Hello 2pink,
I understand your situation completely as it sounds a whole lot like mine. My wife did the same thing, she wouldn't read anything that contradicted the society. Just be patient. More than anything you can be an influence by your good example showing that even you don't agree with the org. you can still be a excellent person and good mother. Eventually he will probabely come around as my wife finally did. I've been out for about 8 months now. Although she is still in she doesn't believe its "God's organization" and stays only for her family ties.
As far as your religious situation is concerned, take your time and do some honest investigation in all avenues. Don't feel pressured to except many doctrines present in mainstream christian denominations just because you want somewhere to go. Witnesses are not wrong on every single thing as far as the bible is concerned (the trinity for example). Many christians are going to shove that down your throat even implying that your salvation depends on it.
I personally visited many churches, including a synagogue and a mosque, before I left the organization and examined their doctrines in some detail. After much investigation and earnest prayer I was led to embrace Islam as my religion and am happily serving God as a Muslim. So take your time and don't jump into accepting certain doctrines just to fit in, do some honest investigation. I still believe that parts of the bible contain some truth and bear signs of divine inspiration as far as the old testament is concerned. However, it has not been protected from corruption, which can be easily identified with some investigation. Even Jehovah acknowleged that in Jeremiah 8:18 when He said: "How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the Law of the Lord," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely".
At one time you believed that you had the truth and that everything else was falsehood only to realize that it was actually built on hallow reasoning. What your parents and family taught you was not trustworthy although it seemed like it. Could it be possible then that what society around us believes is not necessarily true or that some facts have been exaggerated or misconstrued? It is a huge possibility. So be careful.
If you are concerned, as I was, with worship to God that is pleasing to Him, you should pray to him directly and beg for guidance and direction with sincerity and honest intention. Don't use any mediator or other person's name to pray through. The Jews never prayer to God through someone elses name as a mediator and yet God heard them and answered them. Even when the prophet Moses ( may the peace and blessings of God be upon him) was a type of mediator it was unthinkable to pray to God in the name of Moses. So pray to your Creator directly and seek guidance. I have no doubt that If this is your concern He will hear you. God tells us in The Holy Quran 2:186,
"When my servants ask you concerning me, I am indeed close to them: I listen to the prayer of ever (humble) caller when he calls Me: Let them also, listen to my call and believe in Me, that they may be led to the right way"
Although there will be some difficult times ahead I hope that everything in the end turns out well for you and your family. I will keep you in my prayers.