If I told you (or anyone on a forum) it wouldn't be one would it.
If I told you (or anyone on a forum) it wouldn't be one would it.
until recently, i have never been in love.
oh, i had lots of lust, but i cannot say honestly that i was in love.
silly love songs made me roll my eyes heavenward.
recently i was cleaning my bookcase and found an old book that i enjoyed as a child.
it had stories in it such as paul bunyan, pecos bill, and john henry.
while these stories are fictional, i enjoyed them because they were entertaining, and easy to understand.. fast forward to the late 70's when i was a teenager sitting at the ca hall in janesville wisconsin.. the speaker was explaining the great sacrifice god made in sending his son down to earth to die for all mankind.
I heard the same one as God Chick - the pioneer couple wanting a car - they go to see the car for sale, the owner (wife divorcing hubby in this story) selling because her husband left her and told her to sell and send him half the money. The car was a Rolls Royce and they got it for $20.
Heard that one 25 years ago from a pioneer sister here in Australia.
Another JW urban myth that travelled far. Just like the one about the sister witnessing alone at the door of a thug/crim/rapist/whatever who was not harmed because of the two big men (angels) with her!!
how many of the sixteen bible books hidden in the paragraph below can you find?.
i once made a remark about the hidden books of the bible.
it was a lulu; kept people looking so hard for facts ... and for others it was a revelation.
Well it took a while but I think I found them all. (I typed them as I found them so this is the order I found them in).
im sure this has been mentioned many times on this site but i wanted to express my personal feelings of gratitude to paul at jwfacts.com.
paul, your site changed my life.
even though i discovered it when i was already disfellowshipped and really didnt have the intention of going back, i was still a fierce jw apologist.
I want to add my thanks also. It was the hours my husband and I spent reading jwfacts that convinced us a year or so into our fade never to go back.
Thanks Paul
"i believe in one god, and no more; and i hope for happiness beyond this life.
i believe the equality of man, and i believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.
but, lest it should be supposed that i believe many other things in addition to these, i shall, in the progress of this work, declare the things i do not believe, and my reasons for not believing them.
Fantastic post truthseeker. May the ranks of the conscious class keep swelling by the day.
thought i'd better say hi!
to say i was once a "worldly person" would be an understatement.
i consider myself to be a man who has "been there and done that" and enjoyed all the pleasures of the world.
Hi spawn and welcome. That is fantastic that both you and your wife are now out while your child is still so young.
The things you mention that you saw going on were exactly the things my husband and I saw during our 40+ years as JWs. After a while, the 'they're just imperfect men' excuse wears thin and your eyes are opened to the reality of it all.
And you're right - outside of JW's is where you will find true friends who do genuinely care and look out for each other. And they do it because they want to.
All the best to you and your family for the rest of your life of freedom outside the org.
i've been a member on this site for a number of years but i have never posted what i really think of the jw's and the org.. i left about 10 years ago - mentally.
but i have only made the long term decision to leave and never go back over the past 2-3 years.. it was difficult.
i have family and many friends who i still converse with on a regular basis.. being on the outside now i see what a major farce and a hypocritical state of affairs it all really is.. i often hear the comment "only people in the truth are really happy" and being a friend 'on the outside' many of my associates on the inside are far to easy to reveal exactly what they get up to when they are not at meetings or out knocking doors.. pre-marital sex, drunkenness, nightclubs, dating websites...the list goes on and on.
All I saw was backbiting, divisions, self-promotion and ego-trips. Jesus spoke about false prophets, wolves dressed in lambs clothing.. the list goes on and all of these terms describe Jehovahs Witnesses and the Watchtower Society to a tee.
That is exactly what my husband and I saw for the last 20 years or so of us being JWs. My husband saw it even more so during his days as an elder. But for many of those years we kept thinking it was just us who saw this and it was us who must have been 'weak' (or whatever term they like to use) to not want to go along with it and pretend it didn't exist. But one day you wake up and realise that it's not you at all that is the problem - it is them.
As you said - Good riddance to them.
All the best
from jw.org, here is the new definition of the generation from the april 15, 2010 watchtower.. .
article: holy spirits role in the outworking of jehovahs purpose.
13 third, holy spirit is at work in bringing bible.
LennyinBluemont said:
What a rush it must be for the arrogant bastards on the GB to realize they can explain ANYTHING in ANY WAY, print it with their imprimatur, and millions of human beings will ingest it, lick their chops and say, "Thank you!" What a banquet they're dishing out. But all processed food. Very processed.
Not only do the R & F "ingest it, lick their chops and say thank you" - they shell out their hard earned dollars for the privilege of doing so. Millions of dollars.
The average printing quantity for the 'public version' of the WT is 37,000,000. They don't state what the average printing of the 'members only' version is but just say it's around 10,000,000. The last time we officially sold them at the doors we asked 40c each.
So 10,000,000 x 40c 'donation' = $4,000,000 for this issue of the WT. (It may very well be that they print 15,000,000 in which case $6,000,000).
Makes me fume.
Thank you for doing this for us truthseeker.