DA with a long letter in May 2009
JoinedPosts by diamondiiz
huh, russell may not have been a freemason
by 504deist ini'm proud to be a freemason.
i always hated the connection made between charles taze russell and the masons.
i was looking at different masonic sites and came across an interesting article about men people assumed were masons, but weren't.
There never was proof of Russell being a mason just as there is no proof he was into ocult even though he used to believe in pyramidology. I always find it odd that other religions will make up stuff to discredit Russell when there is enough true facts that can discredit Russell :)
Will they be banned in Russia?
by truthsetsonefree inbelow is a pretty well done report on the russian situation.. http://www.russiatoday.com/top_news/2009-07-13/will_jehovah_s_witnesses_be_banned_in_russia.html.
Most likely another cult is bringing up allegations to the government that WTS is doing this and/or that. It's funny to watch how Orthadox religion keeps their own people blinded to their faith and claims other religion does the extremist behaviour in their back yard. If only all religion would cease how much less would we hear of this finger pointing going on. Besides what does WTS expect when they go and preach that all other religions are of Satan but only they are backed by God and all others will get destroyed except for them? They got a reaction in 1918 but GB doesn't learn and now the Brooklyn boys are safe so they don't really care if their followers get beaten or imprisoned or killed or raped. In fact it's always good to crank up the loud speaker how evil all others are so the persecution can keep the WT followers believing that it's Satan attacking them and they're dying for the Lord.
Society owes 50mil in fines over in Europe?
by cognac inhere's the site: http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-2020252_itm.
notice this paragraph:.
the french tax administration has now launched a serious attack on the freedom of religious association and worship by enforcing a 60% tax on "hand donations" made by more than 200,000 jehovah's witnesses in the last four years.
It will be interesting what WT$ will do when they loose at the European court. Will they try to pull something like they did with Mexico? But it would be impossible since they're already a religious group, maybe there will be a new light directly concerning French witnesses who will not donate anything in France but their loving donations will be accepted by Brooklyn through a wire transfer :) Maybe to a Cayman Island bank account just to make things really annonymous and it will be Brooklyn paying KH expenses thus the good ol' boys in Brooklyn come out as saviors of "JW"s in France. Any other twisted logic to get out of paying the bill or continue paying the tax?
Recently disfellowshipped prominent Assembly overseer in Western Europe now speaking out against the Watchtower org.
by the research lady informer elder, and assembly overseer roberto from france will be joining barbara and joe anderson on tonight's conference call, july 18,2009. roberto was disfellowshipped in june 2009 and after many faithful years of service is now joining thousands of others who are speaking out against the evils of the watchtower organization.
our call tonight will be focused on how the country of france, as well as other european countries are investigating jehovah's witnesses.
the watchtower organization is experiencing difficulties in these countries for the inhumane treatment and exerting too much control over people's lives.
Reniaa said "I wouldn't ask that question of anyone on here but if someone is acting as an authority on witnesses to the world, speaking out like the andersons do then I would want to know."
My question is:
How connected are you(Reniaa) to Watch Tower organization or any of it's various branches? I wouldn't ask that question of anyone on here but if someone is acting as an authority on witnesses to the world(this site is viewed worldwide), speaking out like you do then I would want to know.
Last quote from WT 1910 shouldn't have been used. It's obvious that a "JW" would say that's old material and they don't believe that nor do they study Study in the Scriptures. However bogus that was by Russell that quote is outdated to be used. There are more recent quotes that state not to study independently the bible and even they state that garbage at assemblies and DC. Otherwise the video was alright.
How many of you knew about the"Jesus is not your Mediator" teaching when you were JWs??
by Lady Liberty inhi everyone.... just curious how many of you knew when you were active, about the societys official teaching regarding jesus the mediator.
i was floored to find in my research, that they teach jesus is the mediator for the 144,000 only.
and it is only by our association with them that we might have salvation.. i don't know about you guys but i was blown away when i learned they taught this.
I didn't know it until I started researching WT$ and actually I only found out about it just prior to my DA letter so my guess most "JW"s don't have a clue about this WT$ teaching. But "JW"s under full mind control will accept it just because GB tells them so, how blind is that!
Apostacloset: BIG NO NO!
by White Dove ini made a mistake when talking to a df'd person i used to know in my old congregation.
she was super pioneer at the time, and i just found her on fb and found out she's df'd.
i used the word "apostacloset" when explaining that i'll come out of it when the time's right.
There are those that find out the truth about WT$ and leave or are dfed but that might be a smaller number of the total DFed individuals. Those that get DFed for moral conduct (most of DFed) most likely still belief that WT$ is God's organization and they blame themselves for being rejected by God and still believe that they need to change things in their lives to be accepted back by WT$. If these individuals don't know the facts they will veiw us as apostates and evil people who are trying to discredit a wonderful God's organization who could do no wrong. Thus these DFed people are still under GB influence and under their do some research on WT$ they will never set themselves free of GB's hold on their lives.
Haven't been to a meeting in 3 years...
by dudeson infirst off i'd like to say hello to everyone on this forum, especially those who clicked on my topic.. i was baptized on sept 9, 2000 when i was 15. looking back i only did it because i had been studying with the same brother for 2 years and it seemed like the next logical step.i have 3 half siblings who at one point were all going to the meetings but were never baptized.
none are in any way affiliated with any congregation at all and live a long way from myself and my mom.. my mother and i are the only ones in my family who have been baptized and as of dec. 2008 i moved into my own place because things were just too tense between us.
i figured it would be beneficial for our stress levels if i moved out.. when i became inactive my mom kept asking why.
If you don't mind serving another cult since that's how I view politicians then all the power to you. Personally I would not offer my life for some lousy politician or a banker, if I am willing to die it will be to defend my home and my family not some crooked men who create wars for their own benefits. It's a bit harder to ask a dead soldier what he thought of joining an army and would he do it again so when you get response from those in the military you're just getting one sided view if you get my drift. And it's not about being scared of dying you should consider but what is it that you are gaining besides a paycheck in exchange for your possible life. IMO it's better to be called a coward and live than a brave dead soldier. Balance your options and consider what you may want out of life? Family, children, home and will can you have these even if you don't make a great wage at home and the other option is you go to war and may have all these as well but your chances increase dramiattically of getting killed, paralyzed, severly injured, disfigured, loose limbs be affected by some war syndrome, etc. all the possible risks with just wanting to get paid. I have a young brother too who thought like you and let me tell you I would hate to see him risk his life for those f#%$%s sitting and dictating which country they will invade next so they can create some jobs and test their new weapons. Going to army is like JW going to hospital with a risk of surgery and you only hope they don't require blood ;) Just really think about your options and do you really love those politicians that you're willing to die for them because your not risking your life for any one of us here.
Haven't been to a meeting in 3 years...
by dudeson infirst off i'd like to say hello to everyone on this forum, especially those who clicked on my topic.. i was baptized on sept 9, 2000 when i was 15. looking back i only did it because i had been studying with the same brother for 2 years and it seemed like the next logical step.i have 3 half siblings who at one point were all going to the meetings but were never baptized.
none are in any way affiliated with any congregation at all and live a long way from myself and my mom.. my mother and i are the only ones in my family who have been baptized and as of dec. 2008 i moved into my own place because things were just too tense between us.
i figured it would be beneficial for our stress levels if i moved out.. when i became inactive my mom kept asking why.
I don't understand why you would leave one cult for another? Military is just another brain dead organization other than it pays but are you willing to die for the man? Sorry if this may sound offensive but really, if they send you to any of their BS made up wars and you have to go and are you willing to die for some a-hole in Washington or any other country? You're young, go to school get educated and find a job that will benefit you as you grow older and have a family. Young people think that money is important and the army pays so why not - remember you have a whole life ahead of you still and risking your life for some useless politician just isn't worth it just as it isn't worth dying for any of the old farts in Brooklyn. Best thing you can do is find a good job, even if it may mean spending next 4 years in school and when you come out you can prove to your mom that you're still the same person and you made something of yourself and you can have a normal life. Think of your future and the best way of you to enjoy that future because this life isn't long and why risk making it possibly shorter by taking a chance of being send off oversees to some war torn country?