Breck Shampoo!! Wow! I must share what I saw on TV last night. An actress who modelled for Breck Shampoo many years ago was a guest on the television show, "Les Enfents de le Telé" on CBC Canada French channel. A clip of the Breck advertisement was shown. We see her lovely hair laying soft and almost floating behind and beside her across a sofa or such. The actress said it required four hours of brushing to get her hair to look like that, and that for a sequence where she does not have to move much. Cheers
JoinedPosts by jeandeau
Ladies - how often should you wash your hair??
by quellycatface ini've cut my hair washing from every 2 days to every 4 days and this week, i've left it 7 days.
it's been growing much better and is in great condition!
any tips for growing your hair lush and lovely?.
Time to move on, my last post on JWN....
by JustHuman14 ini have been posting into the forum since 2001(my previous avatar was "justhuman" and when forum changed to net, i couldn't retrieve my old avatar so i had to use a similar one and log in again).
almost 15 years are gone.
made some friends here, including mr flipper and one that i really miss dearly is oompa.
All the best. I miss Oompa very much also. I cried for a week after the news. He was a special character. He had difficulties outside of those connected to the JW issues but the shunning was too heavy for him to bear. I regret this; the love of many on this site was not enough to heal the bleeding wound in his heart. It would not heal because those he loved in his family , who would not reciprocate his love, feared men more than God and toed the Jehovahs Witness line of shunning any former member who would speak up against the fallacy and hatred within the church. His blood and that of hundreds more is upon the men who dictate the policies of the church and perpetuate vile errors rather than modestly accept truth modesty or love. My life was pretty much ruined by the doctrines and then the shunning. I wish I had the strength and formation earlier in life to make a radical break from the Borg and the tentacles it weaves into one's mind and consciousness. Likewise, I also am moving on because there is so much happiness to be found out there in life and joy to be discovered. God is not found in any church preaching down from on high. God touches and teaches each of us individually through our heart and reaches upwards from us and outwards to embrace our neighbours and community.
A problem with my daughter
by DATA-DOG inshould i try to dissuade my daughter from being baptized?
she doesn't seem to be in hurry.
all her " friends " are already baptized, some since early childhood which is ridiculous in my opinion.
Warning! Pay attention and get this straight! A baptism in the jehovahs witness religion is not a christian baptism. It is a legal oath and contract to obey the regulations of a legally recognized religious body. Undergoing a JW baptism binds her to all the regulations of the JW religion and to all rules that shall be imposed in the future as the leaders of the religios body see fit at any time in the future. Those rules and regulations will change. She will have no input in the future to this unilaterally altered contract. She gives up all legal redress to harm done to her by the organization where such is deemed to be in the realm of religious dogma not directly contrary to federal law. Review with her the content of the JW baptism vows. compare those with the baptismal accounts in the bible. The JW vows make her a slave to men. A real baptism is an expression of faith in Jesus and Jehovah with no attachment or obligation to any man or organization or whatever Orwellian double speak the WT organization uses to put itself on christs throne and Stick themselves in between men and God where thy don't belong. Our devotion to God sets us free. The ransom of Jesus life sets us free. Jesus came to earth to set us free. baptism as a JW will make her a slave to men again. At 16, your daughter wants desperately to be accepted in a peer group that reflects her values. She presenty knows only the local congregations and the JW realm. this is hardened and narrowed with the years to come. everyone should read Ïn Search of Christian Freedom"by Ray Franz, formerly of the governing body of JWs . It is avilable in PDF format for less than ten dollars. Ray illustrates well how the religion cripples our ability to be expansive and inclusive in our love for others and free to joyfully choose to express love. I cannot imagine a better baptism than telling all my friends to meet me down at the river for my baptism, and recieving my immersion by a friend or family member, without any religious vows. Baptism is into Jesus Christ, not a religion, let alone a sect or God forbid, a cult. Any pressure to conform via a baptism into a religion is seeking the favor of men, not God. I wish you the best. It seems impossible to create new friends and a new life but it truly is possible for most of us.
Eric Reeder's dignified obit
by Patron inreeder oak ridge eric hampton reeder september 27, 2012 eric hampton reeder sadly passed away at his home in oak ridge on september 27, at 51 years.
he's survived by two sons, tyler and travis, and many dear friends.
he will always be seen in the mountains, seas, suns, and storms he loved.
For Patron. dubb comes from jay dub<JW<jehovahs witness. CA circuit assembly, DC district convention. TTATT the truth about the truth..
Others care to contribute? Oh yes. How do we post a likeness on our self or our persona to our avatar?
2012 annual meeting notes
by lostinthought insorry for the wait guys.... .
part one.
moorse had the opening comments talked about historic annual meetings.. .
Thankyou Leolaia for the brilliant Parody you authored near the beginning of this thread. The vegan slave putting the eggs milk and meat out to rot after demanding the humble followers supply those very needs for the household.. that was bang on. I enjoyed the laugh though the whole farce involves the destruction of hundreds of thousands of peoples lives.
Light a Candle for Oompa
by BabaYaga inthere is a lovely site where one may light a candle for a moment of silence..
i set up a group, where they may all flicker together, if you like..
(we love and miss you, oompa.).
My candle is lit. Thanks for the opportunity to share our love. hey folks.. remember to relight your candle every day till friday for Oompa. They burn out in 48 hours. Let's have a sunrise glowing on Friday!
Jean d'Eau
Crisis of Conscience PDF
by loosie ini thought i saw on here a link for the online version of crisis of conscience.
i thought i marked it but now i can't find it.
link to commentary press,
I purchased the PDF for less than 10 dollars on this site, set up by Ray Franz I believe, and enjoy the book COC on my computer. A friend gave me In Search Of Christian Freedom soft cover. It changed my life, for the better. Much better.
Make Them Prove That You Were Baptized!
by VM44 inthis might not work for everyone, but it might for some.. if a person faces disfellowshipping, the person should make the elders prove that they are baptized!.
as far as i know, baptism records are not sent to bethel.. without two witnesses to the event (and the witnesses have to remember seeing the person immersed), and no photos, there would be no proof.. if someone did this, the elders would of course contact bethel for instructions, but what could they do?.
it would put a stop to the elders proceeding with any action..
CAUTION Lied2NoMore. be very careful here and sharp witted as a coyote. Perhaps a better approach is to make well known to everyone the invalid nature of your non-baptism, before ANY conflict with the elders. secure the sympathy and support of the congregation publishers and elders. If any judicial action starts now or soon you are in a precarious position facing needless suffering perhaps. Set the stage and you may get the last laugh. If the elders and all the congregation are convinced you are meek and contrite, seeking a real baptism, they will be on your side and provide you the evidence required for a successful outcome. convince everyone you are unhappy and desperate to have a "real baptism", that you are living a hypocritical and false life having not fulfilled the society's outline for those qualifying for baptism. You need a baptism at the earliest possibility, perhaps the next CA. When the elders get on board with your desire and plan, you have your ticket out. rejoice with everyone about your arrangements for a new baptism. record all your meetings with the elders as you prepare for your 2nd baptism , a valid baptism. go all the way to the CA baptism crowd, and pool. hold your hands over your mouth during the response where you are expeced to say yes in a public displlay that you willl not say yes to their odious request. Walk past the pool. The organization is left in the awkward position of trying to disfellowship someone they had just agreed to baptise, someone they had agreed was not baptised according to the societies qualifications and therefore remained unbaptised but was now qualified to be baptised but refused to be baptised. Disfellowshipping you would then perhaps open them to litigation. good luck.
Eric Reeder's Memorial?
by NeverKnew ini've seen the insulting obituary and like all of you, i'm blown away.. i've also seen several threads of individuals crying out for an opportunity to meet with others on this board.
maybe it's time to recognize the need for an assembly (if you will) to foster a familial relationship for those on this board!.
what if a memorial were planned, in eric's honor of course, for a weekend next september in north carolina?
I am happy to pay for an ïn memorium" advertiseement in Erics local newspaper, recognizing his contribution to the hapiness of others lives. do we have a volunteer for a coordinator . I would like to honor eric soon.
Apostasy Trial - Part 4
by RayPublisher inthe second 45 minute video is now online:.
Wow! Deja Vous! My Inquisition and tribunal was identical in all important aspects to yours Ray. You were ten times the man I was or am. I thank you for how you performed and posting this to YouTube. It is a perfectly accurate and representative testament to the true nature of the organization. No wonder the org works so hard to avoid having witnesses or recordings of these proceedings. I was an intolerable weak publisher who discussed doubts and asked for reasonable answers. Goodness was irrelevent, under the guise of trying to help me, they dug furiously for a confession or admission I did not recognise the authority of the WT organization and processes. My trial was held in secret at night. Witnesses of alleged crimes were not present. Witnesses to the proceedings were kept out. Recording of the proceedings was forbidden. The outcome was in the fix from the start.
I concur wholeheartedly and entirely with SD-7 in all of his comments and observations in this thread. Jeandeau