JoinedTopics Started by villabolo
The Coming Evangelical Collapse
by SixofNine inoneida, ky. - we are on the verge within 10 years of a major collapse of evangelical christianity.
this breakdown will follow the deterioration of the mainline protestant world and it will fundamentally alter the religious and cultural environment in the west.
within two generations, evangelicalism will be a house deserted of half its occupants.
Atheism as a psychological phenomenon.
by BurnTheShips intheism in its various forms has been since the beginning subjected to psychological analysis and treated as a phenomenon of the human mind.
perhaps it is time to turn the lens and examine the psychological reasons for atheism as well.
this approach should be especially inoffensive to many atheists/materialists since in their worldview, all phenomena are reducible to natural causes.
The new Ice Age Cometh!
by Gill in
i hope this link works but there has been virtually no sunspot activity since the beginning of this year and the suns magnetic field is down 60%.. if this link does not work, you might like to try googling: sunspot activity 2008 iceage.. the last time this happened we moved into a little ice age which lasted from 1100 to 1800.. global warming lies may well have met their match with reality.. so how will they tax us for the 'ice age?
do we get our tax back that we paid because of 'global warming'.. is this why they have made fuel so expensive....because they know what is coming and they want to make a killing?.
Your most memorable Kingdom Hall meeting disruptions!
by easyreader1970 ini remember about twenty years ago some teenagers were caught fornicating in one of the additional schools.
the schools were downstairs, essentially separated from the rest of the kh.
they weren't just happened upon, though.
Why 6 Billion People Deserve to Die in Armageddon
by Leolaia injehovah is such a righteous, merciful, loving god -- slow to anger, overflowing with loving kindness and blessing.
yet it somehow bothers many of you that he will shortly execute his judgment on mankind and wipe out 99.9% of the world's population, as if that somehow is supposed to conflict with his loving qualities.
personally, i have no idea why many of you feel this way.
What will you do to celebrate Oct 2 2014?
by jwfacts inlike most people reading this, i was convinced that by 2014 the new system would 'definitely' have been operating for at least a decade.
now that i know this is not going to be the case i am going to have to think of some way to recognise 100 years of wts let downs and failed predictions.
there is no point fretting over the past so i think it will be a good time to celebrate.
The biggest issue the Society has to face.
by nicolaou innot paedophilia - as much as that must be dealt with.
not blood, shunning, corruption, failed prophecy, bunked chronology, the internet or u.n type scandals.. the biggest issue/threat the watchtower faces is authority.. hold up any other issue before a true jw and the shutters come down.
because they have listened to 'authority'.
WTS says two witnesses requirement "not tr...
by Had Enough ini haven't noticed this point posted anywhere yet so i apologize if i missed it and have posted it again.. this is posted on the official jw media website at
brumley,an official "general councel for jws has stated outright that the two-witness policy is "simply not true".
(i've bolded certain points below except for the title).
by mouthy inwatchtower ,aug 1st 1981 say.
your attitude toward the wheat like anointed "brothers"of christ will be the determining factor as to whether you go into "everlasting cutting off"or to receive "everlasting life ( math 25:34-36.
watchtower,july 15th 1991 says.