I agree with OUTLAW there is a holy spirit ,I drank a bottle of Smirnoff years ago and it went into me , did'nt like what it saw and I barfed it back out again!
Posts by wozza
There is no Holy Spirit.
by hoser inthere is no holy spirit.
i lead a double life.
i post on apostate web sites, swear like a sailor, covertly subvert the watchtower religion and do many other things i'd rather not mention.
Gog of Magog - Watchtower says it has two identities
by Listener inthe searcher started a topic addressing the gt, a comment from sparrowdown asked an interesting question -.
"...the political powers of satan's world will form a coalition..."that's the statement that interests me.
what are they alluding to?.
Thanks but the first Gog is "of" Magog as if to say Gog comes from Magog
The second Gog is "and" Magog as if to say these are two identities and does'nt say where they are from
So maybe the fools on the Geriatric Body are personifying the place Magog now like they say Wisdom is personified ,so desperate to invent a new group to back up their bullshit.
Gog of Magog - Watchtower says it has two identities
by Listener inthe searcher started a topic addressing the gt, a comment from sparrowdown asked an interesting question -.
"...the political powers of satan's world will form a coalition..."that's the statement that interests me.
what are they alluding to?.
In reference to those two charts displayed.........
I don't see two Gog of Magogs but ........I do see one Gog of Magog and one Gog and Magog
Do you see the difference?
this is a bit alarming
What is the biggest sexual scandal to hit the top of JW tree ?
by Chook inelders ,co ,do ,branch overseers ,gb ,missionaries has "sinful" lust got the better of them..
Her's a couple of my experiences from years ago in Adelaide South Australia :
The Fulham Gardens congo which had alot of Italian families was closed completely after many decades as there was 40 years of sexual impropriety amongst the leaders - so much for holy spirit appointing the elders . I don't know though what the "official " reason for the closing was.
A book study conductor elder of the group I was in had to confess to having sex with the best friend of his wife after several years when the friend confessed years later ,he was appointed after he had sex with her - again the holy spirit is'nt to fussy.
Oh ok another......early one morning while working on a building site in the city of Adelaide I saw the city overseer leaving a building which was known as a brothel - did I tell the brothers ? hell no he was also a lawyer and the JW scales were falling off a little bit at a time.
Former CO Willis Bentley
by Rejected inis he on this board?
does anyone know the reason he left?
what denomination is his church?.
Wrong so wrong try again .........................https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/289012/does-anyone-remember-district-overseer-joe-slaiman
success I think
Former CO Willis Bentley
by Rejected inis he on this board?
does anyone know the reason he left?
what denomination is his church?.
joe134cd - I'm not sure how to transfer a link on this site but I'll try ....nup won.t work just do a search on this site to a topic involving the name joe sleiman - the spelling is incorrect i think but it should lead to what you are looking for
If you had the means to kill a terrorist before he detonated would you ?
by Chook ini mean blow their fucking brains out..
I'll go one further and say kill the murderers ,pedophiles etc that can be proven without doubt , after all , If there is no god there is no-one to answer to except man himself and his authority.
We rid the earth of filth we don't need ,forgiveness would be misplaced upon the scum of this planet ,we are no different from the animals in that we live and die so there is no moral problem here for the scum are just bad organic material.
To me the argument that we are superior in intellect so we should show compassion beyond what the animals have is crap.
Did you ever have a discussion with an apostate that helped your journey out.
by jwfacts inthere seems to be a number of different ways that apostates try to get jehovah's witnesses realise they do not have the truth, ranging from subtle comments to aggressive attacks.
do you have any that looking back helped you finally leave.
some of the methods include:.
Never spoke to anyone as I was obedient (grrrrr) but many years ago while working on "security" at the assemblies I remember in Adelaide some protesters with placards out the front of the assembly location and thinking that they seemed passionate enough but I then put it down to demonic craziness like the WTS wanted us to believe ,but the memory stuck .
And again whilst patrolling the isles during an assembly I saw an older couple with photo copies of old watchtower and awakes in their hands rushing to their seats after a break ,and it seemed their eyes were a little crazy like born agains that we would meet out witnessing ,but it did leave an impression that they had something strongly on their minds and we would watch them closely. This I would recall many times over the years, and helped me find all the old literature I could find to look back on JW history ,not just the sanitized version of their history the WTS gives the drones.
Russell's aleged freemasonry on JWfacts.com
by NikL inpaul has written an interesting piece on jwfacts.com .
anyway, it jogged my memory and reminded me of something i thought i would pass on to you.back in the late 80s i had the opportunity to chat with ray franz on the phone and i asked him about this very thing.he didn't say yes or no to russel's masonic connection but what he said was something like, "he is buried in the masonic section of the cemetery so draw your own conclusion.
For me the fact that Russel started a religion from others thoughts and writings and populist thinking makes him someone who was'nt unique then.
Whether he was a Mason does'nt matter to me to prove he was not from god ,he finished his days and is rotting in the ground with borrowed symbols for a tombstone.
He successfully started a crooked american religion that we got sucked into and I'm so thankful that years ago I found this site (thanks Simon) and traced it,s history on the major points ,the small details don't matter .
What Russel did was start a fire of deceit that other crooked people kept alive to their advantage ,I only wish the internet was around when I embraced this crap ,at the time I could'nt find a book to refute it.
Can the dead hear?
by AmyWatson916 inthe "what does the bible really teach?
" book says we cannot speak to the dead (page 64) and that the dead do not hear (page 58) but on page 68 the book has jesus talking to a dead man and the dead man apparently hearing and responding.
the same thing happens on page 69 when peter talks to a dead woman and the dead woman apparently hears and responds.
Yes if we were blindfolded.....................but then it could be said that the writer (my mother) of what was said wrote down not what appeared on the table . Also note that no-one was touching the glass ,they were and the glass did not move ,but when I put my hand above the glass and they removed their hands that's when it started going from letter to letter . If my mother had rigged it somehow I don't know how she did it (like magnets), but I remember feeling like my skin on my back was lifting off when I approached the table.
The table was just a Formica covered kitchen table ,letters and yes / no written on ordinary writing pad strips torn off a page and the glass used was an upturned Vegemite glass that was now used as a drinking vessel (every Australian home had a few of these).
I can't explain this and won't attempt to convince anyone but my mother especially had a history of dabbling in occult practices as the JWs say ( telepathy etc) I've stopped searching for answers to this and many other things I've witnessed and just getting on with life ,the things we can see are enough to deal with let alone things we can't see.