For UK viewers.
Ignored One.
For UK viewers.
Ignored One.
just 2 more days left to my book study!
wheeeedited by - jh on 29 january 2003 6:39:43.
Awww. JH edited it. Now I don't know what was said.
Ignored One.
wonder if any jws were on this list.. .
ignored one.
Wonder if any JWs were on this list.
Ignored One.
anybody here who went to 'hayes bridge'?
seeing that we are visiting dudley, why not visit the south?.
now this is a nice looking hall in the middle of nowhere!!!!!!
I never liked the red decor, always sent me to sleep.
Hang on.
Maybe it was the program.
Ignored One.
Of the Hays Bridge class.
are you a lover or a hater? or
Mmm. Marmite.
Anyone remember those recent ads for it? I loved the taste test outside the supermarket one.
Ignored One.
i'm new to this board.
i'ts nice to be able to jump into an ongoing discussion among like-minded people.
The Eels did a song called Jehova's Witness.
Ignored One.
a cockroach will live nine days without its head, before it starves to death.
a crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
a pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.
The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
I always knew they were sadists.
Ignored One.
hi all - i've only posted here a couple of times - i'll post my story at some point.
i know quite a few people on this site are from the uk.
i (and my husband / 3 kids) lived in the uk from 2000 - 2002 and returned back to our home in minnesota 4 months ago.
I'm making a curry tonight as it happens.
Ignored One.
this is mine:.
it's by georgia o'keefe, one of my favorite artists.
my signature pic is also one of my favorites by giger.
I love Edward Hopper and Patrick Caulfield.
Ignored One.
following the deaths by shooting of 2 teenage girls last week, the uk government is speeding through even tighter gun controls than ever before.. already, high court judges have been told to impose a minimum 5 year jail sentence to anyone found in possesssion of a hand-gun in a public place.
also, consideration is being given to outlawing replica firearms as well as air powered weapons.
much is being made of the violent lyrics sometimes contained in rap - music which appears to often endorse gun culture.. see: for full story.. englishman..
I thought Bowling for Columbine explained US gun culture rather well.
Ignored One.