Hi Chalam, I was using the NWT because it was handy however I am now quoting "When the disciples saw this, they were amazed. How did the fig tree wither so quickly?" they asked." New International Version
JoinedPosts by villabolo
by Elsewhere inhttp://www.boxturtlebulletin.com/btb/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/3343598218_f7509066b7_b.jpg.
by Elsewhere inhttp://www.boxturtlebulletin.com/btb/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/3343598218_f7509066b7_b.jpg.
In Matthew 21:20 the fig tree is destroyed instantly, in Mark 11:20,21 the disciples don't notice it until they're back from the city. Also the chronological order of their trip in and out of the city is contradictory and confusing.
by Elsewhere inhttp://www.boxturtlebulletin.com/btb/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/3343598218_f7509066b7_b.jpg.
I'm sure this crowd is familiar with the contradictions between Matthew and Mark's account of this tree murder.
British Sociologist Predicts Possible Collapse in Jehovah's Witness Numbers
by slimboyfat ina newly published article by british sociologist david voas argues jehovah's witnesses may be about to experience a collapse in numbers.
contrary to claims by american sociologist rodney stark who predicts strong future growth for jehovah's witnesses, voas shows that jehovah's witnesses' efforts at recruiting new members have become increasingly unsuccessful over the past few decades: the rate of increase has steadily declined, and the number of hours each publisher must preach to produce an extra convert has gone up substantially.
voas suggests a reason for the stagnation may be that there is a natural limit to the number of people in a given population that are susceptible to conversion to sectarian groups like jehovah's witnesses - the 'carrying capacity' of the population, and that the limit has largely been reached.
" whether there is a complete collapse or instead a cyclical variation"
I'd go for the cyclical variation instead of complete collapse. And if the economy and other global conditions get worse their numbers will swell up before reaching equilibrium. It would be interesting to see these predators compete with other fundamentalists for the remaining unconverted prey.
Good article!
Changes to the Kingdom Interlinear
by PanzerZauberei inin the 1969 kit the society used a book by bible scholar justus lipsius as source material for their upright stake "stauros" doctrine of the death of christ.
they used an image of a man hung on an upright stake with no crossbeam attached to it.
then they placed a caption under it saying that the illustration came from lipsius.
Scholar who are you kidding other than yourself! Randall Watters blasted the JW misquotation of De Cruce Liber Primus by citing, actually photocopying what the book actually said about what kind of "cross" the church fathers believed Jesus was executed on. Look at Wikipedia under crucixion and do a Google for patibulum and stipes. Those are the Latin words for post and crossbeam. The condemned man carried the crossbeam to his place of execution where the post, permanently fixed into the ground, was located. The crossbeam would then be hoisted on top of the post. By the way, ever wonder why the NT has two words for the same object?
In any case how can you trust the credibility of a religion that claims that a cross is a phallic object? You might as well say that the letter o is an anal symbol! The GB simply has too much imagination repressed sexuality.
Is JW Disfellowshipping Scriptural?
by minimus inthe bible says to "remove the wicked man".
the scriptures teach that certain things are "works of the flesh".
some verses speak of "marking" or "taking special notice of" if a congregant is "disorderly".. where does the bible teach that a "sinner" should meet with 3 elders and they should hold a "judicial meeting to determine whether someone is repentant oe not"?
No, brothers I did not take it seriously. By the way, when will newbies get the limit of 10 posts increased?
"I would exchange every painting of Christ for one snapshot." George Bernard Shaw
by slimboyfat init's true images are everywhere, but i wonder what if anything would change in the quest for the historical jesus if there existed even just one photograph.. .
Of course Jesus was real, even if he lived before the camera age. You think those disciples had the imagination to make him up?
It always takes a charismatic guru type of personality to start a cult/sect/religion like this.
Is JW Disfellowshipping Scriptural?
by minimus inthe bible says to "remove the wicked man".
the scriptures teach that certain things are "works of the flesh".
some verses speak of "marking" or "taking special notice of" if a congregant is "disorderly".. where does the bible teach that a "sinner" should meet with 3 elders and they should hold a "judicial meeting to determine whether someone is repentant oe not"?
Thank you that's very righteous of you guys. I just made a mistake.
Is JW Disfellowshipping Scriptural?
by minimus inthe bible says to "remove the wicked man".
the scriptures teach that certain things are "works of the flesh".
some verses speak of "marking" or "taking special notice of" if a congregant is "disorderly".. where does the bible teach that a "sinner" should meet with 3 elders and they should hold a "judicial meeting to determine whether someone is repentant oe not"?
by Mary inever feel like you just wanna give up?
i'm losing my job at the end of this month.
because of the financial situation in the world, there's a hiring freeze on both internally and externally and hardly any positions are coming up.
From personal experience I would urge you to take those anti-depressants. It's not a sign of weakness.