When I read this kind of quotes, I really ask my self: How could I ever believed this crap....
JoinedPosts by JustHuman14
Interesting quotes from the Feb 15th Watchtower (it's not a cult at all, honest!)...
by cedars inwell it's the 15th today, so i thought i'd check to see whether the feb 15th watchtower has been uploaded yet... and sure enough it has.. here is the link to the pdf.... http://download.jw.org/files/media_magazines/5a/w_e_20130215.pdf.
i've breezed through it and noticed that it is littered with odd stuff that would scream "cult!
" to an outsider, but which your average indoctrinated jw will just lap up as always.. here is my pick of the quotes.... the first article, entitled "this is our spiritual heritage" gives a very flattering whistle-stop tour of the history of god's organization - from abraham to tynedale to rutherford (bypassing russell altogether) before explaining that nothing will ever thwart jehovah's purposes.
by devonuk inmature disfellowshipped male seeks friendship with other males.
Ok I will send you a request...
Some Interesting Numbers to Compare With 20,000 Baptisms Each Month
by LostGeneration inblondie's comments on the wt this last sunday brought this to my attention.
the b0rg brags that 20,000 get dunked each month.
compare that to the following numbers from this site: http://www.wholesomewords.org/missions/greatc.html#birdatrate.
Did they really do that!!!!????? Wow there must have been lot of staff going to the WT world, after I left them 13 years ago....
New Light - FDS not appointed over Jesus' belonging just yet
by leaving_quietly infrom http://www.jw.org/en/news/events-activities/annual-meeting-report-2012/.
when does jesus appoint the slave over all his belongings?.
in those verses, jesus is referring to his coming as judge during the great tribulation.matthew 24:30; 25:31, 32.. jesus appointment of the slave over his belongings, then, must also be a future event.
The Leaders of this Cult have lost control due to failed prophecies and the fact that they have never been chosen from Jesus to take care of His Earthly matters. It sad to see that people, wasted their time and life, some even died for this man made cult. I left 13 years ago, because I realize that when the "new light" blinked back in 1995, (the separation work it is something that it will be a future event)WT is just another American religion. I spend the most productive years of my life, to serve(I was Regular Pioneer - 90 hours a month) a banch of old fools in Brooklyn, believing that my preaching work was going to save people...I was disfellowshiped, knowing that this will end my relationship with my relatives, friends and will lead to a great turmoil of my marriage.
So if Jesus hasn't chosen them yet, then why should we obey to them? If they haven't got any authority yet, then they have no right to disfellowship any one who doesn't believe everything they say.
Perhaps, the leaders of this Cult they are trying to change the date of 1914, since that date is linked with many of WT'S false teachings. No one knows what they are up to, but for sure they are preparing the rank & file for another radical change.
Unfortunately JW's will accept with out any question the "new light", because they are not able to exercise common sense and critical thinking towards their leadership and blindly they will follow the false prophets made in Brooklyn...
Another Major Flaw in the "NU-LITE"
by BU2B ini was just thinking and a new major flaw in the new lite sprang into my mind.
one of the ways the governing body justified its existence is saying that there was a governing body over 1st century christians based out of jerusalem.
now i know they dont have any real proof of this, in fact evidence is the opposite of this, but lets say for arguments sake there was a gb in the 1st century.
Thanks George...I'm just eager to see what reaction it will be among the R&F. This is a severe change, and it will confuse more the situation there, hopefully leading more JW's to exit.
I will pass this info to my JW's relatives (yeah, despite the fact that I'm disfellowshiped they still talk to me) and in a nice way I will point out the issues are involved with this "new light"
Another Major Flaw in the "NU-LITE"
by BU2B ini was just thinking and a new major flaw in the new lite sprang into my mind.
one of the ways the governing body justified its existence is saying that there was a governing body over 1st century christians based out of jerusalem.
now i know they dont have any real proof of this, in fact evidence is the opposite of this, but lets say for arguments sake there was a gb in the 1st century.
Are there any printed copies by the WT regarding the new light? I left WT back in the 2000 and I'm kind of confused with the new developments. Actually, in the mind of the JW's the GB and FDS are the same, despite WT's claims that FDS is part of the annointed class, providing spiritual food in time due. Now are they are coming with a new deffinition, claiming that the GB is not FDS and during the first century there wasn't any FDS, but only GB?
Boy I missed a lot of episodes from the WT...I need a serious update....
Pharoe Charles Taze Russell.
by unclebruce ing'day apostates,.
i was reading an article in the latest issue of atlantis rising regarding the great pyramid's missing capstone and the 1902 story of the recovery in the desert sands just 20k south of cairo, of the capstone of amenemhet iii's pyramid.. .
it's dimensions (1.85m at the base by 1.4m height) had me think of the similarly sized pyramid placed nearby charles russell's grave (under which there are rumoured to be buried many books .. similar to the way my teenage bed was crammed under with old watchtower and awake!
Russell was a kind of Pharao! I read Atlantis Rising it interesting issues
How many Muslim women martyrs do we need before Muslim leaders speak out
by skeeter1 inhow many muslim women martyrs do we need before muslim leaders speak out?by cristina odone world last updated: october 18th, 2012. comment on this.
enough is enough: women pay tribute to malala.
a 20-year-old afghan girl has been beheaded, by her in-laws, for refusing to become a prostitute.
Unfortunately this is what is happening when people are turning back to the dark ages, or still hold beliefs from a time that humanity was uneducated. Even in the Western Countries, women from that religion suffer the same pain and even martyr. Unfortunately we have been unable to educate them. Woman is a lower form of life, she has no rights, we see cases that young girls, age 9 & 10 can get married with men over 30. And when they 30 and beautiful, then their husbands (who are old and ugly, because they are jealous) they damage their faces of their wifes so they don't look beautiful.
What is the New Light?
by JustHuman14 inhi everyone.
i haven't visited the forum for quite a long time, and specially when it has changed before 2 years(my previous avatar was justhuman, since 2001), but i couldn't retrieve my account after the change of the forum, so i create a similar avatar.. so i didn't had time to look what's going on in the wt world, for at least 2 years( i was busy building my carreer to the titanic) and i just pop in to ask what are the new developments in wt world.
any new lights that the gb came across with, or god directed them to present to the flock at the apropriate time?.
Hi everyone. I haven't visited the forum for quite a long time, and specially when it has changed before 2 years(my previous avatar was justhuman, since 2001), but I couldn't retrieve my account after the change of the forum, so I create a similar avatar.
So I didn't had time to look what's going on in the WT world, for at least 2 years( I was busy building my carreer to the Titanic) and I just pop in to ask what are the new developments in WT world.
Any New Lights that the GB came across with, or God directed them to present to the flock at the apropriate time?
Why aren't you an Atheist?
by Bloody Hotdogs! inlong time lurker, first time poster.. .
i'm an ms (accounts servant) in a large congregation in canada.
over the last several years i've faught a hard-won battle to rid my mind of all religous and supernatural beleifs.
Because our life, the Universe, our moral values, everything that we see are govern by laws. I believe there is a Creator, an intelligence behind this.