I think the governing scum have been cleaning up for years
Posts by wozza
How many times did you see a JW start a business
by karter inwith the intention of spending less time working and more time in f.s i saw this many times.
an ex c.o started a carpet cleaning business with the charter being spending less time working more time in f.s.
he has long since passed away and the company is now huge being the major player in flood resteration and employing 100's of people one of the owners i spoke to recently was sick due to using to many chemicals but carries on becouse he loves the money even though he's worth millions.
Are the witnesses working the homeless territory in down town L.A.Calif
by James Mixon intoday after leaving the va center in l.a. i drove around to see the homeless and.
blocks and blocks of tents, card board boxes, hundreds of homeless people with.
a look of desperation on their faces.
GB meeting......."we could get the brothers to call out to see the homeless ,but there's no money in it "
Elders at local kingdom hall......."we could get the brothers to call out to see the homeless, but then we would have to take the group out there"
Publishers at local Kingdom Hall......."we could go and witness to the homeless but there's no Starbucks nearby and the poor buggers can't read anyway can they?"
Why the Bible cannot be the work of an all-wise God that epitomizes love.
by Island Man inthere's simply no way to honestly deny that the ot condones genocide, slavery and misogyny.
there are too many passage showing yahweh commanding his people to wipe out this nation and that nation - women and innocent children included!
it leaves us with a god who wrote a book that very, very, very much seems like it condones genocide, but it doesn't, etc.. what kind of god does that?
Wheres PERRY ?
A cheeky cigarette in Adelaide
by wozza inmy partner has been going to the adelaide law courts recently and as she goes thru the topham mall she has said hello to the jw cart ladies on her way ,well, today one of the ladies she observed went around the corner from the cart and lit up a ciggy...so naughty.. my partner has never been a witness but she knows i was once and asked me if they were allowed to smoke now.. jeez they get up to some naughty stuff when they are lounging around on their phones ,must be the devils tools corrupting them ha ha.
P.S. the witness lady was in her early fourtees, not a rebellious kid.
A cheeky cigarette in Adelaide
by wozza inmy partner has been going to the adelaide law courts recently and as she goes thru the topham mall she has said hello to the jw cart ladies on her way ,well, today one of the ladies she observed went around the corner from the cart and lit up a ciggy...so naughty.. my partner has never been a witness but she knows i was once and asked me if they were allowed to smoke now.. jeez they get up to some naughty stuff when they are lounging around on their phones ,must be the devils tools corrupting them ha ha.
stuckinarut - yep for sure she has'nt mixed them up with someone else because her son has been taking literature from witnesses in another area for some time and they called around regularly to her house before we got together!
Jehovah protects his people. Did he ever protect you?
by TimeBandit inhello forum.
i started this topic because i had been thinking recently about a story that i had heard many times in different congregations over the years.
kind of a jw urban legend if you will.
When pioneering ,attacked by an Alsation bitten up the back of my legs ,another time a bull terrior latched onto my hand and would'nt let go till the owner come to the gate ,another working with my ex wife a woman set her 2 Dobermans onto us and we had to run back to the car 300 metres ,oh Jehovah was'nt around then or around when countless Jehovahs witness children have been raped molested and some murdered.
A cheeky cigarette in Adelaide
by wozza inmy partner has been going to the adelaide law courts recently and as she goes thru the topham mall she has said hello to the jw cart ladies on her way ,well, today one of the ladies she observed went around the corner from the cart and lit up a ciggy...so naughty.. my partner has never been a witness but she knows i was once and asked me if they were allowed to smoke now.. jeez they get up to some naughty stuff when they are lounging around on their phones ,must be the devils tools corrupting them ha ha.
Oh yeah that would have been fun to post!
An Elder tried to steel and inheritance: Stays an elder!
by StephaneLaliberte inthis is the story of a woman, who’s mother became a jehovah’s witness in 1985. unfortunately, religion became a very hot topic in the family and the mother lost contact with most of her family.
the situation was so bad that the family believed that it was the jehovah’s witnesses that completely prohibited her from contacting her family.. years went by and all remained the same until 2008; the jw mother became sick, very sick.
as she felt that she could even die, she renewed ties with her only daughter.
Sickening story and really sad for the daughter ,
A cheeky cigarette in Adelaide
by wozza inmy partner has been going to the adelaide law courts recently and as she goes thru the topham mall she has said hello to the jw cart ladies on her way ,well, today one of the ladies she observed went around the corner from the cart and lit up a ciggy...so naughty.. my partner has never been a witness but she knows i was once and asked me if they were allowed to smoke now.. jeez they get up to some naughty stuff when they are lounging around on their phones ,must be the devils tools corrupting them ha ha.
My partner has been going to the Adelaide law courts recently and as she goes thru the Topham Mall she has said hello to the JW cart ladies on her way ,well, today one of the ladies she observed went around the corner from the cart and lit up a ciggy...so naughty.
My partner has never been a witness but she knows I was once and asked me if they were allowed to smoke now.
Jeez they get up to some naughty stuff when they are lounging around on their phones ,must be the devils tools corrupting them ha ha
slimboyfat joins the Mormons!
by slimboyfat ini know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
The USA 60 minutes did a bit on how they handle homosexuality ,showed vision of them putting porn on a TV and hooking up wires and electrocuting the persons testicles - oh yeah a fine upstanding American religion.
Grew up in it ,all but one elder that used to call around became gay or was already gay ,always wondered if they got this treatment. Could go on but what's the point....................