Posts by wozza
The gratitude of Jehovah's witnesses - unbelievable
by punkofnice ini have to rant...i know you'll listen and understand.. i drove over to my son's place.
down one side of the road cars were parked making only room for one vehicle to travel.
here was a car that didn't have right of way approaching.
And this was reported to and acknowleged by Australian Bethel ,still remained an elder no reproof -
The gratitude of Jehovah's witnesses - unbelievable
by punkofnice ini have to rant...i know you'll listen and understand.. i drove over to my son's place.
down one side of the road cars were parked making only room for one vehicle to travel.
here was a car that didn't have right of way approaching.
Oh PON you're just being precious ,when you are told to f... off by an elder in front of his family and 3 witnesses who testify inwriting he did this ,then you've been shat on ha ha -
1942 Book "The New World"
by Debra Ann Romano ini grew up in a magnificent, 3-story, greek revival house on the once very rural staten island ny.
the house was originally part of a huge compound, cannery, farm, and wbbr radio station owned by the watchtower society.
my late grandparents purchased 1065 woodrow rd in 1957 and that is where i spent the next 12 years of my life.
What a find ,looking at that old book made me think of all those old timers back then , who believed what is in those pages and worked hard to spread the contents to their neighbours then , and now in our time so little in that book is current teaching on JWOrg. Sad -
Are the J.W's reaching a "Tipping point"?
by karter ini haven't been to a meeting in 15 years but my mother and sister are hard as j.w's.
the brothers they are appointing elders are at best suspect like one guy from my old hall made elder,big time drug used before becoming a j.w his talks are all over the place and would have struggled to make m,s years ago but with at least 60 to 70 % of young ones leaving the pool to pick from is at best reduced.. 2 other recent elders both young and zero life experience both on benefits one not well at all falls asleep all the time.. the decent,kind elders mostly older and are decent people with alot of life experience are burning out fast as there are so few of them left like 3 per congro of 100 publishers.. then you have the rich elders who wouldn't ever think of inviting some poor older or mis-fit person out to the expensive placers they go to as they couldn't afford to go so they are above the r&f and the r&f get pissed off with them.
then we have the ones who have "put the kingdom 1st" who are now old worn out and barely getting by from welfare cheque to welfare cheque that are saying "the system should have been over many years ago" it's still here and they are struggling everyday.. then there are the pioneers who have a low payed reduced hour job that seem to think anyone who has anything is totally materialistic and looks down on anyone getting a new car buying a house ect.. along with the child abuse issues,the generation change,access to information the the g.b don't want anyone to know ,not to mention the issues around blood.. is there a tipping point coming????
Aw come on guys is it really that bad ? If they fall in a hole we'll have no-one to have fun at ! -
Need advice: Intimacy with my wife almost non existint because she considers me an apostate
by goingthruthemotions injust on of the perks of being an apostate who is married to a branwashed, blinded jw woman.
you know, we have been married for ~27 years....most of which we had nothing to do with the piece of shite cult.
up till the begining of 2014 was when i woke up.
The situation won't change ,she's already mentally gone ,my next point my offend but here goes......
Your situation sheds light on the the theory that women will only accept men iff they get what they want out of them ,when the well dries up so does the sexual favours . But then I also knew a brother who would hold back sex from his wife unless she succumbed to his "lord of the manor" ways because he knew she had a high libido.
Maybe it's just human nature to be a selfish arse hole, and you both made a terrible decision to partner up.
When we offered these books at the doors ,we would be very careful as to what pictures would be shown the house holder ,it was embarrassing . -
Kingdom hall in a church complex
by StephaneLaliberte incheck out this kingdom hall right in a church complex!!
google map!
So it is OK to give money to a church organisation for it's church but not OK for a JW tradesman to do some work and get paid for that work at that church before it was sold to them ? huh -
Kingdom hall in a church complex
by StephaneLaliberte incheck out this kingdom hall right in a church complex!!
google map!
Oh yeah ,"get out of her before.... blah blah" -
'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds
by Coded Logic in'sting' videos of planned parenthood are totally manipulated, forensic analysis finds.
i find it truly amazing that our good friend perry makes a huge deal out of this when he thinks he's finally found some footing to stand on and desperately tries to throw it in our faces - but when it's completely debunked he suddenly goes silent.
Look forward to the reply. -
VA shooting suspect was raised a JW! He mentions it on his Twitter account
by WingCommander inanyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
Ah we need a new system