Slappy, thx for clarifing yoursel.I still don't agree with the grow some balls comment and stop blameing everyone. I think that's why i alot of us come on this page, we are looking for truth and searching it out for ourselves. I don't know of anyone who frequents sites like this and you would be hard pressed to find any. People don't discuss the bible, that's why we come here. I love this site and enjoy a wide variety of topics.
Sure i can sit in my closet and read the bible and draw close to God but there is alot of strange things in that book that i can tell you, you don't understand.
That's my point. if this book was written for man then why all the parables and illustrations and explain Revelation that's one unexplainable book that has thousands of interpretations.
It's all unexplainable yet you have to have faith which i find hard to do in something so confuesing. You can tell me you have faith but to tell me you understand the entire bible and what it says and what it means you would be lieing to me.
This book was written when most the population were simple farms with no education. So why make a book confuseing to those types of people. Makes sense to you but not to me.
Anyway hope you get where i'm coming from.
cameo-d Yep i totally agree. God's will is a mystery , so why write a book for man and make it all so mysterious and confuseing and tell you to put all your faith in that. I mean that's called Blind Faith!
I mean i'm not saying there's not a creator just yet, because i look at his creation, but to call that book his word is disturbing.
Like i said before i'm starting to think the Bible is Satans biggest deception, look at all the division because of it. If the creator knew this would happen, why would he write a book that would divide the people.
That's the 144,000 dollar question. Thx