables and illustations and what about Revelation, that is the craziest book out there, Most people had no education at all and he expected an average farmer to understand this. WTF!