JoinedTopics Started by wantingtruth
Any reason for my mother and I not to go back, this is one of them.
by Truth and Justice inhi to all, i have been away from the organization since the 1980's and as it seems, i haven't missed a thing.
i have seen a deterioration take place that is continually getting more dramatic than i have ever seen.
the thumbing down or the minimizing of spiritual food is reason enough that people are starving for something good.
The Internet continues to expose the Watchtower
by liam inanother exposure!
it's not a destructive cult.........it's a destructive organization!.
2024 year Highlights: JWs hit 9 million Publishers
by Sanchy inwatchtower put out some highlights for the 2024 service year:.
average publishers: 8,828,124. peak publishers: 9,043,460. a 43.2 percent increase in "those who returned to jehovah", meaning 65,816 were reinstated.
baptized: 296,267. memorial attendance: 21,119,442. missing stat: number of partakers .. womp womp.
Preaching the "good news" - about whom or what?
by BoogerMan inthe "good news" was specifically about christ's imminent kingship/rulership in heaven, to be followed by his rulership over the earth.
(matthew 6:10).
basileia (kingdom) - royal power, kingship, dominion, rule: not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather rulership, the right or authority to rule over a kingdom, of the royal power of jesus as the triumphant messiah.
Where do you see the Organization in the next 10 years?
by ukpimo inrealistically, between now and 2034, what do you think watchtower will change or reform to appear more mainstream?
what business opportunities do you see watchtower getting involved in?.
my predictions are as follows: .
by wantingtruth inproclamatore consapevole.
.....dai nostri frattelli italiani...... https://proclamatoreconsapevole2.blogspot.com/2024/10/adunanza-annuale-2024.html?showcomment=1728805024924#c657186278083234964.
Assembly Attendence
by Riley ini am in western canada.
we use to have our assembly in saskatoon.
our assembly has moved to medicine hat.
The Synagogue of Satan
by Sea Breeze inthe governing body claims to be the ruling part of the 144k jews in revelation.
wt leaders wiped out 4-5 generations of my family, and nearly took me out as well.
i will see this injustice settled however long it takes.
1874, 1914, 1919...Watchtower Time Countdown
by FragrantAddendum inwatchtower time - what has the jworg said about 1874, 1914, and what time is it today.
My latest letter to the WT organization
by Kosonen inmay 14, 2024. hello brothers at the writing committee.
many brothers and sisters are wondering when will the end come?
we were supposed to live in the last days of the last days as brother lett told a couple of years ago.