Speaking of fools ,I put my hand up. Met my first wife when she was living away from her parents who were JWs.
Eventually found out what they were and went to a meeting in about 1974 and love bombed.
Though cynical about their religion I accepted a study eventually from an elder who said 1975 October was the end ,but first wifes mother disagreed with this , I saw the problem and stopped studying, this should have been a warning but no.
We moved away had babies and I found out my wife was doing a study ,I was not happy but was convinced by her study conductor to have another look at it. I was worried for my babies sakes how the world was going and had many questions and troubles about my past including spiritism, rape ,molestation etc - yeah I was ripe and vulnerable. I was really taken by the study conductors way and agreed to study with a brother again in 1980 ,but he was easily twisted in a knot by my reasonings so again I quit.
Did I end it there ? No another few brothers tried to get me on side as the sisters did their best to act sweet and get my wife in . Next they sent a Russian/chinese guy who I was drawn to for his personality and his bible knowlege ,and I again studied in 1981.
There was so little anti JW literature in those days ,none at the library so I ran out of missiles in my arsenal and gradually accepted the cunning arguments he presented ,though there was this little voice in my heart. he seemed to have the answers to the problems of the past with the spiritistic practises of my past life , hope for my children ,and thinking that no one eventually will have to live through horrors I and others have lived through ,yeah I was prime meat for the WTS.
1983 I was baptised and zealous and my wife and I were successful in studying with many people. I believed the WT history book about it itself that it was "candid" but as the years went by that little voice spoke to me on many occassions usually at times of elders hipocrisy. My pioneer wife left us for the world ,brought my kids up and re-married to a sister ,who after we married told me her elder father had molested her for years , and so began about 15 years of sorting this out with the society (which never did because of the 2 witness rule), during which time I had a mental breakdown and hospitalized several times.Only one sister visited ,love amongst the bothers what a joke!
About 2002 I formed a case against an elder in another state where I lived for a while , it was serious misconduct on his part but I had 3 JW witnesses to the conduct against me and informed the Society in Sydney
Needless to say he got away with it but I had the evidence needed to show the two witness rule is BS and started me on a journey of finding out the TRUE history of Jehovahs Witnesses. I think the little voice in my heart had started to yell at me !
In my experiences I discovered Deut ch 22 v25-27 and others which was used at the Australian Royal Commission against the hypocrisy of the WTS
Recently had some young witnesses come to my door and spoke to glazed eyes sadly ,but I hope ones read this and run away from the servitude of the WTS ,I did'nt for years, I did'nt provide for my financial future sufficiently and now I live on a pension because I believed the WTS shit and thought the end would come decades ago while the governing body live in relative opulence without a care in the world ,the witnesses are paying for their comforts.