Nice one!!
Ignored One.
as most are aware, vicki boer has been long awaiting a decision to be handed down in a case she started against the society in canada.. the decision was handed down today.
as with any 55 page decision, it will take some time for the legal experts to hash it over and decipher what was said.
but, in a nutshell..... vicki won.
Nice one!!
Ignored One.
what are some of the worst ypa articles the wt could print in the awake?
(ie young people ask: how do you use a tampon?
Young People Ask: Is Radiohead too depressing for True ChristiansTM?
Young People Ask: The White Stripes' new album. Should I buy it?
Ignored One.
this is a highly interesting wt material (70 pages),.
that prepares jw's for child custody court cases.... .
some statements are shocking, there are many.
I felt sick reading that.
Have you been exposed to different religious views since youth? How has this affected you?
Learned tohate anyone not a witnessbe tolerant andoppose independent thinkingappreciate divergence of opinions; whilebeing forced to get baptized at a young age due to peer pressure and fear of being labeled weakpersonally choosingindocrinationsteachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, have learned toview anyone who has left the Jehovah's Witnesses as evil and to shun them even if they were members of my family or close friendsrespect others' right of choice.
How has association with Jehovah's Witnesses affected your life?
Comment on positive value of truthas opposed to the fact you you're depressed because of the current pressure to do more, more, more else be labled weak and have the majority of other young ones in the hall ignore you less they be labeled weak as well; have a purpose in lifeto devote your life to a publishing corporation and then wondering why you have no pension to fall back on when the end doesn't come; take interest in other peopleso long as they're aren't weak; good moralslike plently of people who aren't JWs; obey the lawlike plently of people who aren't JWs, etc.
Do you go from house-to-house? Describe your reaction.
Educational value of social contact; learn how to meet people, strike up a conversation andexpect them to accept my viewpoint as coming from God else they are birdfoodreason on a variety of topics. At an early date learned about the many different viewsbut still birdfoodpeople have.Forcing me intoMeetingfriends from schoolpeople at doorsmade me shy and gave my self asteem a blowovercame shyness and lack of confidence. Ease of dealing with people is valuable now in myP.O's cleaningbusiness as well asfrequentreligious andraresocial activities.
Is it not depressing when you are rejected at a door?
Yes.No. We have somethingtoogoodto be trueto share with those whoare depressed and more open to listen to our lieswant to listen. Each individual has the right toourhis opinion. If rejected, we can leave andlaugh how they will be birdfoodfind someone whoalso doesn'tdoes want to talk a fewhours drive hopefullydoors away.
Are not three religous meetings (plus assemblys, field service, family study etc etc) a week boring?
Yes.No. Meetings aredull as ditchwaterinteresting. Participate in Theocratic Ministry Schoolbecauseif you don't you're weakand learn how to talk tounmarkedpeople. Associate with otherunmarkedyoung people at meetings. Makefield ministrysocial anddullrecreational arrangements.
How did you do in school? Did you have any problems? Did you get along with other students? Did your association with Jehovah's Witnesses hinder your education?
All the f***ing time. I was a social outcast from the moment I got there. Wasn't allowed to make friends with anyone there who didn't have an interest in the JWs. Ended up living a double life getting myself pregnant, smoking and stealing stuff my parents wouldn't let me have.Not at all; kept me out of trouble with the drug scene, immoality, illegitimate children, shoplifting, etc. Helped me take a mature view of the need for an education so I couldignore all the advice my career's and pioneerdo something useful anddull as hellinteresting with my life.
Ignored One.
i have read alot of threads recently and it seems to me that each country of jw's has a set of different rules.
maybe most of the doctrines are the same, but there seems to be a big difference in ............... beards ........ clothing ........ tatoos ......... piercing body ......... grooming in general ......... cars ........... jobs you do ........ schooling .............. university ........... dating .......... what do you think ????????.
i read one comment (can't remeber who it was) who said that the usa jw's seem to be alot more concerned about stupid little things then most other countries.. hopefully we will get comments from all over the world on this topic, and compare some differences.. also brings up the question why ???????.
Since the WT is based in the US a lot of the 'counsel' depends on what is going on in the US at the time.
Take for instance the constant demonizing of heavy metal and rap music. When I was younger I was mainly into house/garage/trance/techno etc but as that wasn't mainstream in the US there wasn't any 'counsel' on it and that suited me just fine.
After all, how can you criticize a form of music that a good percentage of the time doesn't have any lyrics to 'stir the young ones into immorality'.
Ignored One.
my sister-in-law's husband was raised as a jehovahs witness in north yorkshire and was educated at home by his mother along with his 5 brothers and sisters.
i remember many years ago when it first became common knowledge, many brothers and sisters thought that this method of education was ideal for witnesses who wanted to remain separate from the world, but all the kids from our congregatation had a state education.
i guess my question is, was home education only limited to my in-laws husbands family, or were any of you educated at home?
The secondary school I went to pretty much sucked so being homeschooled didn't make a huge difference there.
The one thing I most enjoyed about home schooling was that I was no longer being bullied mentally for being different.
I did however miss out on the social skills. Although I would have likely missed out on them had I stayed anyway due to being a JW and therefore warned against having worldly friends etc.
Ignored One.
just saw them live tonight.. the rocked!!!
so any of you seen any good bands lately?.
Just saw them live tonight.
The rocked!!!
So any of you seen any good bands lately?
Ignored One.
hi eveyone, did your congregation ever have organised gatherings with other congregations nearby?
my old congregation rarley mixed.
there was so little social life that we had no choice but to visit other congs.. another question - did you get any counsel if you constantly attended a kingdom hall other than the one you were assigned to?
We used to have barn dances now and again. They were ok I suppose.
Another cong started to do the same until an elder there got a bee in his bonnet about it and it stopped.
Did any of you do the Gillingham Ice Bowl on the first Sunday of the month? That was great. Music and ice skating.
Ignored One.
... as it treats bush and blair exactly the same.... do not click on this link if your are a republican who finds parodies of gerrge w. bush unacceptable.
Have you seen the one of Bush and Blair doing My Endless Love ?
Ignored One.
Unbaptized Irregular Publisher.
Therefore scum of the lowest order.
None of the elders showed an interest as to why I was irregular, which explains my user name.
Ignored One.
ok, being the 80's teen i was.....here goes.... 5. milli vanilli.
girl you know its true (g g g girl!!).
4. wham young guns (go for it!).
1. Origin Unknown - Valley Of The Shadows (Long Dark Remix) - Pure old school drum & bass.
2. The Prodigy - Out Of Space - "I'll take your brain to another dimension"
3. The Beloved - Sweet Harmony
4. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
5. Blur - Parklife
(Subject to change as I remember other songs).
Ignored One.