Some Interesting Numbers to Compare With 20,000 Baptisms Each Month

by LostGeneration 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • LostGeneration

    Blondie's comments on the WT this last Sunday brought this to my attention. The b0rg brags that 20,000 get dunked each month. Compare that to the following numbers from this site:

    World Birth/Death Rates (2012 est.) 1

    Birth Rate: Death Rate:
    19 births/1,000 population 8 deaths/1,000 population
    131.4 million births per year 55.3 million people die each year
    360,000 births per day 151,600 people die each day
    15,000 births each hour 6316 people die each hour
    250 births each minute 105 people die each minute
    4 births each second of every day almost 2 people die each second

    Average Life Expectancy at Birth is 68 years 1

    I guess they are running a bit behind in that "preached in all the inhabited earth" thingie that they keep spouting off about

  • tootired2care

    "preached in all the inhabited earth"

    Thanks for sharing that. This looks like an unfullfillable commitment to me. I used to ponder this when I was still in grade school, I wish more people in the borg would wake up to these facts!

  • theBGB

    Is there any way to find out the percent of baptised that are born-ins? That would be the real test considering for the most part they dont actually have a choice in the matter...just going through the motions so their families wont disown them.

  • LostGeneration

    I doubt the WT keeps numbers on that. Even if you give them 50% converts, it makes their "ministry" an absolute joke.

    Personally, I would estimate its closer to 80% born ins in developed countries. I have no idea what it is in some of the poorer nations around the world.

  • theBGB

    Yeah, I figured the ONLY way WT would give those numbers out to the public was if the convert rate was over 50% (more than the born ins) and that will never happen.

  • blond-moment

    If you believe their numbers? I'd bet my butt they are padded numbers.

  • jwfacts

    10,950,000 are born a month and on 20,000 baptised. That is 10 million extra a month lining up for slaughter by Jehovah. There are as many being added per month that need to be killed, as the total number of JWs. So much for God delaying the end because he does not want any to be destroyed.

    "Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9

    To be fair, since those dying may get a resurrection it is only 6 million extra a month that need to be killed. (Although I was never sure about that, since the Watchtower used to say that dying during a judgement period meant you may not get a resurrection. Does anyone know the current teaching on that?)

  • Paralipomenon

    20,000 baptisms each month would mean a growth of 240,000 each year. But the growth from 2010-2011 was only 151,000.

    Well of course you need to factor in the death rate, right?

    The global death rate is roughly 0.883% which would give it 67,500 JW deaths.

    That leaves 83,500 people unaccounted for, so they have rougly 7,000 a month falling away.

    When you consider how many of those baptisms represent those born in, the ministry work isn't doing as well as they'd like to portray.

  • Paralipomenon

    By the way, the death rate for witnesses is grossly exagerated. The people dying of old age now on average were born in 1944. To calculate a proper death percentage for witnesses, you would need to consider what percentage of the population JW's were in 1944, a much, much smaller number.

    It's very complex math, but the society will just run with whatever the biggest number is to highlight growth.

  • blondie

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