Anullment will not work. You can anull a legal union, but baptism is not legal. Even though baptism is in effect a contract, the seperation of church and state would prevent any court from granting such an anullment, and you know full well that the WTBTS would not grant an anullment.
Posts by viva
Do not Disassociate, Anull your baptism
by jwfacts ini am now a jedi, so trust me on this.. .
why dis-associate, you are just playing by the wts rules?
how can you dis-associate anyway, you never thought you were baptised as a watchtower society member, you thought your dedication was to god, so why formally disassociate from something you did not formally join?
door cars and minivans
by megaflower inyes, the care of choice for any good witness family.
how many of you bought one for the good of field service?
you can be privlidged to take the lead in bringing a life saving message to the masses.
In the last congregation I attended, huge SUVs were popular, like Suburbans and Escalades (some in the congregation are pretty well off). They would put 7 or 8 people in those, really crowded.
I traded in my SUV for a truck and really caught hell for that.
At one point I had a WRX, hey its 4 doors. I made a lot of people car sick out in service in that.
Insider outsider Watchtower
by Luo bou to ini am interested in learning what you think are the reasons for having two watchtowers.
( not the party line) how is it put into practise and is it working?.
It was pretty easy to put in place since they had already reduced the Awake to one issue a month.
The public magazines are definately softer. The study edition is pretty much for hardcore indoctrination. I wouldn't really say it is any more complex than it used to be, as it is just the same crap over and over, but they do use many more JW specific terms.
Knocking on doors.....How successful is it?
by Quirky1 ini found this to be pretty unsuccessful during my time since i was a jw.
i actually had my interest sparked with the jw's by family members and freinds that were jw's.. were you a statistic of the knock at the door?.
I would say its pretty ineffective. Most new members are born in. Many others were at the time disadvantaged or in need.
Not only do most JWs have poor technique, interest in religion is waning in general.
Organ Transplants Bad->Good / Blood Transfusions Bad->Good ?
by still_in74 inso after all this what is acceptable and what is not?
not acceptable.
It is too much a part of thier identity. I don't see them changing thier stance on blood even though it is clearly unscriptural. All restricitons in the bible are against the dietary consumption of blood, there is no nutritional value in a blood transfusion, nor does the transfused blood represent life (soul) as the donor is still alive (not so for many organs).
However, blood technically is a connective tissue, maybe it is included in organ transplants? My conscience would allow that, not that I let the bible dictate my decisions.
Would god (even if he DID exist) deserve to be worshiped?
by mkr32208 ini was thinking about this the other day.
the case for evolution is pretty much sewed up.
even the evangelicals are only arguing the semantics anymore, most intelligent people take the case that evolution happened in some way.
If there was a god in the sense that a christian believes, all knowing, all powerful, all loving, etc., he should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, not worshipped. If there is such a thing as perfection, god has done a terrible disservice to all creation.
What did Noah and his family complain about during 40 days/40 nights?
by asilentone ini will start.
animals shit odor.
They probably complained about all the parasites / bacteria / viruses they had to carry with them, how else would those things have survived?
Why do JW's hate EX-JW'S more than WORLDLIES?
by african GB Member indo they feel intimidated by the fact that ex-jw's know all about the way they function as an organization?
(well except what happens at the "back room" and at gb decision making meetings)..... is it because they can still "catch" worldlies?.
...or is it because ex-jw's could poison those still in "the truth"?.
Thier logic is that worldly people do not know, but that ex-JWs did know the "truth" and have chosen to act against "god" (aka Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society).
I guess they do have reason to fear some exJWS, those that left because they concluded the teachings are wrong. Once you are aware of the facts, you cannot go back, and you could teach others the real truth.
Hello! I am no longer a Lurker!
by VIII ini have been reading the board for months and have been waiting to join!
thanks for allowing new members.
i was a jw.
Welcome to the forum! I am new here to. It is great to know that we are not alone...
by viva innew here, lurked for a while, glad to be able to join.. my introduction from jw recovery:.
"i am new to the board, so a short introduction is in order.
i am 26 years old and just out for about a month (update: four and a half months).
Password protected said: "Do you fancy sharing with us how the elders tried to track your GF down?"
In short, the day my DFing was to be announced an elder called and asked if I was going to the meeting, I slipped up and told him I was going to visit my girlfriend later. On the way there, I noticed I was being followed. No problem, took them down some forrestry roads and lost them. They were fairly good at following, keeping a good distance and all, but once I got out of town there was no chance that they were coincidentally going the same place. I gave them fair warning when I stopped and locked in the hubs on my truck. They ended up stuck and I kept going.
I still don't understand why they wanted to talk to her, presumably to get her to break up with or marry me.
I am a geologist, and I have a pretty decent job. Glad I got an education.