Point one: WT leaders and writting department DON'T HAVE A CLUE of the Hellenic language. They translated from the English NWT to the Greek instead of taking the original Hellenic test, when they tried to abuse the Greek NWT
Point two: Do you know any Scholar of the Hellenic language(not to mention the Greek Orthodox Church that is amazed by the translation)that they ever agreed with the WT's NWT of the Hellenic Scriptures?
Since I'm Greek and I feel so blessed because I can read the Original text of the Bible in my language, I was always asking how do those "old fools in Brooklyn managed to abuse the meaning of the Original Hellenic text and turn it in to something monsterous...
The Original Hellenic text says: Εν αρχ? ειν ο Λ?γος. Και ο Λ?γος ε?ν παρα το Θε?. Και Θε?ς εστ?ν ο Λ?γος.Translated bellow with the exact words:
Αt the beggining was the Word. And the Word was with God. And God is the Word