Quite a shocking story.
quite a shocking story.. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/3-yr-old-boy-fatally-whipped-couldnt-spell-article-1.2132241.
Quite a shocking story.
*** yb75 pp. 174-175 United States of America (Part Two) ***
Not only in the United States were Jehovah’s witnesses having a battle for freedom of speech and worship. In June of the so-called “Holy Year” of 1933 Adolf Hitler’s regime seized the Watch Tower Society’s property in Magdeburg and banned the activities of Jehovah’s people in Germany as regards meetings and literature distribution, though the property was returned that October. On October 7, 1934, the Witnesses in Germany met in groups and, after solemn prayer, they dispatched a protest by telegram to officials of Hitler’s government. However, God’s servants in other lands did not stand by idly.
“At the service meeting one night in the year of 1934, we were asked to be at the meeting place at 9:00 a.m. Sunday for something special,” recalls Gladys Bolton. “Everyone was excited! What could it be? Sunday morning the house was full. The speaker announced that congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses world wide were meeting today in order to send cablegrams to Hitler, all at the same time, asking him to refrain from persecuting Jehovah’s witnesses in Germany.” After praying to Jehovah, each group sent the following cablegram: “Hitler Government, Berlin, Germany. Your ill-treatment of Jehovah’s witnesses shocks all good people of earth and dishonors God’s name. Refrain from further persecuting Jehovah’s witnesses; otherwise God will destroy you and your national party.” The message was signed “JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES” and the city or town where the congregation was assembled was cited.
Those cablegrams caused quite a stir, even at some telegraph offices in the United States. “In Keysville, Virginia, as well as other places, says Melvin Winchester, “the telegraph operator almost fainted when the friends came in with the cable message.”
How did the Nazi regime respond? Persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses was intensified. But God’s people in Germany and elsewhere had been prepared for the opposition and hardships ahead of them. At the right time, Jehovah saw to it that they received needed Scriptural counsel and encouragement. It had come late in the year 1933 by means of the Watchtower article “Fear Them Not.” The enmity of the Roman Catholic Church was exposed, and the article warned that opposition might lead to the death of some faithful servants of God. But it urged God’s people to continue bearing testimony to his name with boldness and joy, that they might have a part in the vindication of that holy name.
Yes it is very much real.
*** yb87 pp. 142-143 Switzerland and Liechtenstein ***
The brothers in Germany were under extreme pressure, and their fellow servants throughout the earth felt it with them. As the apostle Paul wrote: “If one member suffers, all the other members suffer with it.” (1 Cor. 12:26) This was highlighted by what took place at a special gathering of all congregations on Sunday, October 7, 1934, at 9:00 a.m. At that time a sealed envelope was to be opened. It was the text of a telegram to be sent to Hitler’s government. It read as follows:
“Hitler Government, Berlin, Germany. Your ill-treatment of Jehovah’s witnesses shocks all good people of earth and dishonors God’s name. Refrain from further persecuting Jehovah’s witnesses; otherwise God will destroy you and your national party.”
This telegram was dispatched on the very same day from congregations in 50 different countries, including those in Germany. Imagine the flood of telegrams converging on Berlin on that day! It was not only a warning to Hitler and his party; this was also a demonstration of unity and solidarity of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide. As for the outcome, the fate of Hitler and of his political party is well known.
i remember when i was active, i would constantly get nightmares regarding armageddon.. used to wake up so many times at night watch my window, pray hard and try to go to sleep.
now i wonder that this organization was really succcessful in making people scared to death about 'current system of things', but why would anyone do that?
why would anyone want to bring division in families, make hate speeches, scare people to death, etc?
Now with all the new videos for children on the JW org site,I guess JW kids will have even more nightmares.
Scan Of Telegram To Hitler.
long time lurker here.
i don't want hate in our hearts - jw are wrong oh so wrong - and i want to blame this religion for making me cold and distant to the world.
but i believe everything is meant to be, we all have purpose in this world.
Welcome to JWN, Abigail.
here are some links showing various misquotes from wt publications.. http://home.comcast.net/~docbob1/misquotes.htm.
Here are some links showing various misquotes from WT publications.
found this article giving an inside look at how wt produces its materials.. http://angelladywriter.hubpages.com/video/how-bibles-and-bible-based-publications-are-printed.
For them going to Bethel is like going on a pilgrimage to the Vatican.
today is my first post on jwd, i was one of jehovahs witness for almost 50 years of my life, i was born into the religion.
i was baptized at a young age and once i got married i was a very spiritual woman as they would call me.
my husband and i served as full time pioneers, we traveled abroad and went to international conventions, did some special pioneer service in other states in the us.
Welcome to JWN.