Tim, I can appreciate what you said.
On the whole, I despise the controlling aspects of the organization which restricts a person's conscience as well as the failure to allow debate. It's very old-school Catholic in that regard.
The people, on the other hand I found to be pleasant and honest. People who really wanted good things for the world as well as themselves.
I disagree that the bible-twisting was such that it inverted the message.
It's the message of the bible through my study over 25 years led me to conclude that the Bible is revisionist history and points to a being which simply cannot exist in the form described and be the creator of all that is.
The issue of universal sovereignty is a flawed moral concept, poorly executed and played out, the rules of the engagement violated by any number of parties from the beginning.
The lack of an explanation for why as creator would create at all. (actually one is given "love", but that's a logically flawed argument as well and begs the question)
Even if a creator did exist, it calls into question its own morality. To wit ...Since this being could have created Adam and Eve with faux free will such that they imagined they had free will but in point of fact didn't, it could have easily made it such that these imagined they were designed with the capability of performing an evil, but in truth lacked that capability.
The result would have been that they would not have sinned, but they would not have known it was out of their inability, not out of their free choice. Mankind would never have had the need for a savior, there would never have been death disease or the gamut of all evil permutations which have been visited on and by man since the beginning.
Some have said "Oh, but God would have know!"
To which I reply, "So what? It's all about him is it?"
To which the JW would say "Yes."
To which I reply..."And so how is that an act of love?"
To which they never reply.
Of course now considering this, we also don't know that we don't have faux free will now as it is? So we're perpetually incapable of ever knowing with certainty that this creator as described by the Bible isn't simply a highly intelligent, long-lived monster.
If you were to create a universe, would it be a soul-devouring carnivorous zero-sum game universe like this one?
Anyway... It was fun while the effects of the koolaid lasted. Once you become accomodated and put it all together you become a biblically knowledgeable agnostic. (unless you lack the existential awareness to realize that you can't make the ultimate affirmation that an atheist makes)