uh, Bethel-Lite is an old joke too, but who cares both are fun...hehe
JoinedPosts by Hyghlandyr
New "JW" beer! WOW!!!!!
by moman inlite beer: ya got your bud-lite, miller-lite,coors-lite etc.
& what makes them a lite?.
they just add water, lol, what a gimic, you make twice the beer from the same money.... well, now there is "new-lite" a beer made just for .
Did You Claim Your Slavery Tax Credits?
by expatbrit inirs erroneously paid slavery credits .
sat apr 13,11:19 am et .
by curt anderson, ap tax writer .
Some uneducated person said:
To those of you who boldy flaunt your european ancestry and the unfortunate plight of the turn of the century immigrant, I would caution you to remember that whether an immigrant was russian, polish, irish, italian, german or other, NONE were lynched, persecuted and attacked violently by the KKK.
I could not even finish this dudes post!
I guess you dont know that the KKK was against the Irish Catholics. I guess you are unaware of the Molly McGuires, a non-existent terrorist organization upon whom many crimes were blamed, and then Irishmen were in FACT lynched as a result. I guess you are unaware that the Irish were called the niggers of europe, and white niggers here in the states.
I guess you are unaware of signs hung outside of shops and businesses 'NO IRISH NEED APPLY'. I guess you are unaware that the Irish were in fact prevented from making purchases in certain places, that they were forced to create their own stores, just like freed blacks.
I guess you are unaware of the attrocities in the Cromwellian era, when Irish men, women and children were kidnapped by gunpoint by soldiers from their homes in ireland and sold in slave markets in america ostensibly as indentured servants, except it was entirely against their will and they did not go free in the three, five or seven years as was common, in fact they never went free.
I guess you are unaware that in the americas the Irish, the native americans, the hindus, jews, and palestinians were all sold as slaves and so treated! I guess you are unaware that the vast majority of the population of Monsterrat claims Irish/African descent, most being blacks with irish names, language, and customs, even to dancing Irish jigs!
I guess you are unaware of the large numbers of Irish in this country that were arrested without cause merely on suspicion of being rabble rousers simply because they were Irish!
Make no mistake about it sir those of european descent have suffered gravely at the hands of the anglo swine that first populated this country. The only benefit is, finally with the coming of Kennedy we were able to pretend we were white.
And I have not even touched on the poles and jews and germans and italians and all the things that were done to these groups.
As to the slavery issue do you really think it was because of some concern for their lessers that abolitionists started fighting slavery? Read some of their propganda from the time. They were concerned that whites were being enslaved. Virginia had instituted laws that the legal status of the mother, not the father, determined that of the child. Prior to that if the child of a slave was known to be the child of the 'massa' he had the full legal right of a free man. Such that there were black men owning plantations and slaves, many of whom were white. The abolitionists reported that whites, with an ounce of black blood were being kidnapped and taken back to the south, and that your daughter sir, and your sister maam, could be next.
The arguement that I owe someone for what anglos did for a couple of hundred years merely because I happen to be born and raised here, is a tired arguement. But, I will say this, pay them off. Pay the damned reparations. I dont care how much it is. They will be spending it on whites anyhow. Then when they whine and bitch that I owe them something, while they are calling me cracker and I better not say ought to them? I can say, shut the frag up.
And how dare you minimize the Irish Holocaust, An Gorta Mor. When nearly the entire island was wiped out by anglo policies.
Recently some african nation complained that the USA owed them slave reparations for taking people from their country, which THEY sold. Well I say those countries owe US slave reparations for giving us the worst of the lot.
What Do You Do On The Weekend?
by TheRecordCollector inwhat do you do on the weekend?.
and how do you spend your spare time?
Let me reiterate for those that have missed my posts in the past. I spent 80% of my time on this couch. The rest of the time is distributed between bathing, pooping, walking around with headphones on in a pseudo meditating/shadow boxing phase, calling medical research facilities to find out what studies I can do, and boxing the rafters in the attic if I am feeling especially frisky.
Weekends, weekdays. :)
And of course 100% of my time is spent thinking about broads, usually black ones. Yes I know I am a racist, I just cant help myself. :)
Dateline story
by Smitty inwe can probably forget the dateline story for a while.
if it came out now, jw's would look like saints in comparison to the catholics.
at least jw's delete the servants and not move them from congregation to congregation.
This quote assumes that the molestors are only molesting JW kids. An unlikely case.
So, 1,500,000 children total and 1,610,000 victims.
The mathematics doesn't stack up.
Dung sums up the entirety of our frustration, anger, and confusion in the following:
t is one thing to stand idly by while a crime takes place. It is another thing to punish victims more so than the offenders and penalize offenders for getting help and the Watchtower does just that--dating back to at least the early 1960's ---and they did it in print!!!!
A lot of us here have been through this personally. First my non JW mother tolerated a man molesting both my sisters for years. Then we moved back to live with my father, and begin school again (mum kept us out of school for the seven years that she enabled a man to abuse her kids). The molestor showed up in front of our house. My dad and uncle and I hunted him down, motel to motel, since I knew the types of places he stayed in, until we found him, and had him arrested. My dad got a write up in the paper about how he rescued his kids. Then he did the same thing to both of my sisters. My one sister finally left, and of course she was just rebellious.
I left after being with him for three years. A year later my other sister left. We reported it to the elders he was disfellowshipped for a wopping six months. I know women who have had sex one time and still, after eight years are not reinstated. And they are witnesses not apostates! Other women who have been raped and many years later still are not reinstated! But a child molestor gets six months.
When my sister finally said hell with it and went to the courts...We were told that we could answer their questions but could not volunteer information, and could only speak to them if they contacted us, we could not contact them. The police that is. My other sister informed the elders at our hall that my father had also molested her years ago, but that when the elders from his hall had asked her, she got nervous and said no he had not. So the elders from our hall told her since she had already denied it, she was not allowed to retract that statement, and could neither bring a charge against him or to the police, that she had in effect 'forgiven' him.
We did not have to be told that had we done so, we would have been liable for slander. The kick all of it was the elders supported him when he went to trial. My youngest sister was there. He asked the judge, 'can I take my bible with me?' What the frag ever! And now this post is about to turn very angry so I am going to pause and continue reading the thread. With this, there is a large difference between what the church has done and what the hall has done. And I dont mind the skewed statistics, we know it is based on IFs...thanks for posting them Amazing...
GRRRRRRR!!! WHAT THE FRAG....You want proof, tell you what I will send a post to child molestors everywhere to be sure to leave their semen as evidence, to video tape their crimes, and while they are at it, to invite two or three lawyers and law enforcement officials over to witness their abuse, then we can have some proof. Are you even aware how difficult it is to get proof? My father ONLY got dfed because he ADMITTED he did it. They called him on the phone and said charges have been laid against you, and he responded they are true. Had he denied it? He would be sittin pretty right now. Proof, In a few days I will get both my sisters on here. And then I will tell you how my father used to go into their rooms at night, and would argue with my step mom who wanted him to leave the door ajar.
I fail to see the benefits of wild speculating on how many pedophiles exist within JW's. If anything the numbers this crowd keeps coming with are just plain embarrassing for this community and damaging to the credibility of those constantly bringing them up without providing any proof.
Amazing said:The issue is that the Watchtower has no room to talk against the Roman Catholic Church, and therefore, the NBC Dateline program wouild be a significant blow to Watchtower, Inc
I try to go easy on the watchtower a lot. But this is one burr in my ass. Shortly after I became an ex and had discovered silent lambs I was bringing it up all the time to my wife. Her additude is that we dont KNOW that this or that one really was molested...that all of these people were just making it up. And she KNOWS I am telling the truth, we were married shortly after all of this occured. Then an article came out, and it briefly mentioned false religion being so because it supports child molestors. That was at my angry stage. Had a member of the governing body been here then, or the writing committee, they would have been seriously hurt. Mostly I am over my anger, until the molestation issue comes up. But most *especially* when they rail against the church. Bugger offAmazing said:
The media issue with the Catholic Church has to do with Priests ... and the numbers of Preists are not all that many ... but the significant fiduciary duty of the Church with these trusted men is what is at issue.
And the fact is that with the catholics there is not an expectation that if a fellow parishioner molests your kids, you are required to report it to the priests first. With Witnesses, every deed usually first goes to the elders. A catholic just calls the cops. When the witnesses go to the elders they expect the situation dealt with and the cops called as well. They find out that if they do call the cops they face judicial action in the congregation.The thinking of jehovahs witnesses is so skewed to a particular mindset that most dont even think, hey I better call the cops, and then let me call my elders. And probably woe to them if they did. It never entered our mind to call the police first. The police are part of satans system. The police are corrupt. The police are the ones that are going to torture us during the tribulation. Are these statements made outright? Of course not but we all know that is what we are taught.
So since they have taken the responsibility to hear our cases before we go to a court, or are allowed to go to a court, they had a fiuciary duty to protect us. The blood that is on their hands is incalculable. I cannot even begin to tell you the great harm this has caused in my family to this day. The emotional trauma both of my sisters are going through. And if I were to sit and tell you the entire store, you would think me a liar. This is why I say, over and over, though I am amoral, there is one moral code that I do have, leave the children alone!
Amazing also said:
However, with JWs, is it not just JW Elders who are pedophiles, or Ministerial Servants ... but the fact that among their entire population pedophiles continue to prosper because they have historically discouraged reporting ANY pedophile, not just Elders.
That stands on its own, thanks again amazing.Pathofthorns said:[quote]I am saying that we cannot allow our hatred for the WT to colour our perception of the facts or for us to sensationalize things surrounding this issue in an effort to "bring down the WT" by the expoiting of molestation victims. [/quotes]
It has occured to some that there is an intense hatred specifically because of the molestation issue. This is the single thing about the watchtower society that angers me. Disfellowshipping saddens me but I can deal with that. This, issue however gets me fighting mad. I want to scream. How deep does it run? Really ask yourself, how many congregations are having this problem? Doesnt each of us know of several people that have had to deal with this? I myself saw it in both congregations that I was a member at. The mother of one girl who was molested in my second congregation was disfellowshipped when an MS was publically reproved. For what we knew not, but it was a public reproval. This was a fella I liked. SOmeone I took my neice and nephews over to see! Not a single warning. And the elders knew our situation! I do not hate the watchtower society, but this problem has been so deep for so long that some of us are just plain fed up.
take the personality test
by BATHORY infeb 09 to feb 18 - cedar tree .
feb 19 to feb 28 - pine tree .
mar 01 to mar 10 - weeping willow tree .
Celtic astrology hehehehe. I love it.
FIG TREE (Sensibility) - very strong, a bit self-willed,independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a social butterfly, good sense of humor, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence.
December 18th -
Evidence of creation?
by chappy innot trying to start a discussion about extra-terrestrial life, but i assume that most feel it to be a rather strong possibility whether your belief is in creation, evolution or both.. i agree that discovery of intelligent life outside this world doesn't prove creation.
suppose however that such life were discovered and that it was of the homo-saphien variety?
what would be the odds of this happening through pure evolution?
Was life created? Did it evolve?
Ok try this on for size.
For existence to exist, something must always have existed. Really this is what all sides are saying. The theist believes it is a deity. Evolutionists believe it was a spot of energy, etc. The sides will argue ad infinitum over this one. Because in any case we cannot, so far, go back and see.
It is interesting that usually both sides think those are the only two options. God, or evolution. Buddhists often fall into the category of evolutionists now that there is a viable explanation to them. Technically I think they could always have been said to hold to that kind of thought, what with karma and such.
But folks there are literally hundreds of possibilities. Rather, hundreds of possible explanations, even if they are far fetched, or downright wrong.
The Irish had no creation mythos, until the coming of christianity. They just assumed everything always was and always would be in an endless cycle of worlds. The worlds were in a circuit, each more spectacular than the last. Until finally you ended up back here, and this world was more spectacular than the one just before it. How could this be? It is an Irishism.
Conversely, while everything always existed, there was a first this and a first that. How can that be? Again an Irishism.
Myself I could care less. God are you there? Yeah I didn't really expect you to answer me. If he is, he is totally irrelevant to me. How did we get here? Where is Jimmy Hoffa? I dont know and I dont see the point in useless speculation, except for a board game perhaps.
So would I change my view if I met people from another planet? My concern at that point would be, do yall practice polygamy, are we compatible without your females insides eating away at my outsides, and how soon can you arrange a meeting, if they are in any way pleasing to me. Cat people please, not dogs thank you.
Is God all in the head?
by sleepy inthrough out time and nearly all human cultures and civilizations people have believed in god or gods?.
did this develop purly as a means for us to explian the world , or is there a part of the brain that causes peolpe to be religious?.
there is evidence that in fact certain parts of the brain are highly involved in religious beliefs and feelings.. its possible to actualy stimulate certain parts of the brain with a device that generates a strong magnetic field.. aim it at the front of the thalamus and you might experience a orgasm.
Fredhall said
Like you all, God is a real person. I wander how would YOU feel if Jehovah believes you "all in the head?"
My friend Robert has talked to God quite often. Robert has on many of these occasions tried to convince god that I exist. But god has told him that he simply does not have faith in me.Sleepy and others:
I read a great disertation a while ago. It posited that there were essentially two groups of people in religious surroundings. Peak Experiencers, usually the founders of a religion. And non-peak experiences.
Essentially it held the idea that there were certain emotional/spiritual aspects to religion. Experiences that the Peakers had, which they then tried to explain to the non-peakers. Do to the mystical nature of the experiences, non-peakers are not able to related to or understand these experiences, having never had them. Thus Peakers have throughout history used allegory and symbolism to assist those who just dont get it.
Over time, the allegory, symbolism, and rituals, becomes important for the sake of itself. Because non-peakers, are not realizing that they are simply a step to something else. Peakers will understand that there is something behind all of the window dressing. An experience. Whatever that IT is, they get it. Those that don't simply, dont.
Turls and I were talking in chat today, about this board and yahoo. Usually most of the people on yahoo 'get' me. Most of yall dont yet, but you will. When you do it will be a divine experience, believe me. And this paper suggested we all could have these sorts of divine experiences. That even atheists were entitled to use terms such as divine, prayer, sanctity, holy, and so on about things in their lives. That these terms did not have to be restricted to one group or another, or only believers.
This now leads to something I have been thinking about for a long time. Christians will believe that what I am about to say is merely proof that god exists and is trying to reach me, or trying to get me to reach him. Atheists, might think I am loonie. But most simply wont 'get' it. A wild Irish person would. Not even all Irish would, certainly not those trying to be a part of polite society.
I am an unbeliever. I have un-believed things I used to believe. I was pentacostal before and had great numbers of Peak-experiences. When I was a witness I had a lot of peak experiences. Now that I am amoral, calculated, cynical, downright wicked, and all the other things that some of you spout about me and that I spout about myself, I still have peak experiences.
Sometimes these are of god. Sometimes of other worlds. No I am not speaking of visions here. I am however speaking of an overal reality. You believe what you see touch and smell, etc. I also do. I am able to see and touch and smell whatever I choose, whenever I choose. I can feel myself eating a slice of cheesecake right at this moment. Oh yeah:)
But, harkening back to my christian days, there are times, sometimes an entire day, a few hours, or a couple of minutes, when I am absolutely a person of faith. I simply believe in god at those moments, christ, the apostles, ressurection, and so on.
I am not deluding myself, because I know what instances bring on those moments. When I am listening to a person of faith, who is simply relating, honestly, their experiences and their sincere belief in those, without any expectation that I should convert. When I am singing songs of faith. Jehovah Jireh, My provida, his grace is good enough for me!...Or when I am simply empathizing with someone, whose life may be similar to mine, or vastly different.
When I have my moments of clarity, that is to say when I lack faith, I know that it is simply something in my brain. When I am having those moments, rare, of faith, I know it is god. I also know at those moments that eventually, probably within a few minutes, I will cease believing. But I do not object either believing, or not believing. In any state I find myself in, I am usually fairly content.
NO. Years ago people were considered possessed by the devil when they had a seizure. People did not understand it was a medical condition.
Thank you! And thank you for all of your posts, and the highly detailed information about seizures. My younger sister fell at a track meet of mine when she was seven and had epilepsy. The drugs of course were very difficult for her to bear causing a lot of mood swings, and grumpiness, among other things, until they settled her on something more beneficial.And whether it is epilepsy, or religion... We do not have to think of it as a brain disorder. Many people, perhaps most? Simply believe because that is what they were taught. And if there is anything to this temporal lobe or peak experiencers thing, and few are experiencing such, then it is most likely that most are just going along with the program. In any case, even if it is a temporal lobe magnetic box device thingy that causes people to believe in god, so what? Are orgasms also a brain disorder?
If we Irish keep mixing with you Adamites, then we will most certainly devolve. <wink> (is that clue enough for osmet that that is a joke? (really it isnt a joke, you adamites need to get off our planet)) (I mean it) (now) (I told you it wasnt a joke GO) (Oh for goodness sake! Are you still on my planet!?) (Listen BUCKO, I said this planet is not for the adamites, now go!)
Freshly Poached........
by Englishman in.....from kent's site, this is unbelievable!.
Ahahahahahahahaha That site is hilarious, I cant stop laffin.
An "Accountability Partner" is simply a person with whom you have an accountable relationship. Ask a friend, spouse, pastor, or counselor to be your Partner. Then, on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis, they will receive an accountability log which will be a record of all of the sites you visited, including the web addresses and amount of time you were on the Internet. This log is e-mailed to your Accountability Partner.
I have been contemplating going to the church and confession, since I never have done it, just to see the reaction of the priest.I did whole heartedly enjoy watching the elders when I said, oh yes I am an apostate. (We would love to have you at the hall) Oh noooooooooo you wouldnt. I am not SAYING I would ruin someone's faith. But if I was spouting here and there that god wasnt real, someone weak might believe me! Not of course yall, cause I know your faith is strong....hehe
But this! YUMMY! This has Hyghlandyr written ALL over it. I could have it installed on ALL of my computers, not just to track me but my friends. They would love it too. Can you imagine those promise keepers gettings lists of the sites I go to! I am definitely going to bookmark this one.
Thanks for postin it, and I will keep yall updated.
Religious Intolerence, P-Correctness& Racism.
by Englishman ini absolutely detest political correctness in any form.
im a firm believer that there is nothing wrong with a ship being a she nor a person being a chairman rather than a chair person.
some time ago i was sat in a busy restaurant and a person pushing a wheel chair containing an invalid, asked me if i would give up my table so that the invalid person could use it.
Ok first of all, Englishman dude! You are totally my hero man! (This does not mean that I do not totally despise you for being a filthy anglo, I am after all Irish)
But man what is up with people. Look, it is not physically challenged it is crippled. It is not visually challenged, it is blind. It is not mentally challenged it is retarded. I am NOT dentally challenged, I have buck teeth. And for goodness sake it is in no way IRISHLY challenged, it is falling down drunk!
As to being called a nazi, I would have been doin the nazi salute, informing them that the problem with hitler was that he went against the jews when he should have joined them, the poles, disabled, french, anglos, chinese, and dwarfs against the Apfop (Alien People From Off Planet). Because THEY are the true scourge on our planet. Why good sir, it is a well known fact that the united states government is even now participating with the Apfopians in kidnapping our american women to the Apfopians slave harems! Furthermore, as a legally deputized representative of LAAA (Law Againt All Apfopians) I have been sent here on a mission, because we have it on word from informants that the Apfopians are even now planning a slave raid right there, and I must remain here covertly, so that I can inform my superiors if they attempt yet another of their villainous deeds on our planet. NOW GOOD DAY SIR!
I would have of course flashed a badge...and then begun muttering about CIA plots to examine the contents of my underwear.
Now you might look respectable. I on the other hand, have often had my looks compared to such notables as Charles Manson, Austin Powers, and Mankind (some dude from WWF or something, hairy and wild lookin, though not very mean.) So I easily get away with this sort of conduct all of the time and no one ever says didly to me.
I used to sit at the bus stop downtown cincinnati and just 'watch' people, my eyes barely peeking out from my hair cast over it. The sludge monkeys are one of the funniest species on the planet. I love watchin them watchin me watchin them. It's filarious.
I was going to make other comments, but I got so excited praising my new god Englishman, and my future sacrifices at his altar, that I am sorta lost now...oh wait now I remember what I was gonna say...
NEGROES? El Oh El, say that in detroit please. I love it when white people try to be polite around black people. That term went out in like the fifties or somethin yo. So did colored. Black or African American is the usual now, but watch out that might get your head bit off....Still negro! ahahahaha...I needed that.
University Question
by Naeblis infor the last year or so i've been mulling over quitting everything, becominga bum, and actually going to university.
i work with computers, and though the pay is good (hence my still doing it), i can't shake the feeling that this isn't what i'm supposed to be doing.
i want to do something with english.
Naeblis, cool interesting man. While I wish I had attended university back when I was becoming a witness, since it would have all been paid for, and I would be makin tons of money now. I am also thoroughly convinced this time exactly what I want to study. Linguistics. Words, histories, languages.
I recently contacted a couple of the colleges here in cincinnati, and learned a few things, applicable to me. Naturally a lot more people our age, I'm 34, are attending colleges, and getting degrees. They are usually more serious about the studies, and the colleges are eager to get them. Grants, and loans are still available for us, and the schools will help out.
Someone suggested, just take a class. Make sure its credits are transferable. That is an excellent option. You do not have to take the standard credits in a year. A class a semester is fine. That is what I plan to do, especially, since in the beginning I will be paying for them myself. The first classes I really want to concetrate on are critical thinking courses. Which also leads me in several directions.
Keep us posted on what you find out.
Francois, do you have a link to that university?