"For He is coming, He is coming to judge the earth.
He will judge the world with justice, and the peoples according to His faithfulness."
Psalm 96:13.
Through everything that JEHOVAH has made known during this time, according to His promises, it is clearly seen that He is coming to judge the earth,
therefore to judge the entire human society on Earth.
Of course He will judge the world with justice, considering the fact that the inhabitants of the earth were deceived! (Revelation 13:14).
There are sincere people on earth today who expected to see, that among the people marked with the Name of God, the justice and the moral and spiritual purity to which this people raises claims, are being kept (and practiced) primarily.
Not being what it claims to be, this people disappointed and petrified many inhabitants of the earth.
But the righteous judgment that begins with "His house", begins precisely with this people [Jehovah's witnesses], and the honest people seeing the righteous way in which the Most High judges, will take into account the fact that indeed He is a Holy and Righteous God, perfect in everything,
and that He really has a people who will truly sanctify His Name! Titus 2:14.
Of course, JEHOVAH is faithful in a perfectly complete way, in everything, and as such His judgment will be an indelible testimony for all the people of the earth.
In harmony with this state of affairs, the psalmist was inspired to write:
"May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you rule the peoples with equity
and guide the nations of the earth. "
Psalm 67:4.
When the peoples see the righteous judgment that Jehovah will make through those appointed by Him, they will say:
"Then people will say,
“Surely the righteous still are rewarded;
surely there is a God who judges the earth.”
Psalm 58:11.
The sincere people of course will want to be eternally subject to the Holy and living God, JEHOVAH.
All those with a pure heart will find this judgment good and right! Psalm 94:15.
-- You personally, how do you see this judgment?
-- The answer identifies you!
- The Reaper.