JoinedPosts by wantingtruth
"Is Not My Word Like Fire?"
by wannabe in"is not my word like fire?".
why is it, today, that the majority of this world cannot stand to listen to the true message of the bible?
why do they become so irritated and inflamed with anger, when approached with this message?
Reform or dissolve Watchtower and questions?
by ruruj infirst of all, is there a way to keep this topic available?.
some would like to see authoritarian repressive watchtower gone, others want reform among jws now!
... "don't curse the darkness light a candle" - a chinese proverb?.
The fall of watchtower is a prophetical issue
the little stone/rock in Daniel 2:43,44 is The kingdom of God when it "comes" on earth
and the big statue is representing exactly the WT from its origins...
now we are living at its "feet" time
the kick will be one quickly and effective
and the results very visible
the clay cannot stay together with the iron
they will be separated
Introducing myself
by Jeremy430 ini'm mostly here to meet new like minded friends.
growing up in the religion has jaded my perspective.
most of my believes the wts is bs, but there is that part in the back of my mind that fears they have the truth.
I remember going to assemblies and we were warned about "Apostate" flyers and stuff. That never sat well with me, I mean if truth is truth...then people should be able to spot a lie from the truth. considering that they tell you how to argue every point with every other religion which should be more than enough training to build up your critical thinking skills...yet Apostate flyers are a threat to truth? How can it be if they have the truth?
Hello friend ,
here is what an "apostate" is seeing regarding the 1914 and kigdom in Heaven
Introducing myself
by Jeremy430 ini'm mostly here to meet new like minded friends.
growing up in the religion has jaded my perspective.
most of my believes the wts is bs, but there is that part in the back of my mind that fears they have the truth.
Is there an Anti-Type To King Nebuchadnezzer?
by wannabe inis there an anti-type to king nebuchdnezzer?.
nebuchadnezzer was the ruler of ancient babylon, who tried, to force, on pain of death, to get the whole known world during his time period to worship an image he had set up.
he ruled the whole known world of his time period; and his desire was to get all mankind to worship an image he had set up.
Do you believe that , wannabe ?
Is There (Was There Ever) an Anglo American Dual World Power?
by BluesBrother inif you live in the u s a or the united kingdom, this is how the wt society views your government, your nation :-.
yes, as an ugly, evil terrifying beast !
this is based on the book of revelation chapter 13 , quoted as follows in the revelation climax book.
The likening of Daniels' beasts with political governments is human interpretation and human teaching
a special messenger was sent to /exactly to/ Daniel , the receiver of the visions , telling him what it follows :
14. "Now I have come to give you an understanding of what will happen
-- to your people
-- in the latter days,
..... for the vision pertains to the days yet future."
so , the "beasts" have their fulfillment within God's people living during the latter days !
the individuals who promote human teachings , who tried and succeeded to get control over the faithful ones (sheep) , from God's point of view, are "beasts"
the present WT&BTS is a beast , being leaded by beastlike persons !
those real Christians in the organisation , are in fact not beasts , but opressed sheep
they have to be made free !
to understand deeper , it requires deeper study .
A New Slant On The Appointed Times Of The Nations!
by wannabe ina new slant on the appointed times of the nations!.
if you look at genesis 3:15 where jehovah told satan: "i shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed, he will bruise you in the head, and you will bruise him in the heel.
" {matthew 24:9 nlt}.
Hello wannabe !
you should observe that the "The Appointed Times Of The Nations" are part of a prophecy regarding the "latter days"
and also , it had to happen within "God's people'
both the members of the "New" Jerusalem and "the Nations" are within "God's people"
take a look at the chronology of the latter days
robson, welcome !
you said I will do my own research
-- you may also check here
greetings to all
1914 again
by inbetween inthere are a lot of thread s and arguments around the 587/607 issue, it can be a bit confusing, and for those of us still in, like me, to help others, it would not be a topic i would choose first.
it was something i found out, after i awakened, before i simply brushed it aside, as something like worldly chronology against biblical chronology.
imho to be ready for this issue, you have to be awake first, unless you are a real history buff... anyway, there may be another take on this matter:.
anyway, back to 1914: Will be interesting , if it still will be highlighted that much, when 100 year anniversary comes, or will it be replaced ? maybe great tribulation already started invisibly ? or something like that ? Time will tell....its only 4 more years to go...
the "great tribulation" is not over the WT society, nor over its leaders
while "the world" caused and still causes always tribulations over the ( true) Christians , the (biblical) Great Tribulation is a special tribulation over "the people of saints" , only they are "feeling" it ; and it is caused by the "weeds" or the Man of Lawlessness during the time he is ruling in the Temple as god !
so, while the "wheat" is together with the "weeds" , only the wheat is under the tribulation , and the weeds are the oppressors !
1914 again
by inbetween inthere are a lot of thread s and arguments around the 587/607 issue, it can be a bit confusing, and for those of us still in, like me, to help others, it would not be a topic i would choose first.
it was something i found out, after i awakened, before i simply brushed it aside, as something like worldly chronology against biblical chronology.
imho to be ready for this issue, you have to be awake first, unless you are a real history buff... anyway, there may be another take on this matter:.
try to understand what Jesus taught
and then you will see the futility of 587/607 discussions