As to it being an insult to be called black, well really it is taken as an insult by some. But then again if you called a Zulu warrior a Maori warrior, he would probably consider that an insult. For me the only insults worth noting, are if someone calls me an Anglo, or tells me I am like my father. But even though I note them, they are no more than mere amusements. The one is not true, and the other is probably true on some level.
As to someone being from Africa being black, well there have been various tribes that live in, and perhaps are indigenious to Africa, but are not of the 'black races' as people are wont to categorize them. Myself, I define race far more intricately than mose people do today. I do not consider there only being four races, but literally thousands. As far as looks go, I appear similar to many anglos, particularly in america where we have a great deal of mixing. On the other hand I have a distinctly Irish look. The same with middle eastern peoples, they have a distinctly different look, than those of various African tribes. And many of those African tribes have distinct looks.
We have turned this into a slashing back and forth of Ad Hominems. I do not doubt you have been to the middle east. I also do not doubt that the Lebanese people that I know, are nearly as light skinned as me. I do not doubt that the fella who wrote the article was not specifically trying to claim Muhammed was European, but I also do not doubt that many, including you, could garner that understanding from the way he wrote it. Perhaps a better choice of words is in order.
Perhaps we can say this....Such and such is known about Muhammed based on such and such. But this, that, and the other is unknown because we are lacking this or that evidence. His appearance is unknown because, while art did exist at the time, in fact great works of art, no portraits were made of him, nor were any coins, statues, or other likenesses made. I think that has to do with Islamic law perhaps, though I am unsure. On the other hand perhaps Muhammed, Like Moses, and Jesus, is entirely non-historic, and simply an amalgamation of older mythos.
In any case the question to the choice to convert to Islam for a black, or any other colored person, I think we all agree, should be based upon either the veracity of its claims, or the benefits to the one converting. For me, even the issues of polygamy, and the allowance of it, are not enough for me to convert, based upon the other, more weighty aspects of the religion.
Let's see, three wives, seven concubines, nine slave girls, and twenty-seven black nazi female body guards. I've only got forty-five women to go and my cult is complete