I want this software of record so can hear my sons what them call. when same body call i can record on my pc
i think who this is free in Italy for use family
know any program that i can download and put on my mobile phone to record phone calls when i call ?.
this have do automatically when i calle.. .
thank very mucll all.
I want this software of record so can hear my sons what them call. when same body call i can record on my pc
i think who this is free in Italy for use family
know any program that i can download and put on my mobile phone to record phone calls when i call ?.
this have do automatically when i calle.. .
thank very mucll all.
know any program that I can download and put on my mobile phone to record phone calls when i call ?
this have do automatically when I calle.
thank very mucll all
He should be in this forum recently...
written in probably between 50-80 ad by the apostle paul or perhaps more correctly dictated by paul and quite possibly, expanded on by his followers, colossians gives us many interesting verses:.
1:13-23. states that jesus is the first born over all creation, all things in heaven, earth and under the earth were created through him, by him and for him.. that the fullness of god dwelt in jesus and that jesus reconciled all unto him by his death on the cross.. and that god has reconciled us in christ, holy, blemish free, free of accusation, as long as we continue in our faith.. in the second chapter the writer states that in jesus all the fullness of the deity ( god) lives in bodily form and that we have been given fullness in christ who is ( present tense) head and authority over all.. now we come to a very interesting part in colossians:.
2: 16-23. where the writer now states that no one should judge by what one eats or drinks, or in regards to religious festivals, new moons, sabbaths, that no one desqualifies us from the prize because they worship angels and have false humility.
SO, the WTS. haven't establish rules. on birthday parties or other folk festivals and cultural events. notbody have judge.
i've been lurking here for many months.
i served as an elder for many years, and regular pioneer for much longer until recently.
i'm also a mts grad and was used extensively on the circuit and district level.
Welcome to the board I imagin to your situation very much. I again are in , and know as this is veryhard rest... here i have know much. also in a forum Italy help me. May God bless you.
x trevor scot.
the Wt forget many thing shides the writings that not to be suitable.....they say that those that are dead before Jesus not to go sky...
Hebrews 11:13..These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
Hebrews 11:16
But they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly - This is a full convincing proof that the patriarchs had a revelation and a promise of eternal glory in heaven. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: seeing he hath prepared for them a city - Worthy of God to give.
Of the faith of Enoch, v. 5. He is the second of those elders that through faith have a good report. Observe,
1. What is here reported of him. In this place (and in Gen. 5:22, etc.) we read, (1.) That he walked with God, that is, that he was really, eminently, actively, progressively, and perseveringly religious in his conformity to God, communion with God, and complacency in God. (2.) That he was translated, that he should not see death, nor any part of him be found upon earth; for God took him, soul and body, into heaven, as he will do those of the saints who shall be found alive at his second coming. (3.) That before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. He had the evidence of it in his own conscience, and the Spirit of God witnessed with his spirit. Those who by faith walk with God in a sinful world are pleasing to him, and he will give them marks of his favour, and put honour upon them.
Hi Blondie , nice see y.
wishes for your health,I will prayer God that can assist you and to make to be you good health, so to give good comments on thing writes the WT.
I also use your comments when I speak with elderly and I make comments to study wt. I always wait for your comments,
thanks .
[23:23] so friends, hypothetically, and i repeat, hypothetically, even if an angel were to come down here and land on this platform, today, at this moment, and to present something to us that didn't fit into the pattern of truth, what should we be ready to do?
we should be ready to say, " hold on there, that doesn't fit into the pattern, and i am not going to listen to it!
" yes, even if it were one of jehovah's angels.. .
Hello Blondie
I wait for yr comment WT study
i don't know if anyone else has posted about this, but at tonight's meeting it was announced there are two new leaflets one dealing with how to leave a legacy for the worldwide work and the other on how to make tax effective contributions?.
this maybe for the uk only but i thought it showed that they really are focussing on filling up the depleted coffers..
sorry i write italian
The Didaché: the most ancient ecclesiastical constitution
cap XI Say:
5. However he will have to stop one alone day; if there was also there need of a second; but if he stopped
three days, he is a forgery prophet.
6. departing, then, the apostle doesn't take for itself nothing if not the bread (enough) up to the place where
he will lodge; if he asks money instead, he is a forgery prophet.
i don't know if anyone else has posted about this, but at tonight's meeting it was announced there are two new leaflets one dealing with how to leave a legacy for the worldwide work and the other on how to make tax effective contributions?.
this maybe for the uk only but i thought it showed that they really are focussing on filling up the depleted coffers..
The Didaché: the most ancient ecclesiastical constitution
5. However he will have to stop one alone day; if there was also there need of a second; but if he stopped
three days, he is a false prophet.
6. departing, then, the apostle doesn't take for itself nothing if not the bread (enough) up to the place where
he will lodge; if he asks money instead, he is a false prophet.