I was added to this FB group without any knowledge. I could count the number of ex-JW FB friends on less than one hand (and none of them are any of the "big" names) and yet somehow, on however many days ago that it was launched, I found myself part of this group. My husband was able to see that I was part of this "secret" group. I've spent the day reading posts on here from people saying that if I didn't want to be part of it, then just leave the group. Well, guess what? I tried. And then I tried and tried and tried. I have no idea why, but it took almost 24 hours before FB finally let me leave.
This normally wouldn't have been a big deal (although any agreement I would have had with the group was lost before I even knew what it was, since there obviously was no thought or consideration to the consequences of blindly adding tons of people that whoever started this didn't know) but I had just made friends with a member of my dad's family who, even though they were a JW, had been looking for me for years, only to be told by my mom's family that I didn't want anything to do with them. It took my dad's funeral for them to finally be able to contact me. I've been out for over 15 years, and have no contacts or desire to return, but you know what? This member of my family is the only remaining link to my childhood I have that is willing to speak to me. Its not like I want a huge relationship with them, but they are the one and only family member that still wants something to do with me, even though I've made it quite clear I'm not returning. Thank goodness they're not active FB'ers or the rash decisions of whoever would have taken away the one and only link to my past. And, according to at least some on here, that would have been my fault, even though I had no say in the matter.
While I agree with the ideals of this group, even if it hadn't almost jeopardized a relationship I have, the way that things have gone about have completely soured me on them. All of us on here have been hurt by the WTBS, whether we know it or not, and it rightly stirs up some very raw emotions in us. But there's a professional and rational way to come across and present your point (which usually isn't the easiest approach to take) that will positively capture people's attention and create awareness to a very real problem. And then there's the knee-jerk, unbridled, over-the-top irrational way to do it, which, no matter how much in the right you are, will only draw negative attention to your cause, and make the WTBS look more sympathetic to the average person without much info on JWs. Not only did the AAWA take the rash approach, they caused people like the OP harm, and then reacted exactly like the organization they were fighting against would, trying to cover things up and deny. I have every respect for the intent, but zero respect for the execution, and zero respect for the group.